The new poll asks if you think there are more opportunities for top competitive eaters inside or outside Major League Eating.  On Sunday, Glutton Force Five and Jamie McDonald won contests which will enable them to open their own restaurants, which they could not have done if they were bound by the MLE contract.


  1. anonymous said

    March 7, 2014 @ 9:59 pm

    Chestnut Booker Conti say no more but only one out of the three is making $$$

  2. Anonymous said

    March 8, 2014 @ 2:51 am

    MLE is a sinking ship

  3. Anonymous said

    March 8, 2014 @ 5:43 am

    Hell yes there’s more opportunities, you don’t have the Shea’s regulating what you can do for one, plus they can do what they want,when they want, these challenges that they won would never have happened if they were under the MLE bullshit umbrella. Good for all 3 of them, wish them much success!

  4. anonymous said

    March 8, 2014 @ 11:07 am

    Out of the three names mentioned in MLE Chestnut is actually the only eater that has made a name for himself and made some big cash along with it . Booker and Conti would be virtual unknowns if not for the Sheas. I think that is where their publicity stays and where it ends

  5. anonymous said

    March 8, 2014 @ 12:48 pm

    If MLE allowed their eaters to do eating challenges but restrict them from competing in events not sanctioned by their organization would be a huge plus and create a better understanding between them and their members. They won’t do it . By not acknowledging former members activities out side of MLE shows a lack of class and just makes it even worse

  6. Anonymous said

    March 8, 2014 @ 5:25 pm

    If it weren’t for the fact that you have to join MLE to compete in Nathan’s i’m pretty sure there would be alot less eaters in MLE

  7. anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 1:23 am

    This blog is totally dead without the insults . I guess a few people kept it alive with those insults . We need more of that or nobody will respond out of boredom

  8. anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 11:33 am

    Please don’t give them an incentive . Its nice and quiet

  9. Anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 2:18 pm

    No one cares about MLE and they do a shit job of PR and promoting. I never see Miki on the news. I haven’t seen people make a big deal out of Sonya in a while. But look at all the press Pat Jamie and Molly get. If you aren’t Joey Chestnut you’re wasting your time.

  10. Who gives a shit said

    March 9, 2014 @ 2:42 pm

    Who gives a shit about MLE and Competitive Eating? Also who gives a flying donkeys ass about this stupid post? MLE is outdated and still living in 2001 during the Kobi Era. Guess what, they don’t have kobi, Joey will be gone soon, Sonya has been taken over, plus Jamie, Molly, Pat, Furious Pete will bring greater attention to the sport of Competitive eating than the Shea’s will. Nathan’s is getting old and boring and stale just like MLE. You bust your ass flying around the country to win a qualifier just to be on tape delay on Espn? Molly-tosh.o, major news networks after her 72oz steak video went viral, wing bowl, Jamie: wing bowl, godaddy win, Pat: Food Court wars plus opening his food court food business now. MLE needs to do us all a favor and go away. Their contract is complete ludicrous and they try to strong arm eaters until the last second the contract expires to reach their old greasy and sleazy hands in to the pockets of eaters if they find an opportunity greater than what MLE offers that will help them put food on the table. No offense to Conti, but MLE needs to promote Miki and Stonie. Wake up Shea’s, stop living in the past. You are about to become extinct. Your COMPETITION is crushing you by promoting themselves in the now!!! Not using marketing tactics from 1997. You have 5 years tops MLE before the sponsors realize you ain’t worth it anymore. Best of luck dinosaur Shea Brothers and David Bear

  11. anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 7:12 pm


  12. Anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 7:24 pm

    Who gives a shit I love your post! You deserve a blog award for that one.

  13. Anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 8:00 pm

    Wow. Mother Fucker! Shit!

  14. Anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 8:38 pm

    Sonya has a life.

  15. Anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 8:58 pm

    Oh boy. Discount Sonya? You are fucking delirious!

