New York independent contest news

AICE News reports that the even-year Carnegie Deli pickle eating contest will take place on May 21. reports that Joe LaRue will attempt to defend his pancake eating title in Marathon, NY on April 5.

Comments (47)


  1. Gentleman Joe said

    March 19, 2008 @ 1:25 pm

    If they are giving up as “prizes” more than lunch, maybe i’ll compEAT.

    Otherwise, screw em’.

    I would hope that unless more than lunch is offered, all true eaters, regardless of affiliation, wouldn’t compEAT.

    Let a wannabe win it.

    Its why I didn’t compEAT in the last one. (Not that i’m calling any of the competitors in the last one a wannabe…this time)

    While I certainly understand not wanting to pay for the Shea’s exorbinant fees, to pay nothing, (and that is what lunch is after eating pickles for 5 freakin’ minutes) is insulting to true eaters.

    With moderate prize money, I would compEAT.

    So far, the Shea’s were right on this one.

    Hopefully, Carnegie/United do whats right.

    Not that I expect it.

  2. beautifulbrian said

    March 19, 2008 @ 2:30 pm

    a bunch of nonsense if you ask me. Leibowitz has about as much interest in CE as my ass. He collects a nice days pay (more than you can imagine) then goes about his merry way back to business in his pickle factory in the south bronx

  3. the boy king said

    March 19, 2008 @ 2:41 pm

    I don’t think anyone wants to see anyone in this contest except for Chapman & Seiken.

    I wish those two would just do the damn thing and let it be done.

  4. Rhonda Evans said

    March 19, 2008 @ 2:43 pm

    Joe I had always pictured you eating various items of that general shape, but not pickles. How do you think you’d do?

  5. Gentleman Joe said

    March 19, 2008 @ 4:41 pm

    Boy King,

    Everyone with a brain knows Arnie would smoke BB, just as I did in that exhibition.

    He’s going to say I only beat him by a pickle & a half, but his mouth was stuffed while mine was clear, & that was just 90 seconds worth.


    If I was the way you are insinuating, i’m sure i’d do great, with all the guys who get man crushes on us eaters.

    That, along with the technique I use to strip wing flaps. A bit of suction, a bit of teeth.

    I’m waiting for you to use that technique on me.

  6. Anonymous said

    March 19, 2008 @ 6:14 pm







  7. beautifulbrian said

    March 20, 2008 @ 1:39 am

    Boy King i agree thats what the public wants. However this time i feel in all due respect i should get a nice fat appearance fee. Since Chumpman is the champ his fee should be greater than mine since im the ex champ. If Leibowitz would open his fat wallet and partake with some of United Pickle’s wealth i would not hesitate in participating. The freebie days are long gone. I’d say 5 grand is a modest offer and i promise i’ll give them a show they wont forget. If they cant come to an agreement i’ll just show up for nothing and sing “stink for yourself” then go home.

  8. Teacher, Teacher said

    March 20, 2008 @ 6:09 am

    Hey Anonymous said 6:14pm

    “You are now fuck.” “Cheap ass went though….”
    You obviously are not very bright and show your lack of intelligence through your grammer and spelling. Now go grab a snack pack and get ready for the school bus, dope!

  9. Rhonda Evans said

    March 20, 2008 @ 9:09 am

    Joe I deserved that. I think you’d do well too. 🙂

  10. "Sweet" Jill Stoler said

    March 20, 2008 @ 9:44 pm

    I’m up for anything in NY that I can get to. I don’t really eat pickles, though. I better start training.

  11. Rhonda Evans said

    March 21, 2008 @ 8:06 am

    My boyfriend makes the same claim. Jill I bet Joe would be a good one to get some tips from.

  12. beautifulbrian said

    March 21, 2008 @ 12:09 pm

    Forget the exhibitions menchetti we did that for the camera remember? I wont deny the fact you beat me but exhibitions are not to be taken seriously . Apparantly you think it was for real which shows what a pathetic load of crap you are. Don’t propose any kind of bet or put up money on this site because im not interested in facing you or any of your clowns in that mickey mouse side show. I made a propostion in an earlier comment that if they put up some substancial gelt i might consider. For free i dont think so . I got a little pickle video prepared for you tube in the coming weeks.

  13. anonymous said

    March 23, 2008 @ 12:53 am

    Don Lerman is going to throw away his entire career competing against a group of jokes in a pickle contest . Does he realize if he loses he will be mocked by a psyco on his website just as he had done to other ifoce members in the past. Krazy Kev as a guest judge? I think its more about the unlimited deli tab , compliments of Mr Lebowitz and Levine that awaits him in the back room after the contest . If BB decides to show to sing “stink for yourself” it would make the entire event worth watching.

  14. Arnie said

    March 23, 2008 @ 1:02 pm


    Brian has the 15th best performance ever in Pickles. why would that be interesting?

  15. Arnie said

    March 23, 2008 @ 1:06 pm


    I agree with you that prize money should be availible. However, there might be some of us who want to compete because of the history and tradition connected to a contest.

