Takeru Kobayashi announces that he will attend the NFL draft tonight. (It is ironic that a big advocate of competitors' freedom would endorse a mechanism that restricts the rights of performers.)


  1. Paul Tagliabue said

    April 26, 2012 @ 4:20 pm

    Restrict? But they can always go play in Canada.

  2. Say it Ain't So Takeru said

    April 26, 2012 @ 4:21 pm

    That’s rich. And, I guess he’s going to storm the stage tell Andre Luck and RG III not to sign a contract. Has Kobayashi’s need for attention gotten this bad that anywhere there’s a camera he will show up? This is helicopter reporter Bob reporting on a three car pile on the highway. Hey what’s that? There seems to be some Japanese guy standing on the side of road by the accident eating hotdogs. Pathetic.

  3. anonymous said

    April 26, 2012 @ 4:51 pm

    Honestly who gives a shit

  4. Anonymous said

    April 26, 2012 @ 11:03 pm

    The NFL & the players split the cash, pretty close to 50/50. MLE makes 95% of the money. HUGE difference.

  5. anonymous said

    April 27, 2012 @ 1:50 am

    He seems to think he is a celebrity on par with Micheal Jackson or someone of that magnitude. Dude you can eat a bunch of food better than others . That where it ends. Reality check please set in

  6. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    April 27, 2012 @ 1:30 pm

    You people—-it’s only one or two—-are jerks, talking about Takeru that way. It’s jealousy and resentment, plain and simple, the same as it is with Furious Pete. Both of thoise people not only have a life, they’ve got it goin’ on!

    One thing about anonymous people, is that it helps mask a need to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. As such, their comments are about as important as deciding which side of my neck to apply perfume first.

    For those who want to come back at my being anonymous … go ahead … make my lunch hour. There are scores who post as “anonymous,” in some variation on this site, but only one who posts legitimately as “Rhonda Evans.”

  7. Dirty Anony said

    April 27, 2012 @ 2:25 pm

    Rhonda: No jealousy or resentment, Takeru brought all the criticisms of him and his career on himself. He quits MLE, then tries to pass blame for his actions on to the MLE by misrepresenting a contract designed to protect the interests him, the sponsors that paid him and helped him make it to the world stage. So, he egotistically goes off on his own. Yet, soon finds that competitive eating is more than about one person (Kobi) and the market for a one man eating show against less then talented eaters is not as lucrative as he thought. Despite this realization he continues his tired Free Kobi sham and feebly tries to embarass Nathan’s by storming a stage and doing fixed rooftop events. He also goes as far as to try to embarass MLE eaters he once considered friends by conducting sham events in conjunction with MLE events (i.e, Turkey). Regarding being anony, just because you consistently post under an anony name isn’t any different than any other anony post. Any criticism of other anonys like you doesn’t make sense. Furious Pete, I don’t know where that came from except that early in his career he would often make baseless claims he was as good as the best MLE, which we know is not the case. But, Pete doesn’t do that anymore which is smart and I salute him.

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