  16. anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 9:25 pm

    You are targeting the wrong audience or maybe not enough of an audience or maybe an audience that listens for entertainment purposes. The two biggest draws with MLE are Buffalo and Nathans . If you had the balls you would get up on stage and make that speech in front a much larger crowd than the ones that visit this site. Maybe your voice will be heard . If you want to remain anonymous thats ok just wear an executioner mask when you get on stage

  17. Rev Ike said

    March 9, 2014 @ 10:30 pm

    242 You are obviously someone that got tossed or dissed when you tried to sign with them or enter their events. Show some respect . The Sheas are the guys that paved the way regardless of how evil you make them out to be. All these independent eaters are like spnoffs of established television shows . Maybe Rhoda from Mary Tyler Moore. Fish from Barney Miller Frazier from Cheers. The list goes on. They would never be where they are now doing tons and tons of youtube videos if the Sheas didnt put the sport on the map. Maybe before each video that they stuff their freakin faces with food, they should pay homage to George and Rich like saluting the american flag for making all this possible for them . Think about it

  18. anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 10:43 pm

    Has anyone seen this latest MLE instagram . George Shea looks like he about to say . I gotta get to the gym

  19. anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 10:53 pm

    How dare you mock the name Dave Baer. He is like the quiet Beatle

  20. Bill Gates said

    March 9, 2014 @ 10:56 pm

    Obviously rev Ike is Dinosaur George Shea or Seiken, using television references from the 1970’s and 80’s.

  21. anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 11:11 pm

    Funny how wrong you are. As soon as a 70’s reference is posted Seiken is the culprit. Ever hear of Antenna tv or TV Land? You don’t have to be 50yrs old to watch reruns of those show. They are probably playing on your TV as we speak

  22. anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 11:13 pm

    George Shea is an icon whether or not he needs to get to the gym or not

  23. anonymous said

    March 9, 2014 @ 11:15 pm

    I think Bill Gates is Menchetti . Who gives a shit is either one of the Goldsteins , Toro or the Taco twins

  24. anonymous said

    March 10, 2014 @ 12:23 am

    I just saw the instagram message. Man that George Shea looks gone. What happened to the man the females used to have a crush on?

  25. anonymous said

    March 10, 2014 @ 12:35 am

    Jamie won nothing. He hounded his FB friends and family 24/7 every minute on the half hour to stuff the ballot box to secure his victory

  26. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    March 10, 2014 @ 2:07 am

    Bill Gates is not me, Menchetti. You give me significantly more credit than I deserve. Can’t say i’m retired, but I haven’t been in a contest longer than 4 minutes this year. Speedeat has been dead for a long time. It is not coming back. The attention I pay to this activity, is significantly less than the past.

  27. "Tiny" said (Registered March 5, 2008)

    March 10, 2014 @ 3:21 am

  28. anonymous said

    March 10, 2014 @ 6:45 am

    Who gives a shit is not one of the Goldsteins. Although they agree, it is not their rant.

  29. anonymous said

    March 10, 2014 @ 7:40 am

    bunch of liars

  30. anonymous said

    March 10, 2014 @ 7:48 am

    Certain eaters are or should be untouchable as far as making personal and negative comments about. Dissing them is like dissing your own mom or dad. or a legendary sports figure Some of the names that should always be protected out of respect are
    The Godfather
    Bob Shoudt
    Adrian Morgan
    Sean Gordon
    Larell Marie Mele

  31. WGAS said

    March 10, 2014 @ 2:16 pm

    Doesn’t work like thAt. Any name, any person, no matter their eating accomplishments can be talked about on this site. Seiken set the standard about talking behind peoples back, about people’s family etc, so sorry no one is protected.

  32. anonymous said

    March 10, 2014 @ 7:02 pm

    oh please, enough of this childish bullshit already. Don’t you have better things to do? You are irrelevant to competitive eating and shouldn’t even be mentioned here any longer. Go play with your own website and make all the stupid remarks you desire. You are a low-life wasting our time and patience. Go away!

