Comments in the Niko Niko's thread not about the Houston gyro contest have been moved to this thread.


  1. beautifulbrian said

    May 3, 2011 @ 1:51 pm

    My attorney has been contacted regarding the lies about me from your peanut gallery , Youre finished Rifkin hope you enjoyed the 7 year itch Maybe you should remove those incriminating comments about me like right now

  2. the great gavonne said

    May 3, 2011 @ 4:56 pm

    now THAT’S funny!!!

  3. Remove? You're delusional! said

    May 4, 2011 @ 2:06 am

    Clownish boy, You voluntarily and gleefully print lies about others whom had nothing to hide until you you felt an uncontrollable urge for self-gratification or profit. Why not simply self-gratify in the traditional physical sense and leave everyone else out of it?

    You still don’t get what nearly everyone has told you for years now: Journalism is an honored craft with many talented and trained practitioners worldwide. What you do is barely grade-school level. Sorry to hurt your feelings, but there is guild fostering worldwide standards in the avocation. Believe it or not, some people (for example Carl Woodard for one) exemplify some of the highest standards of that craft. Please get up in his face at your next opportunity and feel free to swear and spit. I mean, you never know what he may have written (or not) about your fantastic achievements. He may sympathize about the cost of printing unfounded, libelous, and slanderous statements about others. Especially after they’ve expressed their wishes to the contrary.

    Fortunately for them, a class action suit is a actually viable option. You, on the other hand, have printed here and on other venues, more than enough to get the ball rolling (thanks buddy) for a class-action suit or at least provided the basis for the investigation of a number of small civil suits against you. All basically due to your stupidity. Sit, spit and snicker as much as you like, but there are actuality people that have been materially harmed and have legitimate ligation claims. Some are considering moving forward sooner, some waiting for the larger group.

    So, tough (funny) guy, you might what to sit back,and shut up for a while before you pull out those legal “big guns” of yours, The cost of your hurt feelings is nothing close to the price of what your past (and well documented, by the way) pearls of wisdom will likely cost you. Just multiply even a small settlement by the number of people that have real, documented, damages against you. You’ll be crushed and there will be no “spitting in their faces” Just remember, there are several members of the CE community that don’t work for the post office, and probably have more than enough money and the motivation to make things happen that you’ll never imagine. Not a sermon, just a suggestion. Wise up or pay up – choice is entirely yours

    Time to chill, or foot the bills..

  4. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 4, 2011 @ 7:23 am


  5. Anonymous said

    May 4, 2011 @ 7:38 am

    A beautiful summary, it is clear why no one comes to the defense of the so called beautiful brian. Listing his lies would only be hurtful to the people he has already hurt and damaged. He will just keep looking for his so called enemies who post here, try to identify them and spew his venom. He has already been sanctioned by YouTube and other places and many people, yet he marches on, a disaster happening continuously. And he thinks he is being libeled? Am I hiding? You bet. Any piece of information he can use in a hateful way would be his gleeful present. If the time comes for some kind of group action, I too have lots of proof. I am glad to read that there are others who have thought of doing something concrete about this. I can just hear him saying bring it on. That is one way to get attention, perhaps his only way. Journalist? The only thing he is is an eater. We all eat. He is a hateful thug who eats and tries his best to destroy other people’s lives.

  6. beautifulbrian said

    May 4, 2011 @ 11:21 am

    Remove? You’re delusional! said
    May 4, 2011 @ 2:06 am

    Clownish boy, You voluntarily and gleefully print lies about others whom had nothing to hide until you you felt an uncontrollable urge for self-gratification or profit. Why not simply self-gratify in the traditional physical sense and leave everyone else out of it?

    You still don’t get what nearly everyone has told you for years now: Journalism is an honored craft with many talented and trained practitioners worldwide. What you do is barely grade-school level. Sorry to hurt your feelings, but there is guild fostering worldwide standards in the avocation. Believe it or not, some people (for example Carl Woodard for one) exemplify some of the highest standards of that craft. Please get up in his face at your next opportunity and feel free to swear and spit. I mean, you never know what he may have written (or not) about your fantastic achievements. He may sympathize about the cost of printing unfounded, libelous, and slanderous statements about others. Especially after they’ve expressed their wishes to the contrary.

