has a gallery of Takeru Kobayashi's visit to the Sports Illustrated office on Tuesday where he drank a gallon of egg nog faster than a team of staffers could.


  1. Mad Man said

    December 22, 2011 @ 12:30 pm

    Okay, I can understand working the press. But, Kobi showing up to SI every week must be getting a little tiresome and has to appear a little desparate particularly to saavy journalists. Yeah, we get it, you can eat a lot, you showed us that last week. I’ll tell you what, call us if you’re going to eat against Joey Chestnut? Kobi’s Johovah Witness press strategy showing up at newsrooms unannounced is a bit naive and underscores his craving for attention.

  2. Watch close said

    December 22, 2011 @ 12:57 pm

    Your point is ??

  3. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    December 22, 2011 @ 1:29 pm

    Disagree entirely. SI is paying some attention to him and photos are worth many many words. Very quick look of course, but if he can the attention of SI with some nice photos, that is excellent for him. Imagine if SI were to cover Wingbowl though……that is a huge kettle of sushi, and he may find himself having to swim in waters filled with sharks the likes of which he has never seen or imagined. Lots lost in translation for him here methinks. Really, really, really wish that he had stayed in MLE.

  4. Fashion Police said

    December 22, 2011 @ 1:34 pm

    is it me or has Kobi’s wardrobe evolve into more effeminate attire over the years?

  5. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    December 22, 2011 @ 1:49 pm

    Endorsement by a major sports news agency is priceless publicity. Any eater or CE org—-hell, any sports figure period—- would have to be off their rocker to pass it up.

  6. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    December 22, 2011 @ 2:34 pm

    It’s you. 🙂

  7. Judge Landis said

    December 22, 2011 @ 3:18 pm

    Rhonda I agree with your response regarding that whole “effeminate” thing. However, I have to say his wall paper background with all those dogs shoved in his mouth is an interesting choice. As someone who has known him since this his early years, you have to admit there has been change in his persona. Which I want to say is natural for any young person. In his early days he was always shy and seemed to have somewhat of an aversion to the whole publicity thing. He was all business and it was just about the eating. I first noticed a change after the last Krystal contest with Kobi coming out of his shell. I think we were all shocked when he arose from the stage at Krystal’s striking a body builder pose. It was great, but it wasn’t the old Kobi. I think a lot of it had to do with his relationship, which may of helped him overcome some of his shyness. I do think that some people, particularly those who knew him in the day, view it as a bit over the top now in the flamboyancy factor. But, he clearly seems to be enjoying himself and the new him so I say, you go dude.

  8. Shhh said

    December 22, 2011 @ 4:36 pm

    I’m just writing this first sentence so it will have no interest them and they won’t click on this thread and ruin it. But, are you guys reading what’s going on between Gavonne and the Beautiful One in the thread that OJ set up for them? It’s hilarious! They’re having this public monkey fight, the crap is flying, and they don’t even realize what the idiot show they’re putting on. If I didn’t know how true it was, I would almost believe that they’re are really two actors playing crazy people. It’s hilarious. It’s like watching two nuts arguing on the street that the people who are sending them signals to their brains are from the planet Zercor or the planet Beenon. OJ, you really need to keep an ongoing continuous thread where all their posts get directed to because it’s very entertaining when their not disturbing the normal people. It’s great, you can go there watch them sling their crap, and then go back to a thread that is having meaningful discussions of the issues of the day. OJ you are a genius!

  9. neilthem said (Registered January 14, 2011)

    December 22, 2011 @ 8:21 pm

    Hello Mad Man,

    Do you honestly think that Kobi has concerns competing against any other eater on the planet, including Joey Chestnut? Unless you are carrying the torch for the Shea boys, you might have noticed that Kobi ate more hot dogs on the 4th of July than anyone else. In front of impartial judges. Do you blame Kobi for being a media magnet? Do you begrudge his global fame? Do you have an issue with him maximizing his marketing potential? It sure seems as if you have issues. And, you claim to be a journalist. I hadn’t recognized your name- sorry. I will conduct a GOOGLE search though and try to determine who you are and why you are holding a grudge against Kobi. If you ever met him, you might realize he is a wonderful guy. It seems as if the people who rant against him are oft jealous, or are disciples of the MLE (the organization that makes pro wrestling look like Wimbleton). Do you understand why Kobi can’t compete in the Nathan’s event? Have you seen the restrictive covenants in the contract that must be signed for entrance? I have. No one in their right mind would sign that agreement. Have a great day.

  10. Anonymous said

    December 22, 2011 @ 8:57 pm

    Kobi ate shit on July 4. His own rules? He could never beat Chestnut again in dogs and buns!

  11. Anonymous said

    December 22, 2011 @ 10:32 pm

    Shhh I ike your style.

  12. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    December 23, 2011 @ 9:14 am

    Shhh is welcome to his opinion but his post belongs where it should be… off comments.
    Mad Man posts just another way off base, trying to get a rise out of someone or other for some reason or other. Mad Man, use spell check or something and pay attention to how you write as well as what you write because people will pay closer attention no matter what your message.

    Two observations about Koby on here are good topics for discussion among people who have known him or follow him. Rhonda takes care of some of the first by saying yes, “it is you”, referring to his newer style of dress. Pretty simple explanation, it seems. Look at his FB page(s) or his tweets etc. and see his “manager/friend” and her world. She is a stylist and designer, he lives full time in the States now, pretty much asked and answered. Hotdogs in the mouth, sexual innuendos, really stupid, just forget it, it is show biz. Focus on who he is and his incredible talent. Argue the whole thing back and forth about his eating on the 4th this year, old news, good points on all sides, it was not the same as competing in Nathans, he still put away a lot of dogs. And yes, I do think he could beat Joey or maybe could have. But that doesn’t matter because it didn’t happen and isn’t going to happen.