  33. anonymous said

    March 10, 2014 @ 7:58 pm

    Bow 702 show some respect assholes beautiful brian is well respected in the competitive eating community and I believe he gets laid on a consistent basis also. There is nothing more pleasurable than to rank out pathetic low life assholes like you . I know you wear a two-paiy

  34. anonymous said

    March 10, 2014 @ 9:57 pm

    For some one who is not relative to competitive eating anymore and never was you seem to spend a great deal of time on here mr G

  35. anonymous said

    March 11, 2014 @ 9:21 am

    You say that Pat & Jamie restaurants would not have opened if they were bound by the IFOCE contract? What the hell are you talking about? George and Rich would have gladly funded both restaurants as long as the MLE logo and an image of the wall of fame was posted on the front entrance of Jamies Smokehouse and Taco in a bag.

  36. anonymous said

    March 11, 2014 @ 6:27 pm

    Why dont you disappear? Nobody cares about you and never did You were always a worthless eater that beat worthless competition to either win a Nathans qualifier or that pathetic Bologne title that someone grandmother could have won.

  37. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 8:22 am

    Did shmoiken ever win anything other then a cheap pickle title 50 years ago? Nathans? Anything? Bueller. Bueller. (crickets chirping)

  38. Micky Micardo said

    March 12, 2014 @ 8:26 am

    Lucy, I’m home from the claaab. I hear that Ethel Shmolkin just left Fred Shmolkin. She was so humiliated after he ate 11 hotdogs in the 1952 Nathans qualifier, getting beat by a rookie named Jim Mullens, that she cleaned out the bank account, took the kid and skipped town. Boy, will Fred Shmolkin be surprised when he comes home from his meaningless job at the postal warehouse.

  39. Anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 8:36 am

    it is not a crime to be the worst competitive eater in the world, Ugly Brian’s real crime is claiming to be a “competitive eater” on a fairly regular basis. I honestly can’t remember the last time he was somewhat competitive at the table.

  40. Bedrock stories said

    March 12, 2014 @ 8:59 am

    Hi Fred Oh Hi Wilma i mean Ethel sorry you look more like her than Wilma . Whats for dinner? Oscar Meyer Bologna. Honey you know that kind of food stunts my growth. I havent grown an inch since 1983 which was why i couldnt find a woman to take wedding vows until i reached the ripe old age of 37. Now that i look like 75 instead of 50 do you still love me even though i lie and make believe im an audiologist in the VA building

  41. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 9:12 am

    don’t forget about the imaginary friend with the boat.

  42. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 9:26 am

    At least Shmolkin worked for law enforcement even though it was brief. If someone put a 9 in your hand you be trembling with it like you had parkinson diseasel A job not suited for the squirmy especially ones that get on top of a chair crying for dear life when they see a little cockroach

  43. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 11:35 am

    Law inforcement??? That’s a joke. Shlepkin was a baileffs assistant in the courts for about 5 minutes, the one that yells “all rise.” Like competitive eating, he wasn’t any good at that or he’d still be doing it instead of his god given talent of separating mail by zip code.

  44. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 11:46 am

    I think he did a bit more than say “all rise” What are you some kind of comedian? You should have chose that field instead of comp eating which you sucked at

  45. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 11:56 am

    Sounds like Shlepkin is calling someout out for a challenge or a duel. How about 11 hotdogs at 10 paces.

  46. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 11:59 am

    How bout a youtube duel but then again you havent uploaded an eating video in your entire life

  47. ooogie googie said

    March 12, 2014 @ 1:05 pm

    jealous oink, jealous oink, 11 hotdogs, 11 hotdogs, smelly smelly pickle.

  48. Is this real life? said

    March 12, 2014 @ 2:33 pm

  49. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 2:41 pm

    decent uncontested numbers? Shredder put up better numbers then Shmoiken ever did. maybe if Shmoiken practiced hard he too would of put up a career high in hot dogs better then 15. We’re talking about practice?

    Shmoiken is all talk but would never accept a challenge with another eater. Haven’t we been down this road before?