    Fortunately for them, a class action suit is a actually viable option. You, on the other hand, have printed here and on other venues, more than enough to get the ball rolling (thanks buddy) for a class-action suit or at least provided the basis for the investigation of a number of small civil suits against you. All basically due to your stupidity. Sit, spit and snicker as much as you like, but there are actuality people that have been materially harmed and have legitimate ligation claims. Some are considering moving forward sooner, some waiting for the larger group.

    So, tough (funny) guy, you might what to sit back,and shut up for a while before you pull out those legal “big guns” of yours, The cost of your hurt feelings is nothing close to the price of what your past (and well documented, by the way) pearls of wisdom will likely cost you. Just multiply even a small settlement by the number of people that have real, documented, damages against you. You’ll be crushed and there will be no “spitting in their faces” Just remember, there are several members of the CE community that don’t work for the post office, and probably have more than enough money and the motivation to make things happen that you’ll never imagine. Not a sermon, just a suggestion. Wise up or pay up – choice is entirely yours

    Time to chill, or foot the bills..

    Oh im shivering in my fuckin boots you ill informed fool. Post your real name and move forward with youre class action suits . Ill be 95 yrs old before you are able to not only prove but have a basis that i committed an unlawful act. On the contrary it appears that im the one thats being slandered as ive pasted and copied each and every deragatory comment about me. Never made any harmful threats or never ruined anyones lives. You must have a damn good lawyer if you think you have enough evidence for a civil lawsuit you moron . To quote your very words “bring it on loser”

  7. Beautiful Brian's Attorney said

    May 4, 2011 @ 11:48 am

    “Never made any harmful threats or never ruind anyones lives?” Uh Brian … maybe your meds just kicked but wasn’t it just yesterday that you said: “Please pray that you dont fall into the clutches of that horrid human being Brian Seiken. Go drop fuckin dead you piece of shit. I would just love for once to meet you and not only spit in your face but beat you down like the man you wish you were.” Oh and by the way Brian, there is one life that you did ruin, and I think I can prove it in court … your own.

  8. beautifulbrian said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:03 pm

    You have me confused with Jo Rose my friend. I never threatened anyone lives dickbrain . I never poked fun at competiive eaters handicapped children you moron. I never stalked another human being you pathetic putz. Yeah im calling you names . I guess thats the basis for a civil lawsuit or class action suit in which you nor any non sensible human being thinks they can collect one red cent from. From 2005 to the present i can point out hundreds of comments on this database that attempted to bring down or destroy my integrity . And if you think you can hide behind a moniker , law enforcement can easily obtain the IP and location of each and every one of you anonymous fools at any given time. Cant hide for long my friend. Why is my life so interesting to a moron such as yourself ? I would love to hear from each and every competitive eater who’s lives ive damaged.? Real names not anonymous fakes such as yourself . The same fakes that make up the majority of this fake website during the past 6yrs. When those real names contact me then i will deal with them on a one to one basis and discuss this matter . Until then you are nothing more than an amusing no life fool that attempts to get under my skin . Nothing more than that. Nobody can ever take you serious unless you post your real name .

  9. Anonymous said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:07 pm

    The man really truly needs a straight jacket. No one need say anything, just print his blog and everything he has written. It is all archived even. If he had not harmed other people, one could just ignore him and ban him from this website. Yet he wants things, wants to keep competing and be invited to be Elvis and have people praise him and well……it is simply beyond comprehension. Actually a civil lawsuit is only a threat though I am sure that there are some who have good reason to have one and may follow through on it. His worst punishment of all would be to be completely shunned and have HIS website shut down.

  10. F Lee Bailey said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:14 pm

    Uh BB attorney beating some one down and phyically threatening their lives are two different concepts. Beating down doesnt neccesarily warrant physical violence Get your facts straight

  11. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:20 pm

    Two suggestions:

    1. Bring back the abuse room for these sorts of off-topic comments. Start a new one every Monday and date it accordingly to keep the threads organized chronologically.

    2. If possible, develop and implement a filter to divert off-topic comments to the abuse room. However, it may not be worth the trouble. Having to monitor each and every comment surely isn’t.

    I’ll say this too, Seiken needs to be banned not only from posting on the Internet, but from maintaining any Internet presence whatsoever. Otherwise, the man is on a path to crash and burn personally, emotionally, and pseudoprofessionally. I added the prefix “pseudo” to the word, professionally, because what he calls a competitive eating Web site is more like a playground for outcasts of society. If Poe were alive today,, as well as its webmaster, would fit right into his literary genre.

