Jon Squibb announces that he won the Pizza Slaughter Fest contest in Atlantic City for the second year in a row. update Press of Atlantic City has an article and gallery. Dale Boone was the runner-up. update Tony Baloney's has a facebook gallery and FeetHands218 has videos Part 1 | Part 2


  1. Anonymous said

    May 14, 2011 @ 7:01 pm

    Was this contest fixed too?

  2. Mind blowing!!!! said

    May 14, 2011 @ 8:36 pm

    Squibb, USMale, & Boon were gettin at it! That was a hell of a show. Squibb killed it. I could believe the stamina. Great victory Squibb- congrats!!

  3. anonymous said

    May 15, 2011 @ 1:49 am

    Totally insignifigant at this point as to US Male Boone & Squibb putting on a show. . They are no longer Major league eaters or at least 2 of the three arent so basically it was nothing more than a side show for the main event

  4. anonymous said

    May 15, 2011 @ 7:53 am

    Once a pro, always a pro. Just because they choose to no longer be a part of the MLE means squat. They can still take on many of the top 20 of MLE

  5. Jamminjoe said

    May 15, 2011 @ 8:17 am

    anon1:49 what planet are you from? You make no sense, what point are you to make. A major league eater does not have to be a member of any organization or league to have major status. Goldstein,Squib,G Joe and even that clown Boone are eaters of major status, Here is another bit of info for you, EVERY eating contest other than the wing bowl and nathans are side shows for other events. Now to learn to convey a point you may want to try grade school.

  6. anonymous said

    May 15, 2011 @ 9:02 am

    This just proves that all the bubble gum chewing and water stretching accomplishes very little . Either you have it or you dont and Boone and Squibb have it while the rest of the field does not

  7. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    May 15, 2011 @ 10:02 am

    Don’t be so sure anony 9:02, that is just a plain foolish statement. Those are techniques passed around and talked about in many places going far back. JamminJoe makes lots of sense.

  8. F the MLE! said

    May 16, 2011 @ 12:56 pm

    Some of the greatest eaters in the world aren’t in leagues. If it’s fixed or they suck why is Koby tryin to go head to head with Squibb? Anonymous should get a clue and stop hatin. Prob competes and looses. Haha

  9. Tony Boloney said

    May 16, 2011 @ 1:40 pm

    Squibb, Boone, U.S. Male, Polish & the 7,200 people that showed up for Tony Boloney’s Pizza Slaughterfest to benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand should all be commended. Yes, they won some kick-ass prizes like round trip air to anywhere in the world, hotel stays, and about 15k in prizes, but they made a huge impact on a charity that needs tons of attention. To down 10lbs of pizza, with crazy toppings, in 37 minutes (Squibb), 29 (Boone) and 21 (U.S. Male), all for Charity, they are all owed a huge thumbs-up from the professional eating world. FYI, El Wingador was there along with 5 independant parties to verify weight, time, etc… Congrats eaters and congrats Alex’s Lemonade.

  10. Roy said

    May 16, 2011 @ 6:59 pm

    El WIngador doesn’t verify a thing. He just looks to promote his own garbage and nobody really cares about him. He is washed up and it showed when wingbowl was fixed. The guy ate slower than a snail yet he finishes one wing behind Squibb. If the wings were weighed I’d bet my life savings he would finish around 4th – 6th place.

  11. anonymous said

    May 16, 2011 @ 7:31 pm

    I agree there are specific eaters that only care about themself and only enjoy hearing themself speak. Ed Jarvis Lerman Russ Keeler Wingador just to name a few. Even Larue to a small extent. Ever speak to them? Most of the time they dont hear a word you are saying .

  12. Scotty2Stomachs said

    May 17, 2011 @ 12:12 pm

    I’m with Tony! These guys got out there and did the damn thing. This site is full of haters who feel the need to run their mouths & hide behind anonymity. This day was FOR CHARITY! They weren’t up at the Nathan’s qualifier taking a stab at getting beat by Chestnut again on July 4th- they were supporting the efforts to cure childhood cancer. Where were the rest of you? Sitting around waiting for this to be posted so you could weigh in your two cents? Do you contribute? Do you do anything unselfish? NO – you talk trash! Anybody who’s got the balls to call shenanigans on the validity of this contest or the winner deserves to have their tongue cut out in the name of goodness, kindness, and non-profit orgs. Congrats guys! When fighting against childhood cancer- everybody wins! Squibb- that’s freakin nuts! 30 bro?! Way to be.

  13. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    May 17, 2011 @ 12:52 pm

    What? Just from their posts and reading here, how can you put Russ Keeler and Jammin Joe in the same category as Jarvis, Lerman and Wingador. Funny. Even so, Jarvis, Lerman and Wingador do not trash others, each one has their own style and take.

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