  50. Anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 2:50 pm

    he even makes excuses in his practice videos, pathetic.

  51. Play by Play said

    March 12, 2014 @ 3:01 pm

    5 hotdogs first minute + 5 hotdogs minute 2 – 7 + 1 more hotdog minute 7-10. That’s that…….

  52. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 4:41 pm

    Seiken doesn’t want any part of your backstabbing lowlife cousin which is why he won’t accept any of his challenges. He will do challenge on his own when he is good and ready and not when you dictate the time and place

  53. Anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 5:59 pm

    You kind of bring the attention your way Brian by making negative comments and criticism of others eating abilities.

  54. anonymous said

    March 12, 2014 @ 9:26 pm

    Shredder’s best numbers in hotdogs is 28.75 and 28. OJ can verify this. Shlumpkin couldn’t eat 28 if he had a week to do it. Of course he wouldn’t accept a challenge because even untrained for over 2 years, Shredder can still wipe the floors with Shlepkin.. Guaranteed. But Shmolkin is off the hook because if Shredder ever does a challenge it will be with his faithful cuz.

  55. shredder is a phoney said

    March 13, 2014 @ 11:03 am

    Hey Goldstein what happened to the days when you felt honored to be competing at the same table with Shmolkin after he waxed your ass in a matzah ball qualifier in Greenvale NY in 2004? After you got pretty good in hot dogs you got too big for your britches and dismissed Shmolkin as primitive competiiton. You are nothing more than an ingrate and a fuckin phoney. You smile in people faces when you see them but behind their backs you break down their personalities and their eating ability. Stop being so critical of others and let things roll off your back . You will find you will make more friends and be accepted by your peers if you have a sense of humor. This one is no good that one is no good this one calls me too much this one is a pain in the ass. Who do you like ?

  56. friend of shmerken said

    March 13, 2014 @ 1:30 pm

    I hear that Shmerken will be doing loads of eating challenges in the spring/summer because IFOCE is not promoting him any more and not putting him on talks shows like Miki Sudo. I doubt he couild give a rats ass about his number 60 ranking which even he would probably agree is a pity ranking . Take it and shove it

  57. Anonymous said

    March 13, 2014 @ 6:55 pm

    Seiken has a sense of humor? It’s not April fools yet.

  58. anonymous said

    March 14, 2014 @ 3:15 pm

    Seiken has a sense of humor if he thinks he can cure constipation. By the way, he still looks very fat.

  59. anonymous said

    March 14, 2014 @ 4:43 pm

    Loat more weight than you shitter you look just as fat and short as you disc in swingbelly video. Give up rhe weights its not helping but thanks for visiting

  60. anonymous said

    March 14, 2014 @ 4:52 pm

    Maybe you should take his advice because Seiken is taking healthy shits every day unlike you . Youre stinking intestines and arteries are probably so backed up and clogged up with Nathan’s hot dogs that its just a matter of time before the doctors tell you you need triple bypass or you have colon cancer.Youre a fat loser wirh a microscopic dick that probably cant even achieve a hard on

  61. anonymous said

    March 14, 2014 @ 5:17 pm

    Grunt grunt shit I cant get it out. . Haven’t shit in 3 days.Gotta give up red meat. What could be problem? Must be hot dogs..Loose stool in bits and pieces. Get me some wheat germ. Better yet maybe Seiken has a point. Let me watch his video. Just might help.

  62. anonymous said

    March 14, 2014 @ 5:29 pm

    I wonder how many dead roaches were in those boxes of cereal. I like how Seiken condemns regular milk then uses it any way. I agree that he does still look heavy, fat face, sausage fingers and big gut.