    I, for one, am tired of laughing, feeling shame, and shaking my head every time I visit, so I quit visiting as of yesterday. I actually get embarrassed FOR him, because I have tried relentlessly to regard him with more respect than he seems to have for himself, but to no avail.

    The man is well into his 50s now, and if he hasn’t awakened yet, will he ever?

  12. Beautiful Brian's Attorney said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:21 pm

    Okay Brian/F Lee … and spitting in someone’s face is not a “phyically” attack but just another way of saying hello, how are you today? Dumbass.

  13. F.Lee Bailey said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:30 pm

    Brian attorney i am not Brian. You have the option of wiping the spit off your face thus preventing permanent physical damage you fool

  14. Beautiful Brian's Attorney said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:33 pm

    I like the abuse room and it worked in the past. But why not just call it what is. The Brian Room. Send any note from Brian, or remark about Brian, to his own little padded cell. It would be easier for the OJ folks. That way all his rants, hateful remarks, and paranoid delusions can sit in there, he can continue to have conversations with himself, and if the normal people want to visit him ocassionally to see how he’s doing they could always drop by for check up on his status. Hey, and I’m not counting on it, maybe someday Brian will get better and he can learn to interact with the normal people and be released. It’s important to give the psychotic a goal to shoot for.

  15. Honest Abe said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:34 pm

    Rhonda, you quit visiting yesterday?

  16. Anonymous said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:38 pm

    The correct usage would be seriously, and seriously, you are really in deep delusional trouble. You have threatened Joe Rose but I suppose in your warped view that is allowed. You have also allowed comments on your so called blog which are filth for starters. If you think you can get by by saying that Joe Rose is responsible for them, think again. Whatever he is responsible for is his responsibility. You print stuff that is beyond description. You get away with it (until now) because for the most part no one takes you seriously and you are too small potatoes to go after legally. You surely have no assets so what is the point? Legal action is about money and about stopping people from doing harm. Legal action costs someone money. I could go on and on. And yes, absolutely, you did make fun of people’s children and parents and girlfriends and fans and even people you say are your friends. You compromised their dignity and posted information which affected their private lives. You seem to enjoy all of this thoroughly. Mostly what have done is to continue to take up the time of someone or someones who enjoy putting together something about competitive eating, something many many people try to enjoy. People continue to tolerate you, even this blog allows you to continue to post, no doubt in part because the person actually thinks that he/she has some responsibility for your mental health, that if you were no longer allowed to post, you would indeed have a nervous breakdown and do who knows what. I do not know why I continue to bother to write these things. I, and many others have approached you personally, it has had zero effect.

  17. beautifulbrian said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:39 pm

    Oh Rhonda yes yes yes i am on the verge of an emotional physical breakdown. Please help me. I have the trigger finger cocked to my forehead . Yes if Poe were alive today he would side with you in such poetic fashion. But you know what Rhonda from USAIC headquarters in Silver Springs MD you need to be banned also. Why do you take everything so serious . If you submit proof that Rhonda Evans is indeed Rhonda Evans i will not only apologize to you but ban myself from this blog and the internet for good. Some of my loyal fans might not go for that and might come after you but its a chance worth risking . My site is a playground for outcasts to society but on the other hand you have no qualms about visiting it every day now do you? And please dont deny the truth when the stat page shows USAIC headquarters in Silver Springs MD. By the way my dear Rhonda please keep me informed if any job openings happen to come up. A job that pays an employee to post on this blog from 9-4 is a job worth waiting for Thanks

  18. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:40 pm

    Abe, damn if walking 5 miles to school every day didn’t pay off!

  19. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:41 pm

    Yeah spitting in someones face is not legal and can get you tossed into jail.

  20. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:44 pm

    Rhonda will you be at any Nathan’s qualifers this year?

  21. Anonymous said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:44 pm

    Beautiful Brian’s Attorney said
    May 4, 2011 @ 12:33 pm
    That is BRILLIANT. Honestly, I do think it is perfect. I will start a collection, how much do you charge by the word? Ready and willing to pay money, set up a PayPal account. Keeping him in one place, visiting when one wishes or not, just brilliant. And you do give him the possibility of parole and even changing for the better.

