WGRZ.com has a short article about Naader Reda eating 9.5 pounds of pumpkin pie in 30 minutes in Clarence, NY, which was billed as a record. Naader will compete in the World Hands Free Pumpkin Pie Eating Championship tomorrow along with Jamie McDonald, Stephanie Torres, Mike Longo and reportedly "Furious" Pete Czerwinski in his first AICE/APE contest since AICE tried to introduce contracts in 2009.


  1. anonymous said

    October 20, 2012 @ 10:15 pm

    Glad to see Pete competing with an organization. He was kind of lost without one

  2. AbsolutBigD said

    October 20, 2012 @ 11:36 pm

    Well done Naader!

  3. are you joking said

    October 21, 2012 @ 12:28 am

    those nuts are losers … and piss poor

  4. anonymous said

    October 21, 2012 @ 12:30 am

    what about Seiken oink oink oink What about Seiken oink oink oink

  5. Anonymous said

    October 21, 2012 @ 6:23 am

    Yes Well done Naader. Glad to see Pete competing with an organization but to say that he was lost without one is ridiculous. Pete has been absolutely one of the most successful independent eaters, almost beyond expectations. He self-created opportunities, and it is actually excellent for him that he did not join MLE in my opinion. I do not care whether or not he tried and was refused for whatever reasons or he decided on his own, he is a success hands down in many arenas. If there is no contract with AllProE, then having Pete really adds to their presence for publicity when he wishes to compete. Even if All Pro has a contract, like all organizations, if they were smart they could tailor the contract for him. He is bringing in his own already well known persona, and they had nothing to do with creating that. So he would be bringing to them publicity. As for the last two comments, they speak for themselves. If you are going to say something, at least say it with a little bit of maturity.

  6. anonymous said

    October 21, 2012 @ 9:30 am

    Obvious this guy is going to kill himself one of these days. He has been competing in challenges /contests at least once a week for the past 3yrs. How much more can the stomach take?

  7. Anonymous said

    October 21, 2012 @ 1:32 pm

    How is this contest billed as hands-free? I saw the video of last years contest – the competitors picked up the plates WITH THEIR HANDS and snarfed the pie off the plates. Hands-free means hands-free, i.e., bend over the plate and don’t touch them with your hands!

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