Joey Chestnut profile in SJSU student newpaper

The Spartan, the newspaper of San Jose State University, has a long article about Joey Chestnut, who will be in Myrtle Beach this weekend:

Even when he’s not participating in an eating contest, Chestnut’s plate is always full.

For 38-to-40 hours a week, Chestnut works as a project engineer for Gonsalves & Stronck Construction, a San Carlos-based company.

His class load, though only six units this semester, includes a construction law and a fluid dynamics course.

Yesterday, he competed in a barbecue ribs competition in Reno, and Saturday he will fly to Myrtle Beach, S.C. to see how many pulled pork sandwiches he can fit down his gullet.

“It’s tough,” Chestnut says. “School’s taken a little bit of a hit – more than I’ve wanted it to. I’m a part-time student almost since the start. I pay for everything myself.”


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