  22. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:45 pm

    Okay, I have to go teach and then tomorrow I’m having a virtual colonoscopy, which is a royal pain in the ass, and I doubt I’ll be back to eatfeats until next week.

    Have a good rest of the week and a gr8 WE everybody.

    U2 Abe!

  23. Beautiful Brian's Attorney said

    May 4, 2011 @ 12:51 pm

    And judging by Brian’s breath, as has been reported by many eaters, Brian’s spit must contain more bacteria than a komodo dragon. Spitting is considered an assault. From a legal perspective, maybe F Lee Bailey should just stick to delivering mail.

  24. The following is a list of "Brian's loyal fans": said

    May 4, 2011 @ 1:20 pm

    … crickets chirping … a tumbleweed blows down the road … hello (echo) … is anybody there?

  25. beautifulbrian said

    May 4, 2011 @ 1:27 pm

    BB attorney thank you for bringing the breath issue to my attention. Thta in itself warrants my ban from the sport . I do brush and floss twice a day but if thats the case ill have a bone to pick with my dental hygienist

  26. beautifulbrian said

    May 4, 2011 @ 2:42 pm

    Anonymous said
    May 4, 2011 @ 7:38 am

    A beautiful summary, it is clear why no one comes to the defense of the so called beautiful brian. Listing his lies would only be hurtful to the people he has already hurt and damaged. He will just keep looking for his so called enemies who post here, try to identify them and spew his venom. He has already been sanctioned by YouTube and other places and many people, yet he marches on, a disaster happening continuously. And he thinks he is being libeled? Am I hiding? You bet. Any piece of information he can use in a hateful way would be his gleeful present. If the time comes for some kind of group action, I too have lots of proof. I am glad to read that there are others who have thought of doing something concrete about this.

    First off you dumb fool the youtube video Let it Pee was removed after i slammed some asshole from England whos pitiful voice attempted a cover of a Beatle song . He then turned around and reported the photo of a girl peeing thats how that went down. Also its kinda hard to make a case against me when the victims i have allegedly harrassed are”anonymous” Ha Others who are the others Mr Braniac with no life other than shitfeats?

  27. beautifulbrian said

    May 4, 2011 @ 3:07 pm

    Anonymous said
    May 4, 2011 @ 12:38 pm

    The correct usage would be seriously, and seriously, you are really in deep delusional trouble. You have threatened Joe Rose but I suppose in your warped view that is allowed. You have also allowed comments on your so called blog which are filth for starters. If you think you can get by by saying that Joe Rose is responsible for them, think again. Whatever he is responsible for is his responsibility. You print stuff that is beyond description. You get away with it (until now) because for the most part no one takes you seriously and you are too small potatoes to go after legally. You surely have no assets so what is the point? Legal action is about money and about stopping people from doing harm. Legal action costs someone money. I could go on and on. And yes, absolutely, you did make fun of people’s children and parents and girlfriends and fans and even people you say are your friends. You compromised their dignity and posted information which affected their private lives. You seem to enjoy all of this thoroughly. Mostly what have done is to continue to take up the time of someone or someones who enjoy putting together something about competitive eating, something many many people try to enjoy. People continue to tolerate you, even this blog allows you to continue to post, no doubt in part because the person actually thinks that he/she has some responsibility for your mental health, that if you were no longer allowed to post, you would indeed have a nervous breakdown and do who knows what. I do not know why I continue to bother to write these things. I, and many others have approached you personally, it has had zero effect.

    WOW if this isnt enough of reason for me to stop posting on here i dont know what is. The only line in this comment that disturbs me is taking the side of convicted stalker perv and nazi. The rest of it is purely dilusional from a mentally ill individual Saying i threatened Jo Rose is like saying i had the nerve to threaten Bin Laden. I allowed those filth comments from Rose to prevent him from carrying out his threats on innocent people like Stoler , Menchetti and Millender . I could care less if my comments are posted here or not . Nobody has approached me anony 12:38 . In your delusional mind maybe but never in reality. Copy and paste the comment where i made fun of other peoples children? I print things beyond description? Stop with the lies you lying piece of filth and stop making Brian Seikens life your lfie

  28. Nurse Ratched said

    May 4, 2011 @ 3:24 pm

    Just doing my rounds and checking into the “Brian Room” to see how Brian is coming along? Well let’s see …having conversations with himself — check. In denial of things he said just yesterday — check. Paranoid — check. Unable to take any accountability for his actions — check. Inflated view of himself — check. Yep, still crazy.