  63. shoRy said

    March 14, 2014 @ 5:43 pm

    Short people got nobody. They got stubbylittle fingers and tell great big lies . They wear high heel shoes and midgets for wives

    . Because their short fat and got no life. Dont want no short people dont want no short people round here haha

  64. Anonymous said

    March 14, 2014 @ 7:42 pm

    are we in nursery school

  65. anonymous said

    March 14, 2014 @ 8:51 pm

    Its sad isn’t it 742? Some who fooled us all these years thinking they were adults are nothing more than petty grade school morons. One in particular probably got teased and got the shit kicked out of him so many times in elementary school , that now he takes out all his frustration and anger on a well versed well educated and good looking stud like beautiful Brian

  66. anonymous said

    March 15, 2014 @ 11:14 am

    Has anyone seen US Male latest video ? Very healthy and very nutritious . Ding dong and ho ho loaded with fat and sugar and he burns it off by driving a mail truck. He has 5 views so far 2 are probably shlepkin the other 2 are his and the last one is his faithful cuz

  67. Anonymous said

    March 15, 2014 @ 6:04 pm

    us male doesn’t drive a mail truck all day. Walks about 6-7 miles a day and burns it all off. If you don’t like it, don’t watch.

  68. anonymous said

    March 15, 2014 @ 9:18 pm

    US Male has accumulated 4,100 hits on his Burger King video LA Beast over 200 thousand hits on his .Because he joined the partnership program with YT he makes $100 for every 20,000 hits . He also went over the 200 thousand mark with Miki Sudo so figure he picked up a few grand on both videos. I think those YT hits are fake and scam if you ask me. He should not be taking home that kind of money . Something smells very very fishy

  69. anonymous said

    March 16, 2014 @ 8:14 am

    He has also accumulated more than 4100 grams of sugar with the tastykake video. Then he plays it off by saying Oh i run 7miles and burn it off and the doctors always give me a clean bill of health. Yeah right. Burning it off by running will solve the problem just like that Think again genius . Sugar is in your bloodstream and its not leaving anytime soon

  70. Anonymous said

    March 16, 2014 @ 10:34 am

    Why don’t you worry so much about the hot dog eaters around Nathans time or any other contest or video? If he wants diabetes then isn’t that his business? Do you care that much, Dr Oz!!!!

  71. anonymous said

    March 16, 2014 @ 10:52 am

    Why would anyone want diabetes? Very lame question isn’t it? Doesn’t he eat hot dogs around Nathans time? There are a considerable amount of other videos and eaters that are destroying their bodies and good looks with all that eating. I will pay attention to them as well . Thanks for the info

  72. anonymous said

    March 16, 2014 @ 2:07 pm

    We dont care about your boring cake videos in your stupid mail truck copycat . You saw Jamie eat ding dongs and LA Beast eat burgers so you just had to steal their stunts thinking people will notice you. By the show of your YT hits it proves nobody watches or cares . Your an old fool with nothing to prove in the sport of competitive eating. Go away and join the circus they might hire you due to a shortage of clowns

  73. You are no mathematician said

    March 16, 2014 @ 4:13 pm

    Your YouTube earning values are 100 percent completely off. 100 dollars for every 20k views. Are you on crack? Each view is worth fractions of a penny, just like from the movie office space. We are not talking thousands, but mere dollars and cents.

  74. Anonymous said

    March 16, 2014 @ 6:52 pm

    has anyone noticed Selkin’s booming youtube hit parade? Should make money by the year 2060.

  75. The list goes on said

    March 16, 2014 @ 10:14 pm

    Quote from
    As long as Shitfeats continues to postcontests as obscure as Burgers or hot dogs in Bismarck North Dakota, then expect every single independent eater within a 10 mile radius of that event to show up and that includes Squibb Jamie , Menchetti Santel Brunelli etc etc .. These are names i dont have a prayer in hell of beating.

    You don’t have a fucking prayer beating anybody! You stink as an eater, lose to locals who sign up for the same contest and you will never get better.

    Never lost to you

  76. anomyius said

    March 16, 2014 @ 10:14 pm

    Instead of finding fault with him why dont you watch BB corner St Pattys day chowdown from March 2007? . Seiken went out his way to upload the show for some of you ungrateful fucks Geroge Shea Joey Chitwood Pat B and Badlands Booker watched the show on the internet during the plane ride home from the contwst

  77. I have a life said

    March 16, 2014 @ 10:20 pm

    Cut the hate 652 Seiken gets his share of hits only you dont know about it because they are not displayed publicly.

