Steak and Main announces that Molly Schuyler will attempt their steak challenge at Wing Bowl 25. She currently holds the record for that challenge at 3:22 and her overall best time for a 70+ oz steak is 2:44 at Sayler's in Portland.
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Anonymous said
December 17, 2016 @ 3:18 pm
Wait, is really happening on the same day as Molly’s ONE-ON-ONE showdown with El Wingador?
anonymous said
December 18, 2016 @ 10:53 am
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wing bowl run out of entertainment ideas? Pillow fight last year now Molly and El Wingador eating as a side show. Excuse me while I go watch my paint dry.
anonymous said
December 18, 2016 @ 5:17 pm
Comes a time to give it uo . All this shit was fun in 2004 not anymore. Sheas should find a new hobby also. Their organization and their contests is nothing more than a replay of previous year
anonymous said
December 18, 2016 @ 9:10 pm
Befitting with Christmas just around the corner i found a video of Seiken singing Marshmallow World in style of Dean Martin
what a loser said
January 1, 2017 @ 7:09 pm
I hear that US Male will make his 8th and final appearance (yeah right) at Wingbowl. He has no shot to beat anybody because he is a terrible wing eater Just ask Brian Subich how he cheated in Buffalo with 2.66 lbs of wings to claim 7th place(no prize money) in front of Brian Subich back in 2010 when he actually finished 8th but refused to admit that Subich ate more wings than he did . Like Subich said in the video nothing but a fraud and a loser
anonymous said
January 1, 2017 @ 10:48 pm
US Male? From my experience competing next to him , he will do a lot more farting and a lot less eating
anonymous said
January 2, 2017 @ 6:27 am
Somebody must be following US Male’s facebook page (aka Seiken @ 7:09) as I saw the same thing posted there yesterday. Nobody cares about Buffalo, or 2010 or you.
anonymous said
January 2, 2017 @ 8:56 am
Why don’t you get a FB page 627 aka cuz Goldstein from Plainview?
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
January 2, 2017 @ 9:58 am
Hell yeah, I plan on farting alot at Wing Bowl. That is my secret weapon.
ErikTheElectric said (Registered January 11, 2015)
January 2, 2017 @ 10:12 am
Bring your oreos with you, Dave. 🙂
anonymous said
January 2, 2017 @ 1:39 pm
US Male should eat a can of corn as his stunt
anonymous said
January 3, 2017 @ 4:29 am
or a pound of bologna
anonymous said
January 3, 2017 @ 5:41 am
I thought farting was Randy Santel’s secret weapon to beat food challenges?
This is a prior post on eatfeats from “Leonitis”:,-122.0514267,3a,75y,314.43h,71.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNNlgnTnhdkvv4UdX40y21w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
“Take it from me, Randy’s videos are edited big time. Take for instance one of his pizza videos. He started eating then had 12 midgets come in to eat half the pizza and then he continued on his own. Another time, he went to fart and crapped himself instead clearing room to finish that challenge. Sorry Randy, I have to tell it like it is.”
anonymous said
January 3, 2017 @ 2:44 pm
Badlands Booker should get up on stage wearing a wingbowl shirt at wingbowl and do this rap with Angelo. George Shea might get so angry if he found out about it that he might throw Booker out of the IFOCE
anonymous said
January 3, 2017 @ 4:18 pm
They would have offer Booker double digit five figures for him to even consider it