Nathan’s qualifier registration open

(Thanks Bill Myers) Registration for the 2007 Nathan’s qualifiers is available at Entrants are limited to three qualifiers.

The sites and dates for the qualifiers have been finalized:

March 24 — Florida Panthers, Sunrise, FL
May 3 — New York, New York Casino, Las Vegas, NV
May 19 — Nathan’s, E. Hartford, CT
May 26 — Independence Center, Philadelphia, PA
June 2 — Arizona Mills Mall, Tempe, AZ
June 3 — NY Mets — Shea Stadium
June 9 — Charlotte, NC
June 16 — Mall of America, Bloomington, MN
June 22 — Molly Pitcher Travel Plaza, Cranbury, NJ
June 23 — Zoo Atlanta , Atlanta, GA
June 23 — Century Theaters, San Francisco, CA
June 27 — Civil Service, South Street Seaport, NY
June 28 — QVC, West Chester, PA

Comments (26)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    March 12, 2007 @ 12:49 pm

    Nathan’s has lost its luster, at least for me. If it is so great, let Norbitz put some bucks on the table. It would only take a year of eater solidarity in skipping the event to wake him up to that fact.

  2. Mad Stork said

    March 12, 2007 @ 1:15 pm

    i totally agree but it is too bad that the top eaters would never align to do something like that or anything else that could offend the sheas. if the eaters would do it it would be much better for them in the long run but some guys wont look beyond the immediate $$$.

  3. frankie said (Registered February 9, 2007)

    March 12, 2007 @ 1:37 pm

    Money would be nice but the Mustard Belt is the Holy Grail of CE. If I could get to the big table, I could die happy.

  4. KevinRoss said

    March 12, 2007 @ 1:47 pm

    Competitive eating never has been, and never will be, about just money. It will always be the top event with all the glory, regardless of whether there is prize money or not.

    Of course, easy to say for someone like me who doesn’t stand much of a chance of winning any dough regardless 🙂

  5. Rhonda Evans said

    March 12, 2007 @ 2:21 pm

    That’s okay Kevin. You know as much as anyone else and you deserve to be heard.

  6. Badlands Booker said

    March 12, 2007 @ 3:08 pm

    Kevin is right, Nathans was never about money. Nathans was about pride and eating prowess. making it to Coney meant that you are the Best of the Best in the CE game. Hot Dogs is still the most famous and challenging eating disipline, and to be an eater on that stage is something money can’t buy in my opinion. But those who are in it for monetrary gain, if you make it to coney, the money will come.

  7. Anonymous said

    March 12, 2007 @ 5:35 pm

    (Butch) I agree with Rhonda on this. Nathan’s was yesterday’s prize. It’s a new day now. Anyway, it is the same every year and it is getting old. Let the Independent eaters have it and institute a no dunking rule.

  8. SuperPaul said

    March 13, 2007 @ 7:32 am

    Money or no Money, I look forward to eating those tasty morsels!! Hopefully, see you all in Charlotte or Atlanta – I am “efforting” my wife to let me have a post-Atlanta party, so let me know on my email if you are heading to Atlanta – I think she’ll break down and give me the OK if her favorites (it’s a secret) will be coming down!

  9. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    March 13, 2007 @ 5:24 pm

    What irony. I have two suites valued at over $500 in Fort Lauderdale booked at no charge and now I cannot use the FREE rooms.

    On Thursday, March 22 I’ll be standing with the other 20 members of my class, as we all finish our extensive training and be officially sworn in as members of the Police Department.

    The next day was to be my travel day but my wife and I, who were planning to close on our new home in April, were just informed today our closing has been moved up to Friday, March 23.

    I want to wish all who make it on March 24, to Sunrise, FL, all the best. Wish I could of tried to compete. Hope to see and compete against many of you in other events in the not too distant future.

    Soon to be Officer Bruce

    See you in court

  10. Jammin Joe said

    March 14, 2007 @ 12:20 am

    Here’s another sad note, there will be no Conti-La Rue II this year at Sunrise. Both Crazylegs and myself have other plans.Look for us to joiun SuperPaul at Atlanta or at another venue for this rematch.

  11. SuperPaul said

    March 14, 2007 @ 7:17 am

    Sad there’s no rematch…BUT, it’ll be great to meet Jammin Joe (finally) in Atlanta, and I always enjoy seeing my fellow camera hog Crazy Legs!!