  78. Anonymous said

    March 16, 2014 @ 10:31 pm

    Actually, I heard the same YouTube rates quoted on ABC News. They said $5 for every thousand views. So that’s $100 for every 20,000 views.

  79. Ralph Kramden said

    March 16, 2014 @ 11:41 pm

    Bismark ND? LOL LOL I could swear i heard that line from an old Honeymooners episode . Your a riot Alice a regular riot Bang zoom

  80. seiken fan said

    March 16, 2014 @ 11:45 pm

    You don’t have a fucking prayer beating anybody! You stink as an eater, lose to locals who sign up for the same contest and you will never get better.

    You talk a big game you cowardly shit brain. Once Seiken gets his act together and gets a clean bill of health from his physician he will kick your pathetic ass in any food category you have in mind. For starters state your name PUNK. BTW he never lost to a local NEVER

  81. make that money said

    March 16, 2014 @ 11:53 pm

    Maybe US Male can ask his fellow postal workers to contribute to his 4,356 hits by start a youtube campaign so he can get the extra 195,644 YT hits he needs to make $100 from his Burger King Video . What the hell ill make it 4,357 just to show i am a sport

  82. anonymous said

    March 16, 2014 @ 11:59 pm

    The list goes on i am sure that with that attitude you have a very hard time making friends and if you have any which i doubt, they dont stay around you very long . You are a very miserable full of hate and full of something else i rather not mention

  83. False said

    March 17, 2014 @ 1:13 am

    That is false

  84. anonymous said

    March 17, 2014 @ 2:19 am

    But they wont pay off until you hit the 20,000 mark .

  85. anonymous said

    March 17, 2014 @ 10:41 am

    Anyone see this slob eating 12 tastycakes? Pitiful and on the job yet? This is how he delivers mail. Who filmed it? He has no friends , Must have placed the camera somewhere Very healthy lunch loaded with sugar fat and other shit that is no good for you. Top it off he washes it down with zero gatorade with is loaded with hidden sugars . Zero my ass and the Male man delivers 141 hits which is even more pitiful. LA Beast would have accumulated at least 200,000 hits by now with a check in the mail for $100

  86. anonymous said

    March 17, 2014 @ 10:47 am

    Surprised that no one mentioned that 10 years ago today was the Friedreich cornbeef and cabbage contest in NYC and the first appearance of Tim Janus. Those were happier times in the IFOCE.

  87. TheTruth said

    March 17, 2014 @ 11:12 am

    Youtube. You make $$ for all monetized views. Mobile views are 99% of the time not monetized. That being said, about 40% of the views you actually make money. In this case its about $2 per 1,000 views. There you are making about 0.80$ per 1,000 views in reality.

    Thats just how it works. However the bigger you get with youtube, the more product placement you get, and thats where the big $$ comes to play.

  88. Morans Corned Beef said

    March 17, 2014 @ 11:13 am

  89. i made a fetsie said

    March 17, 2014 @ 12:02 pm

    So what truth is saying is dont quit your day job unless you are confident you can pull in close to a million hits per video which might = to a couple of hundred dollars. Since the majority of us use our smart phone instead of home PC to watch videos and they are not monetized, then the whole idea of making money with YT is useless and pointless

  90. anonymous said

    March 17, 2014 @ 12:05 pm

    What is more surprising about that day besides Tim Janus debut is that Seiken beat everyone at the table with the exception of Cookie Jarvis and Charles Hardy. That is a fact no lie and you can look it up if you dont believe it

  91. anonymous said

    March 17, 2014 @ 12:18 pm

    Don’t lie, Seiken came in dead last as he always does.

  92. anonymous said

    March 17, 2014 @ 1:39 pm

    With the exception of the top 3 finishers plates being eyeballed, no one elses plates were looked at or weighed, therefore Seiken beat no one. If he ate 2 plates, that was a lot. He should have given it up back then.