  29. Anonymous said

    May 4, 2011 @ 4:06 pm

    Nurse Ratched, clever, funny and true. He writes that he has the perfect reason to stop posting here. We should all be so blessed with his lack of presence. Apparently he is the savoir and saint for innocent people. Who knew that Joe Menchetti, Millender and Stoler asked for and needed his protection, not to mention those loyal fans and all other innocents. Even Joe Rose has the right to protection until and unless he messes up, last time I checked the constitution that was true. Suddenly the all powerful intelligent world leader Brian Seiken is going to protect us all.

  30. anonymous said

    May 5, 2011 @ 7:18 am

    How sad when one person 1;24 & 4:05 comments then answers themself . No life no friends Live for Brian . Like a pack of hungry wolves converging on one innocent man. One of these days the real name will be visible for all to see . Then what?

  31. anonymous said

    May 5, 2011 @ 8:26 am

    Remember one does not need to resort to foul or harsh language to get their point across. The best way to break an indvidual down is to gain the trust of the fans of this site in the hope that they will think Seiken is crazy which he isnt. Like the bully in school that spreads the rumor that so and so has bad breath and body odor when its the least bit true. Basically just to be mean and hurtful so that the other kids in school will believe it. can be a very informative site if the comment section was either banned or monitored for malicious remarks against another human being. There are other ways of being hurtful towards other human beings without resorting to foul language and i think those same hurtful remarks have been applied to Brian Seiken.

  32. Anonymous said

    May 5, 2011 @ 9:03 am

    1. The administrator of this site makes final decisions on all.
    2. Rules about posting are the same everywhere but sometimes not followed. Be polite, no personal attack, no remarks based upon color, creed, etc. Everyone knows these things.
    3. If Brian Seiken posted most of his messages from here and some of the things on his website in places like newspapers, he would be flagged and banned.
    4. Why should one person or the few spoil things for everyone.
    5. Brian Seiken is not a victim.
    6. Brian Seiken is not crazy.
    7. Brian Seiken is obsessed with trying to both find out who is behind this website and most important seeing that it is gone forever as he has stated over and over again. He still wants to be the so called only game in town. In those two ways he borders on delusional. His actions to try to make both of these things happen range from direct threats, use of foul language, attacking others, etc. Even on his own website he rarely says anything positive about anyone unless it is about something he personally received or wants.
    8. Back to basics. He does not get to decide what happens on this website, writing as anonymous, himself or any other moniker. Trucker have always had “handles”, people have chosen names for posting and have the option to not have their identity or e-mail address revealed, there is absolutely nothing unusual about not knowing who is the person or persons behind this website.

  33. Everything Equal said (Registered April 28, 2011)

    May 5, 2011 @ 9:34 am

    Some questions

    Does anyon have the full results from LV qualifier?

    Who specifically suffered a financial loss do too what bb posted anywhere on the net?

    Who are the following peopl and do they have any reall eating experince that qualifires them to give any eating advise?

    itlain stallion



  34. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    May 5, 2011 @ 10:23 am

    I am not giving any eating advice. You would have to be a dumbass to listen if I did. I go by many names, Demon Child, Jabba, the Prophet but Damien Boykin is the normal one and it is nunonabun2.

  35. Everything Equal said (Registered April 28, 2011)

    May 5, 2011 @ 10:49 am

    Damien thanks for the info. I searched and saw you were in a bunch of contests. Didnt know that you were the nun

  36. anonymous said

    May 5, 2011 @ 11:30 am

    anony 9:03 brings up some very good points. One would believe it is OJ Rifkin that left the post but let the viewers be the judge on that one. Agree with 1, 2 4, 6, and to an extent 8. Some ??? with the others . You are dead wrong regarding 3. Either you live in a closed world or you havent surfed the net too often. The comments made by Seiken are G rated compared to some of the material out there. Check out AOL comment board every once in a while. Talk about defamation of character. I rest my case . 7. Yes Brian is obsessed with who is behind the website and wants to be the only game in town only because he was left with no other choice. He offered to work hand in hand with OJ Rifkin but Rifkin got too big for his britches and cut him out. Who needs Seiken anymore when everyone flocks to the only game in town which is right here . Plain and simple as that. I have to question your remark about Seiken never saying anything positive about anyone on his website. That is an out and out lie. When he says something positive he never asks for anything in return. . You are for the most part correct with 8 but with one exception . . There is nothing unusual about not knowing the persons moniker BUT as long as the second half of rule 2 is applied. I think that puts everything into perspective