  12. Mad Stork said

    March 14, 2007 @ 10:32 am

    well yeah no rematch but nate biller will be there so hunt-biller 1 is going down

  13. Luther said

    March 14, 2007 @ 12:59 pm

    Juliet will certainly try to dodge those two behemoths and I mean Conti and Larue..

  14. anonymous said

    March 14, 2007 @ 2:48 pm

    Kevin its a shame this is not a live chat room or else we would have put Luther on ignore a long time ago.

  15. Gentleman Joe said

    March 14, 2007 @ 4:50 pm

    Because of his look & verbal abilities, the camera finds Crazylegs, not the other way around.

    He’s still a mediocre eater.

    As aice would put it, he has 4 star status. (due to entertainment value)

  16. Anonymous said

    March 14, 2007 @ 8:36 pm

    (Butch) For a mediocre eater C. Legs does pretty well.

  17. badlands booker said

    March 15, 2007 @ 5:42 am

    Hey Bruce, congrats on closing on your new home, I just closed on mine last month. Don’t worry, you’ll get to the table soon and it will be a beautiful thing. Stay hungry and focused man.

  18. badlands booker said

    March 15, 2007 @ 5:46 am

    Don’t sleep on Crazylegs y’all. He’s far from mediocre

  19. Gentleman Joe said

    March 15, 2007 @ 8:42 am

    If I didn’t throw in the mediocre line, I would have been accused of kissing up by one of BB’s alias’

  20. Rhonda Evans said

    March 15, 2007 @ 9:31 am

    Gentleman Joe for some unknown reason you’ve always had a wild hair up your butt against Crazy Legs. While you give him credit on occasion, by default, you are assholish towards him. (There’s another new word Rona. :))

    I don’t think a “mediocre” eater would be able to consume 20 + hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes, or 6.7 pounds (32 lobsters) in the same time frame. Had Sonya not been in Maine that day, Crazy Legs would have won the event over some top competitors. (Go to

    And even though he is “only” ranked 11, CL does have 3 records, and has won several additional contests. So if that is mediocre, mediocre is MOST acceptable.

    Now please get off his back Joe. He must have chronic lumbar pain by now — Menchetti-itis!

  21. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    March 15, 2007 @ 10:33 am

    Crazy Legs Mediocre?
    He’s done so well in so many disciplines, and unlike most others of his rookie class, is still at the table after years of competiting.

    I am clawing at every opportunity infront of me to reach my full potential, and I’m fearful of being completely marginalized by newly discovered RAW talent, before I’ve reached it. I admire CL’s staying power and his ability to still compete in a surging field of talent.

    I’m not being a wiseass when I say I aspire to his level of Mediocrity.

  22. Rhonda Evans said

    March 15, 2007 @ 12:11 pm

    Unlike Steak, I WAS being a bit of a “wiseass” in my response, but a truthful one. I say that as an observer, because frankly I couldn’t eat my way out of a paper bag. But fans don’t have to. So I’m okay with that.

  23. beautifulbrian said

    March 15, 2007 @ 12:21 pm

    If you check my stats if OJ has them up to date i finished ahead of crazy legs in a few contests back in the day pasta, pelmeni, corned beef . They ranked me 15 at the time . I dont think i ever deserved to be ranked that high but would i be dumb enough to say, “please move me down”? Menchetti would frequently bash Legs and my eating abilities on his website at least once a week . I prob deserved it , Legs didn’t. He has improved from 9 dogs to 21. From 22 Krystals to 30 plus. He manages to hang with the young guns which is not easy . Unlike certain eaters i never made any Muhammad Ali like brash predictions because if i didnt come through i would look like a fool in doing so. I made the mistake of doing it once after a noodle contest i never competed in , and never heard the end of it from Jim Reeves. Ive kept my mouth shut since then.

  24. Rhonda Evans said

    March 15, 2007 @ 1:05 pm

    That’s okay Brian. You have found your niche in competitive eating and the spot you fill would become a obviously huge void were you not filling it.

  25. SuperPaul said

    March 16, 2007 @ 12:57 am

    Crazy Legs almost common? Comedy!! Krazy Kooks can crap on Crazy, but better belt busters know better, brother!!

  26. Anonymous said

    March 16, 2007 @ 7:07 am

    Iam not sure where Brian got his numbers, but i don’t think crazy legs ever ate 9 hot dogs in a 12 minute contest. In his documentary he ate many more in first qualifier. Same for Krystals – he never ate 22. he won his first qualifier ever with 31.

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