The new poll asks how many of the 13 Nathan's qualifiers in 2012 will have a female winner eating ten or more hot dogs. In 2011, seven women broke the 10 HDB threshold. Two of those qualifier winners (Stephanie Torres and Grace Lee) are not expected to compete in the 2012 qualifiers and Sonya Thomas might receive a bye as the defending female champion. Among IFOCE female rookies, Meredith Boxberger and Rebecca Oey appear capable of hitting double digits and Julie Dey ate 12 hot dogs in the 2009 Minnesota qualifier.


  1. DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)

    March 26, 2012 @ 12:29 pm

    Cardboard Shell for sure, I think Jessica “Queen of Cuisine” has a really good shot, Wu if someone can find her, Betty from Indiana, and Seiken in drag.

  2. MOTIF said (Registered September 3, 2011)

    March 26, 2012 @ 1:58 pm

    Cardboard Shell, Meredith Boxberger, Larell Marie, Maria Edible, Juliet Lee. I imagine there might be some others too, so I’ll estimate 2 more, so 7

  3. Cutter said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    March 26, 2012 @ 3:28 pm

    they are giving away thousands of dollars to women that can eat a dozen hot dogs and buns. while it is not an easy feat, there are likely women that can eat that much that do not even know it yet. I agree with MOTIF here with the 5, and probably a few more.

  4. Undefeated! said

    March 26, 2012 @ 3:58 pm

    Grace Lee

  5. I hate everyone said

    March 26, 2012 @ 4:02 pm

    world champion dalelila boon will beat all them ho’s

  6. WingKong said (Registered December 19, 2006)

    March 26, 2012 @ 7:35 pm

    Mia Davekos put up strong numbers in oysters. If she competes she might be the only Davekos at Coney this year, unless she brings what’s his name. I would say she is over 10!

  7. Craig Reed said (Registered February 21, 2009)

    March 26, 2012 @ 7:42 pm

    I agree with Dax on all of those except the last one. Remember it’s 10+, he’d have to stop complaining long enough to actually eat 10 hdbs.

  8. Huh said

    March 26, 2012 @ 8:12 pm

    Mary bowers?

  9. anonymous eatah said

    March 26, 2012 @ 8:46 pm

    Who’s WingKong??? Isn’t he that guy who made it once back in ’09?

  10. MOTIF said (Registered September 3, 2011)

    March 26, 2012 @ 8:57 pm

    Mary only did 6.5 hot dogs at the Derby Deli last year. It’s not an impossibility though

  11. Naader Reda said

    March 26, 2012 @ 10:11 pm

    Mary Bowers might be able to eat 10+ hdbs, but it’s annot open question asis to whether she would want to get involved in the MLE contract issues.

  12. Naader Reda said

    March 26, 2012 @ 10:12 pm

    Damn phone. *It’s an open question*

  13. anonymous said

    March 26, 2012 @ 10:15 pm

    8:46 you say made it in? Ask Biller and Subich the same question

  14. DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)

    March 26, 2012 @ 10:44 pm

    Mary did do 8 to qualify.

  15. anonymous said

    March 27, 2012 @ 12:13 am

    Who gives a shit get a life OJ Rifkin Sonya kicks all their asses like she does every year

  16. Anonymous said

    March 27, 2012 @ 11:55 am

    anony 12:13 am, obviously you do or you would not be commenting. Rifkin has a life, he/she is happy with it. I agree with your last statement, you are one for three. I am sure you do not care about that but my opinion is as good as yours.

  17. anonymous said

    March 27, 2012 @ 12:29 pm

    Womens division puts the big bucks in one person pocket. Sonya Thomas. ESPN won’t even touch it. Posting the contest on the internet is certainly not the same as watching it on network television where the entire world gets to see it

  18. Spread the Wealth said

    March 27, 2012 @ 1:21 pm

    Annony 12:29 — Sonya Thomas winds up in the money in the men’s or women’s division regardless. Moving to a women’s division puts money into the pockets of other women eaters who had no shot at being in the top five men’s contest, let alone even getting to Coney. I think it’s quite admirable of Nathan’s and MLE bringing greater attention and cash to lower ranked eaters. Below top five eaters are always complaining that more ways need to found to get these compensated. So, what’s the beef? Regarding coverage, last year ESPN wanted to see what kind of coverage and reception the women’s contest would get. The results were that the women’s event got as good story placement as the men’s event. Therefore, this year I wouldn’t be surprised to see the network covering the gals live as part of their hour long show.

  19. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    March 27, 2012 @ 1:51 pm

    The non-Sonya Thomas women received $10K last year at Nathan’s (Juliet Lee getting $5K)

  20. MOTIF said (Registered September 3, 2011)

    March 27, 2012 @ 2:00 pm

    Spread the Wealth, I agree and disagree with you. I believe that the Women’s division of Nathan’s was a great idea, and very justified by the fact that most sports ARE seperated between Men and Women in order to achieve fairness. What I DON’T think should be an aspect of the Women’s leauge is to view it as a nessassary means to compensate lower eaters who normally would not be in the money. Competitive Eating is a competition sport, you gain when you win, and when you lose you lose. This is not welfare or health care, money isn’t or shouldn’t just be handed out like candy. Allowing that to happen would ruin the competitive nature of the sport.

    But again I will say that from a Co-ed perspective a Womens leauge with the same cash purse, opening new opportunites to Women Competitiors, I believe to be comeplete reasonable.

  21. Think Again said

    March 27, 2012 @ 2:40 pm

    Sonya Thomas is not guaranteed money in the men’s division. To do that you need to finish in the top five, with 5th being $1k. Joey, Pat, Tim, and Bob take the first four places. Sonya would get 5th or 6th against men only, if that.

  22. Spread the Wealth said

    March 27, 2012 @ 3:15 pm

    Think Again: I believe Bob’s only beaten Sonya once at Nathan’s, when he beat her by .75 of a dog several years ago. So, she would be an odds favorite against him again and fourth place this year. Pat and Tim go back and forth for second and third. Joey, well Joey’s Joey. But the point is, a women’s event opens up a potential money spot for the men. And, of course, more money for the women too. Isn’t that what everyone always complains about, too few having the opportunity to end up in the money. Well, the women’s event opens that up. All pros should get paid, some more than others, and if I had any say all the eaters (men and women) should get some sort of compensation no matter how small. Even if it’s just for putting the time into participating in the pre event activities and having the guts to compete on the largest competitive eating stages in the world.

  23. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    March 28, 2012 @ 6:08 am

    Spread the Wealth, cldnt hv sed it btr myself….u pretty much summed it up. I, for one, know I’d never make it to Coney w/o a women’s division. I also think this year both contests are being televised on ESPN. Whoooohoooooo!

  24. BigD said

    April 6, 2012 @ 3:26 pm

    I think Mary Bowers has a great chance of going over 10. Another rookie with great potential.

  25. BigD said

    April 6, 2012 @ 3:30 pm

    @ Naader

    I wouldn’t count Mary out for the qualifications in Vegas.

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