  37. Anonymous said

    May 5, 2011 @ 11:57 am

    Seiken, give me a break. You are so obviously the person who wrote at 11:30 am. No choice?, what a bunch of self-serving BULLSHIT. Sure, you say something positive which is then taken away later. You just will not quit. Nurse Ratched was right. This is the Seiken forum here. Hope you like the accommodations. People have to adjust to new things. You are not it anymore, and you have done that completely by your own actions. Number 5 is 100% correct. You have never followed the Golden Rule and OJRifkin has been more than accommodating when he could have easily simply banned you. No charge for this suggestion. Start a Seiken Fan Page and have your loyal followers like you. You are so out there, so want everyone to know who you are and what you stand for. Facebook for you, show your Face. Or stay in the abuse room and keep making a fool of yourself. You, only you, have done this to yourself.

  38. seiken fan said

    May 5, 2011 @ 1:26 pm

    I left that 11:30 am comment and not seiiken . Before you accuse without proof please get the facts straight

  39. anonymous said

    May 5, 2011 @ 1:29 pm

    Anonymous 9:03 is full of shit. Seiiken has been ambushed constantly whenever he comments

  40. That's rich said

    May 5, 2011 @ 2:25 pm

    Accusing someone of something without proof? How dare they? Brian does it all the time on his mad hunt for Rhonda and OJ. Keep on accusing Brian of anything. Brian does it all the time with all his crackpot theories, and doesn’t care who he falsly accuses of anything. It’s good that he gets a little taste of it. If you ask me, the cause of the housing crisis — Brian’s fault. Stalemate in Libya — Brian’s fault. Taxes too high — Brian’s fault. It might rain today — yep, Brian’s fault too. Because it’s already started. Oh, and if you want to know what’s going to happen in the next chapter, let me skip ahead for you. It won’t be long before Brian will try to play the sympathy card by inventing people who will be complaining that everyone is ganging up on poor little Brian.

  41. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 5, 2011 @ 3:11 pm

    I hope the sympathy card is not one of the 52 that makes up a full deck.

  42. anonymous said

    May 5, 2011 @ 3:36 pm

    Out of all the threads the only one that seems to interest you is the one that mentions the name Brian seiiken . If you hate him so much ignore him you fool .I’m beginning to think you can’t live without him

  43. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 5, 2011 @ 3:52 pm

    Sorry, I just could not resist. I was just getting rid of some excess energy built up after that virtual colonoscopy this morning. I, like my large intestines, were a little wound up.

    I’m done until next week, so I won’t fight back. Get your licks in.

  44. anonymous said

    May 5, 2011 @ 4:35 pm

    Whenever Seiken posts a comment or thinks its Seiken the rage and hate burn in their eyes. Get em Get the bastard. Like sicking a bunch of blood thirsty german shepards that havent had a meal in days. Hate Seiken. Everthing he says is bullshit Seiken takes back what he gives Seiken stabs his friends in the back. What else cmon there has to be more. Oh wait i forgot Seiken destroys familes Seiken destroys marriages. Seiken deserves a fate worse than death. And last but not least OJ is more than accomodating to Seiken in allowing him to post. OJ doesnt want to see him go off the deep end. Thing again . OJ just loves the entertainment because its a known fact without Rhonda Evan nobody has anything really interesting to say. Seiken lives on . Be grateful you know him and if you are lucky enough to see him in person , kiss the ground that he walks on cause you will never meet another like him Got that?

  45. Try Harder said

    May 5, 2011 @ 5:44 pm

    Cutter is Jason Scarincio… Italian Stallion is unknown to me

  46. Cutter said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    May 5, 2011 @ 6:36 pm

    A full list is not going to be available because i didn’t see anybody from the IFOCE writing them down but they did check with all of us to make sure we were not in the top 5. I gave my result and the competitor directly to my left in the nathans LV thread. And trust me i would rather receive advice here rather than lend it. I am just sharing my experiences, less you understand i have done less than a dozen contests with no first place finishes. ok maybe i will shut up and listen more, i am not going to be confrontational i just like to eat and compete.