    So now to the contract. I still wish Koby had stayed with MLE. And no, I have not seen the contract so there is no way for me to know or understand why he could not sign it, just conjecture on my part, I know the general restrictions. Was the actual contract posted anywhere? Or can neilthem at least summarize the restrictions.

  13. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    December 23, 2011 @ 9:16 am

    I should add, was his contract different from other MLE eaters, tailored for Kobayashi or the same. That would be interesting to know, probably not possible but since we are all just spinning our own wheels here, it is a good question with no certain answers. Neilthem?

  14. Mad Man said

    December 23, 2011 @ 12:41 pm

    Okay Nielthem:

    “Do you honestly think that Kobi has concerns competing against any other eater on the planet, including Joey Chestnut?”

    Of course, I can’t speak for Kobi but since you asked for an opinion, yes I do believe he would prefer eating against a top eater like Joey Chestnut compared to sub par eaters. He obviously cares about attracting news and his stunts and competitions against less qualified eaters are not as interesting to the media.

    “Unless you are carrying the torch for the Shea boys, you might have noticed that Kobi ate more hot dogs on the 4th of July than anyone else. In front of impartial judges.”

    No, I am not carrying a torch for the “Shea boys,” but I do respect that they have put together the most widely recognized competitive eating organization in the world. Any journalists will tell you that. Yes, I did notice he ate hot dogs on the fourth of July. I and many thought it appeared selfish, jealous and sad on his part. The same when it came to his turkey stunt. “Impartial judges,” well I guess we’ll have to rely on Kobi’s people for that description since they are the ones that selected the judges. Competitive eaters don’t get to select judges at MLE events.

    “Do you blame Kobi for being a media magnet?”

    No, he earned being a “media magnet” during the years with IFOCE when he became famous for eating at Nathan’s on July 4. A company of which he now displays no loyality to what so ever as he made evident by doing hot dog demonstrations and competitions with Nathan’s competitors.

    “Do you begrudge his global fame?”

    No. I think his “global fame” helps gain recognition to competitive eating as a whole. However, I feel his actions after leaving MLE have hurt his image and that of competitive eating as whole.

    “Do you have an issue with him maximizing his marketing potential?”

    I think he is doing a lousy job of “maximizing his marketing potential.” Showing up at Nathan’s uninvited, storming the stage, and getting arrested was a disaster and sad. This year’s hot dog event by himself was weird and strengthened my belief that he really wants to eat at Nathan’s but he can’t. The video he made to run at his hotdog stunt about how people still like him because he travels a lot seemed desperate. His pizza event in a rainy, half full parking lot somewhere in Canada looked sad. All of his recent events against significantly less talented eaters for a paycheck is awful and demeaning. In fact, what Kobi doesn’t realize is that so many of the events that he has done were turned down by MLE. From MLE eaters standpoint, it’s kind of sad to see him promoting an event that for MLE eaters wasn’t worth doing.

    “It sure seems as if you have issues. And, you claim to be a journalist.”

    Everyone has issues. I prefer to be annonymous. But, yes I do have a background in journalism.

    “I hadn’t recognized your name- sorry. I will conduct a GOOGLE search though and try to determine who you are and why you are holding a grudge against Kobi.”

    Nope, no grudge against Kobi just telling the facts how I see it. Fine do a GOOGLE search but I would prefer to remain annonymous and I hope you would respect that.

    “If you ever met him, you might realize he is a wonderful guy.”

    I have met him and he is wonderful guy. It’s not personal, but I feel he is currently damaging his career, image and I think that’s a shame. His image is iconic with competitive eating. So, as he wrecks his career I believe it also hurts competitive eating and other competitive eaters.

    “It seems as if the people who rant against him are oft jealous, or are disciples of the MLE (the organization that makes pro wrestling look like Wimbleton).”

    No, I do not want to be a competitive eater so I am not jealous. I am not a disciple of the MLE. Less than a four line post being a Rant is odd description. But since you mentioned it, I think your analogy of MLE is wrong. MLE and the eaters they have contracts with (yes Kobi too) have brought competitive eating to unheard of levels of public recognition. It’s odd that Kobi never recognizes that and it appears selfish if he thinks he is the only one when it comes to competitive eating.

    “Do you understand why Kobi can’t compete in the Nathan’s event?”

    Yes, he wouldn’t sign a contract with MLE as every eater is required to do in order to compete at Nathan’s to protect the company, MLE and the eater.

    “Have you seen the restrictive covenants in the contract that must be signed for entrance?”

    Yes I have seen a MLE contract. No I did not see the specific contract offered to Kobi but if press reports are correct I understand he was offered a more lenient contract. Yet, the contract that is offered to every MLE eater is to protect the MLE, sponsoring companies, and eater. It is for those reason that MLE can get major companies to sponsor events. It is Kobi’s lack of a willingness to sign such a contract that limits him from getting major sponsors of his events. He’s not reliable when it comes to product loyalty.

    You too have a great day.

  15. neilthem said (Registered January 14, 2011)

    December 23, 2011 @ 12:50 pm

    Thanks for the thoughtful response MadMan; I will read it.

  16. Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)

    December 23, 2011 @ 1:52 pm

    Now that is really really more like it Mad Man. I read all but cannot comment, too busy today but following all. I stand corrected about your presentation and spelling……you were hurrying. If I had a positive effect by my own hastily written comment which, having read the above is now definitely off base, that is good. On my original comment, mea culpa.

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