Myrtle Beach BBQ & LA Gyoza entrants

(from hungrysisters) The website for the Sun Fun Festival has a list of entrants in the Pork Barbecue Sandwich Eating Contest. Half of the current IFOCE top 10 is expected: Joey Chestnut, Pat Bertoletti, Bob Shoudt, Hall Hunt and Juliet Lee.

Cory Hayashi has emailed the list of competitors for the gyoza eating contest that will take place on August 23 at the Nisei Week Japanese Festival in Los Angeles: Pat Bertoletti (#2), Rich LeFevre (#7), Erik Denmark (#12), Tim Brown (#13), Kevin Ross (#29), El Toro (#41), and Shawn Kirby (#48). Actresss Miki Mia (The 40 Year Old Virgin) and the 2007 Nisei Week Queen and Court will also compete.

Mike Nafziger has emailed that Bob Shoudt will probably attend the Chattanooga qualifier and he might do an exhibition.

Comments (16)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    August 15, 2008 @ 3:07 pm

    I hope there’s 4th and 5th place money. I would like to see Hall and Juliet get some decent coin!

  2. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    August 15, 2008 @ 4:08 pm

    It would be cool if all contests could pay out to half of the field to spread the money around. Sure the top three would get most of the money, but why not something for finishing in the top half?

  3. NOW! said

    August 15, 2008 @ 4:20 pm

    Yeah, and maybe they could give ribbons to all the competitors in the Olympics.

    Shut the hell up with all this pay everyone shit.

    Win = get a prize.
    Lose = try again.

    I’m so sick of whiny babies with the pay everyone crap. It is a competition, not a charity. If you don’t have what it takes, move along…. or get better. There’s other things out there if you want to get some easy money. Turn tricks, I don’t care. CE is not easy money… to get money, you gotta want it bad enough, and a few other things in addition that you can’t train for.

    It’s like everything… professional. Many want to be. Some get there by working their asses off. Others get their purely on the genetics they were born with. But either way, everyone who wants to be doesn’t get paid.

    That’s why we’re called professional eaters and not just people who can eat a lot.

  4. Carey said

    August 15, 2008 @ 4:40 pm

    Even the worst team in the MLB gets paid. BTW, the ‘professional’ part of the title means that you get paid, idiot.

  5. Tonto said

    August 15, 2008 @ 6:25 pm

    Oh snap.

  6. You're so right... said

    August 16, 2008 @ 9:09 am

    I’m going to go play a game of baseball against my buddies and we’ll charge 10 dollars per team. Then whoever wins gets the money and will then be a professional baseball team.

    There’s a lot of “professional” eaters who haven’t made a dime…. ummm let me think of one.
    Carey Poehlman? I’

  7. You're so right... said

    August 16, 2008 @ 9:10 am

    Maybe a better example… is someone who hasn’t been reimbursed for travel expenses… maybe someone from the IFOCE.

  8. You're so right... said

    August 16, 2008 @ 9:15 am

    I’m going to organize a baseball tourney… $10 per team.. with sponsors and everything. Then whichever team wins will get paid and everyone on the team can call themselves a professional baseball player.

    There’s a lot of “professional” eaters — at least people calling themselves that — who haven’t won any money at all. Are they not professionals?

    Getting reimbursed for T&E I consider “making money” so those people can call themselves professional even if they haven’t won anything.

    But, if you haven’t won any money, haven’t been reimbursed any money, what gives them the right to call themselves professional?

  9. You're so right... said

    August 16, 2008 @ 11:22 am

    “the ‘professional’ part of the title means that you get paid” — you still gonna stick with that?

  10. IFOCE "professional" said

    August 16, 2008 @ 2:06 pm

    Typically, it’s not us non-money makers calling ourselves professional eaters – it’s usually whatever media is taking to, or about, us. I’ve corrected people about it, they look at me like I got two heads. I prefer “world-ranked competitive eater”, which sounds like a lot classier description of a face-stuffing food horder, anyway.

  11. Carey said

    August 16, 2008 @ 6:01 pm

    I never called myself a professional. But if you look at the thread from the beginning, you will see why I made the comment, and why I am sticking to it. A professional is someone who makes money doing something. What is your point, You’re so right?

    And….. yes, if you played in front of people and charged money for people to watch, and you actually made money doing it, you would be professionals. Is that hard to comprehend?

  12. Anonymous said

    August 16, 2008 @ 7:13 pm

    (Butch) Actually, the only eater in the world who might be considered a pro is Kobayashi, because I believe CE is his primary source of income. Everyone else works a full time job, and cannot rely exclusively on CE to make a living. So Carey I agree with you.

  13. TheIncredibleBulk said

    August 17, 2008 @ 11:02 am

    What about joey his income from eating is probably more than from his day job

  14. you're so right said

    August 17, 2008 @ 11:42 am

    You are correct. Technically, anyone who makes any money doing anything is a professional in that endeavor by definition. But I don’t think we’ll see the winner of our fictitious baseball tournament on SportsCenter any time soon. The real world definition of professional baseball player would be someone who gets paid to play baseball. Not someone who won some money playing baseball.
    So, using that as a baseline, there are probably only a few “professional” eaters in the world. People who were paid to eat. Not people who won money by eating.

    I believe in this sport, the term professional means more than just making money. I wouldn’t dispute the fact that just because someone hasn’t won any money yet, or been reimbursed they are not a professional. That was only mentioned as a means of illustrating a point.

    But the true issue at hand here is that there’s no reason for every 10 posts to say “I wish they’d pay every one who participates.” The sport just isn’t there yet. Every MLB player & team does get paid, as you said. Every professional eater does not.

  15. Carey said

    August 17, 2008 @ 3:24 pm

    You’re so right, I don’t know if you are the same person as NOW!, but my argument was about his response to previous posts. He first said “It’s like everything… professional.” When no other professional thing out there is like this. He then said “That’s why we’re called professional eaters” as a definition of someone who only makes money taking first place. Again, who else does that?

    I think the main difference between other sports and this one is that this sport is primarily for marketing a certain company. Everyone that participates in the marketing should be paid. Extras on a movie set get paid for their troubles. They aren’t the big stars, but are still compensated.

    You are right, the sport isn’t there, but it could be. Look at Krystals, and what the payouts are. Other competitions could be the same way, and when there isn’t as much funding, have the top prizes a bit smaller.

    I would highly doubt though that anything will change, because it doesn’t need to. everyone still shows up when there are only 3 places paid out. It shouldn’t be anyone’s business but those that are paying their own way to the events whether or not it is fair.

  16. Anonymous said

    August 17, 2008 @ 5:20 pm

    (Butch) Nick it’s true that Joey probably earns a bit more from CE than from his day job, but Joey cannot rely on CE as his sole source of income in the future.

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