Kid Cary videos on youtube
“Kid” Cary Degrosa, who ruled Las Vegas eating before the LeFevres emerged, has uploaded a clip of him competing against Grub Smith in a hot dog eating contest from a British travel program. There is also footage of Kid Cary dancing to “The Hot Dog Man” at a Nathan’s contest.
Kid Cary has talked about making a DVD of his competitive eating exploits. If that project will not materialize, hopefully he will put all his clips on youtube.
Rhonda Evans said
July 18, 2007 @ 7:33 am
I think the video of his eating exploits would be good for initial scenes of a “where we were” (in CE) versus “where we are” montage.
anonymous said
July 18, 2007 @ 9:37 am
he did put out a dvd . I have it front of me . Its called kid cary with relish . It is a very good montage of all his eating exploits. Some of the footage is bad quality and some is good. I think he transferred some mediocare vhs footage on to dvd . It is worth checking out . He was a true innovator