New Poll: lead role in Wing Bowl movie
The new poll question asks who should play the lead role in the upcoming Wing Bowl movie which I believe will be based on Bill “El Wingador’s” Simmons career. I can add other actors to the list of choices.
Another new poll question asking whether competitive eating should be included in the winter or summer Olympics can be found in the Whaler’s most recent blog entry. If competitive eating was added to the Winter Olympics, then eating contests could not be counterprogrammed against the Olympics, as the Glutton Bowl was aired the same time as the 2002 women’s figure skating finals (see also) I can make that question the next poll question if there are any requests for it (and the Whaler does not mind)
Big-Shot Casting Director said
February 15, 2006 @ 3:51 pm
Bruce Villanche should play El Wingador. Or maybe Hillary Swank.