  93. anonymous said

    March 17, 2014 @ 5:11 pm

    Thats a very stupid analogy. Might as well make same argument for wingbowl .You can bet that if 139 finished in the top 3 he wouldn’t have made that remark. We alll know what place he came in.

  94. anonymous said

    March 17, 2014 @ 7:06 pm

    According to the database Seiken was credited with 4. He did not then, does not now or ever will have a 4lb capacity. Therefore due credit can not be given. Maybe he took a couple of empty plates from whoever was next to him. HMMMMMMMMM…….

  95. beautifulbrian said

    March 17, 2014 @ 9:16 pm

    I ate roughly 4 lbs that day . There was no scale but each plate was weighed at approximately 1lb prior to the contest. Just before the plates were tallied by George, Leon Feingold piled a bunch of corned beef and cabbage from an already eaten plate to a non eaten plate and smiled at me . Have no idea what that was all about.Doesn’t matter 10 yrs ago in a snow blizzard with no money at stake

  96. anonymous said

    March 18, 2014 @ 9:42 am

    for once in your sorry ass life your plea is believable 642. From process of elimination i doubt Booker Liipsitz Feingold Hardy Lerman would post that comment . Booker is omitted because thats not his style. Lerman rarely visits here. Jarvis and Hardy never visit here Same with Fengold and Kevin which leaves one suspect who competed that day who made his debut and to this day has very little going for him except for CE

  97. anonymous said

    March 18, 2014 @ 12:21 pm

    Wouldnt it be more fair if some of you cowards posted your real names when you attack someone that has a real name so he can fight a fair fight and insult you the way you insult him without accusing innocent people of being behind the hate ?

  98. anonymous said

    March 19, 2014 @ 1:38 am

    He might be jerking off when he sees the Shredder

  99. anonymous said

    March 19, 2014 @ 12:47 pm

    For someone that cried like a little bitch because he lost a nailbiter hot dog qualifier to Yasir Saleem in SC two years ago which resulted in his retirement, he seems to spend a great deal of time on his site because he just cant seem to get the itch of competing out of his head. Or maybe its just the fact that he still wants to be part of the action even if it as meaningless and trivial as getting in a few digs on Seiken whenever he gets a chance. I am not condoning some of the bullshit that goes on as far as contest results and eaters getting screwed over by favoritism or mere crumbs when determining the winner but this particular individual retained a secure and rather high spot in the rankings which he certainly did not deserve .

  100. anonymous said

    March 19, 2014 @ 1:10 pm

    Maybe we should mention that this Sunday marks one year anniversary that Seiken ate 11 hot dogs and buns

  101. anonymous said

    March 19, 2014 @ 1:11 pm

    A high spot in the rankings is as useful as tits on a bull.

  102. anonymous said

    March 19, 2014 @ 1:25 pm

    . If IFOCE ranks someone at their will its etched in stone to the morons that frequent this site to being equivalent as to what kind of eating skills someone actually has . Bullshit if you ask me

  103. anonymous said

    March 19, 2014 @ 1:49 pm

    I hear that Shmellkin the magnificant, nutrition and fitness guru will guess your caloric and fat intake just by sniffing your seat. Simply amazing. George Shea should use this as the opening act for the hotdog contest on July 4th.

  104. anonymous said

    March 19, 2014 @ 8:07 pm

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY – 11 Hot dogs, amazing

  105. mr shea said

    March 19, 2014 @ 8:51 pm

    Ladies and gentlemen. This man needs no introduction. He has been on the competitive eating circuit for years.It has been said he has a profound odor from his ass but others have disputed that theory and claim the odor comes from deep down inside leather chairs. Nonetheless today he will demonstrate how ones caloric and fat intake can be determined by a mere sniff of a leather chairs. Let the sniffing begin!

  106. I made a fetsie said

    March 19, 2014 @ 8:54 pm

    March 23 should be declared a national holiday

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