  47. Anonymous said

    May 5, 2011 @ 7:04 pm

    Please, spare us. May we never ever meet another nasty person like Seiken.

  48. the great gavonne said

    May 6, 2011 @ 1:34 pm

    Just for the record,since my given name is being tossed around here,I never threatened anyone,I never made fun of handicapped children,I never stalked anyone(this was proven in court),I am not a pervert(at least not in a bad way),& I am certainly not a Nazi,although I did dress up as Hitler last year as a goof(see my YouTube channel ).Most of the comments on Seiken’s poorly written site & blog that are attributed to me were written by someone else,most likely bb himself.The only time I write negative things about people(which I will try & refrain from in the future) is because they attacked me first.I just wanted to be loved,is that so wrong?

  49. beautifulbrian said

    May 6, 2011 @ 2:46 pm

    You are one lying piece of you know what. I will bet my entire 401k and life savings to your $5 if you have that much to your name. Just because you have the ear of a bunch of losers on this site that happen to be “anti seiken” doesnt give you the right to anything in this world after what you have done. You are one rotten horrible piece of filth and each and every one of your hate comments about US Male kids, threats to Jill Will and Joe and myself trace back to the Queens and Brooklyn library. So Mr Fuhrer you cant worm your way out of this one. In the future your name will never ever be acknowledged on my site . You said enough to corrupt my blog now go spread your hate somewhere else like maybe right here where you belong . Now just wait and see he will come up with another alias in a few days or so threatening my life and others on my youtube acct , my blog or anywhere else this dirtbag will allow him on

  50. Anonymous said

    May 6, 2011 @ 5:24 pm

    Strange that with all of the resources available to Seiken and his self-described ability to protect innocents, he has not figured out how to protect himself from the great gavonne? Wow, he has a 401K and life savings, so perhaps that class action suit might not be such a bad idea.

  51. Please don't feed the Brian said

    May 6, 2011 @ 5:26 pm

    It’s kind of ironic and a bit sad coming into the “Brian Room” and seeing him blaming all the people that he’s affected with his own actions for becoming “anti seiken.” As if he had nothing to do with the opinion of how most people’s now see him. He does appear to have cut back on his rantful, stream-of-cosnciousness swearing which is nice. I hope in some way some these valid criticisms have have had some affect on the way he conducts himself in the future. But, I’m not counting on it. He still tries to defend his indefensible actions and looks to gain sympathy by doing his best Elephant Man impression: “I am not an animal!” And speaking of obscure movie references, everytime I come into the “Brian Room” I feel like Jodi Foster’s character in the “Silence of Lambs” visiting Hanibal “The Cannibal” Lector. Hey Brian, that might be a good new competitive eating nickname for you — Brian “The Cannibal” Seiken. I’m just kidding, so please don’t bite my head off (sorry bad joke).

  52. F Lee Bailey said

    May 6, 2011 @ 8:37 pm

    Let’s see according to the law you can’t touch a 401 k so that rules out 10 or more victims sharing the wealth which would come to around $50 a piece. You might want to go after his assets which include a 2003 Honda accord with a blue book resale value right around $1500 . His total earnings in prize money are under $1000 total over 7 yrs which include $500 as a non competitor in the US open of competitive eating .$25 for finishing last in a corned beef contest in 2008 $200 in a recent corned beef contest in Fla and last but not least 25 cents George shea was nice enough to give him 25cents for the parking meter for a daily news photo shoot promoting the nathans 2003 circuit. Wouldn’t waste my time. Like trying to get blood from a stone. Besides how will it look in a court of law when the judge presides over a case titled anonymous anonymous anonymous anonymous vs Brian Seiken?

  53. Anonymous said

    May 7, 2011 @ 7:50 am

    Well Seiken seems to have gotten himself the best counsel, isn’t that nice. Whatever happened to client attorney privilege? FLee, making up your own rules are you? Thanks for telling us a lot about your client and actually about his competitive eating. So he does thank George Shea. Glory be. Independence day looms.

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