Lerman family returns to competitive eating

Don “Moses” Lerman reports that his nephew Ryan Urban successfully completed the Triple King challenge at Fatburger. He says they will be attempting every eating challenge in the NY metro area over the next year.

Lerman has the following open letter in another post:

In the last few weeks I’ve received both fan mail and hits on my site from every corner of the globe , I want to take this time to thank my loyal fan base and readership. I promises that I will do everything in my power to shed the lbs. and compete once again , I will be a back …and thats for the record!

Comments (11)


  1. Atta boy said

    October 20, 2007 @ 3:02 pm

    Good news all the way. Go get em Don screw those slave driving bastards . Contract my ass.

  2. I smell something said

    October 20, 2007 @ 4:15 pm

    Here we go. Don will lose the weight and grant went through richmond. DON MOSES LERMAN THIS AND DON MOSES LERMAN THAT AND BACK IN THE DAY KRACHIE HARDY MATZAH BALLS.Will this man ever go away ? i think we are stuck with him forever

  3. Old school my foot said

    October 20, 2007 @ 5:21 pm

    Brian dont ask Lerman to verify anything. He has to get an ok from Ed Jarvis before he is allowed to speak his mind or give you an answer. Would not suprise me if he ratted out your comment to Jarvis and Jarvis copied and pasted it to the sheas which he is notorious for doing to other eaters since he’s been in the ifoce.

  4. donmoseslerman said

    October 20, 2007 @ 8:45 pm

    this is don lerman edjarvis is a good friend of mine but he doesnt pull my stringsand neither me nor him report anything to the sheas or anyone else , mr writght your wrong so are you old schoo;l my footsaid what you printed is a bold faced lie….don lermqn

  5. anonymous said

    October 20, 2007 @ 11:08 pm

    As long as there is a spot at the table for Lerman he wont go away. He still thinks he can win the wingbowl . He would have a better chance competing against his old school rivals than getting his ass handed to him by these kids. Lerman why dont you take on Phil Lipper or Krazy Kevin in a chicken wing tuneup before you throw yourself to the wolves. Are both of them still alive and breathing?

  6. donmoseslerman said

    October 21, 2007 @ 12:25 am

    I can win and will win if given the opertunity to compete,

  7. Anonymous said

    October 21, 2007 @ 6:07 am

    DonMosesLerman is one of the very gratest eaters in history and he has done more for comp. eating than anyone around today. If allowed to compete once hes ready he will not just win wing bowl but he will also win nathans. He is my favorite to be such a great eater when he returns that he will break every record hels by all other female eaters and and force their exiting from the sport. Don is a proud former marine and a mans man and not a wimp or a pansy.


  8. Tex Mckenzie said

    October 21, 2007 @ 9:18 am

    This is wonderful. Don Lerman is back once again. I knew he couldnt stay retired. Now Don get on the phone first thing tommorow and inform the Shea’s that you want to reinlist and ranked as a competitive eater. Tell your gorgeous girlfriend and your dog that you might have to spend less time concentrating on them and more time on training for the big events. I would highly suggest they automatically rank you in the top 15. What do you think?

  9. Rhonda Evans said

    October 22, 2007 @ 9:24 am

    Don I hope all goes well on your rebound.

  10. donmoseslerman said

    October 22, 2007 @ 10:12 am

    I’ll be a long was untill I shed the lbs. , but to quote Genaral MacArthur ” I shalll return!

  11. donmoseslerman said

    October 22, 2007 @ 10:21 am

    that last cooment by me should have read i’ll be A LONG TIME UNTILL i shed the lbs, I was typing without my reading glasses

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