Takeru Kobayashi will appear at The Foodspotting SXSW Street Food Fest 2012 in Austin on Saturday. He will be competing against a group in a one minute grilled cheese eating contest.
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anonymous said
March 8, 2012 @ 3:32 pm
Who gives a shit its all about him
Anonymous said
March 8, 2012 @ 5:47 pm
Over 4000 facebookers confirmed going already! Wow! Kobi is really helping with bringing attetion to this event.
anonymous said
March 8, 2012 @ 8:40 pm
Really this is getting played out. Why doesn’t he just join the circus
Cuz your fat said
March 8, 2012 @ 8:44 pm
Kobi getting more action than Chestnut these days. He is staying plenty busy without MLE. Nathans famous made Kobi world famous. Haha
Joe said
March 8, 2012 @ 10:36 pm
@8:40 when did C.E. ever stop being a sideshow type of entretainment. It is, always has been and always will be “circus “entertainment
anonymous said
March 9, 2012 @ 6:46 am
When you have the MC dressed like a circus guy, the event itself becomes a circus sideshow. Add in guys with face paint, a few big fat guys, and handle bar mustaches and there you have it.
Anonymous said
March 9, 2012 @ 9:50 am
Foodspotting is a foodie website – those 4000+ confirmed could care less about someone stuffing their face.