NZ Herald reports that Lulu Huang won the first prize of $1000 in today's ramen noodle eating contest at Wow Wow Wow in Auckland, NZ. Nela Zisser was 3rd place and reports her mouth blistered as a result of the temperature of the noodles. update Jul 20 has an article about Lulu Huang.


  1. Anonymous said

    July 18, 2015 @ 4:07 pm

    lol 3rd place out of 4 people horrible…. take away the so called “model” aspect and you got another wannabe eater…….

  2. Sean Nichols said (Registered October 14, 2013)

    July 18, 2015 @ 4:59 pm

    i know the feeling if the temp is way to hot. What you gonna do tho. Hopefully it was the same for everybody else but that is always hard to say.

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