  16. Arnie said

    March 23, 2008 @ 1:16 pm


    Your asking for them to open their wallets..? When you are you going to make that demand of the Shea’s. On another link you are talking to other eaters about car pooling to save expenses to go down south for a MLE event…Again you have exposed yourself to be full of shit. You call the Carnegie Deli contest a side show yet you based your entire career and identity on your 2002 victory (You have accomplished absolutely nothing in competitive eating beside that victory-if you have tell us what it was) Q. Was it a side show when you took 7th place in 2004 (Which is what you would have finished in 2002 if the good pickle eaters were on board) It’s only become a side show because you are a coward who would never show up to back-up all the crap you have been talking. It is only a sideshow because the Deli and United Pickle got irritated with you because of the harassing phone calls you made to them when you won the contest in 2002.

    Again, Brian how about a pre contest between you and me for 500 dollars?

    Now watch the coward run

  17. Anonymous said

    March 23, 2008 @ 6:03 pm

    Hey it’s Easter. I don’t have one negative thing to say about anyone on this day.

  18. the boy king said

    March 23, 2008 @ 6:17 pm

    I didn’t say it would be interesting. But I believe the messages posted directly following asking me why it would be interesting answer the question.

    All this contest needs to be is a 1-on-1 battle.

    I think everyone else AICE & IFOCE would gladly step aside to see this “battle” finally fought.

  19. Anonymous said

    March 23, 2008 @ 6:39 pm

    Brian has nothing to gain by competing. Let’s move on.

  20. Arnie said

    March 23, 2008 @ 7:59 pm


    It’s been fought. Even when I had the flu I beat him by 1/2 pound in 2004. Derek, you know I have been challenging this creep to compete against me for two years. Your comment that “lets see this battle finally fought” does not speak to the fact that he has been talking shit and running from me for years now despite my many attempts at challenging him. There is no battle and I am somewhat insulted that you would think there would be.. It would be like me challenging Goose Gilbert in Eggs or G-joe in dumplings or Beef Patties.

    Why dont you ask Brian why he does not take me up on my challenge?…Also, why don’t you give credit to the two other AICE guys who have the best Pickle eating performances beside me (Joshua Hearne and Mike Hoffman)

    Derek, You know I have nothing but the highest regard for you, but you should do your research before commenting

  21. Arnie said

    March 23, 2008 @ 8:06 pm


    Brian has nothing to gain?…If Brian was able to beat me he would go from having the 12th best Pickle performance ever to having possibly the best. Real Old School Eaters like Lehrman, , Jarvis and Booker would have nothing to gain because they have done some great things in CE. Brian, on the other hand has done nothing (beside winning in 2002) that would suggest he has nothing to gain.

    Again Brian, I got $500 dollars: Where and When.

    Lets watch the coward run

  22. Arnie said

    March 23, 2008 @ 8:15 pm


    You are being disingenuous when you criticize the Carnegie Deli for not paying prize money. There have been plenty of events that you have gone to for little or nothing is pretty long. Did you get paid to go to Krystals despite the fact that you knew you would never be allowed back? Also, why did you compete in that event twice and why has the need to get paid by Carnegie in 2008 changed?

  23. the boy king said

    March 23, 2008 @ 9:33 pm

    2002 was a long long time ago and Brian was the champ that year.
    2004 was also a long time ago and Arnie beat Brian that year.
    We all know, especially me, that the battle was fought. But for some reason, the bad blood persists.

    All I’m saying is that all of us “Newbies” (anyone who’s begun CE in the last five years, which is practically everybody) would like to see the battle. We weren’t around in ’02 or ’04. So we’d love to see it happen again. Look at the top 50 in both the IFOCE and AICE and let me know how many people have joined the ranks since this feud’s been going on. It’s 2008… some of us weren’t even in the game back when the both of you were “pioneering” in the competitive eating world. And really, I just think it would be great to see you guys go gherken-to-gherken. No two names in the sport have as much bad blood as the two of you.
    And frankly, I think you, Chowhound, would beat Seiken handily.
    As for giving the other guys respect, Hearne & Hoffman, I’m all about it. But they’re not the ones everyone waiting to see.
    Even if Chestnut shows up, and eats 30 lbs, it won’t be as significant to the sport as the battle between the two of you.

    Brian, you should really do this to attempt to silence the Chowhound once and for all. You were one of the pioneers, and now you can be part of the biggest story inside of CE since Kobyashi came to Coney.
    You’ve got everything to gain, because you can’t get much lower. You’ve been relegated to fighting w/ Philly Guy, crossing over to “music”, getting no respect from IFOCE, and being trumped by OJRifkin. The way I see it, you’ve got nothing to lose. You win, and you’re back on top and you shut down Chowhound once and for all.

  24. Anonymous said

    March 23, 2008 @ 9:42 pm

    This is Don Lerman speaking, after a big holiday- birthday meal . I’ve made up my mind to skip the pickle contest or any other upcoming contest as an eater for a while ( my capacity is gone from dieting) . I wish all those entering good luck and would welcome the opportunity to be a guest judge at the contest in any event I will be there as a reporter for Moses news .com…Don ”Moses” Lerman

  25. anonymous said

    March 23, 2008 @ 9:49 pm

    BB is NOT a pioneer. Just because he competed at the same table as pioneer’s doesn’t make him one. He’s an also ran bum who has lived the last 6 years of his life bragging about the only victory he ever had. If he did compete today, how would it be any different than 2002? It wasn’t an ifoce contest then!?! There was no money then!! The only difference would be he would lose to Chapman, again, as he did in 2004. Its not like it would matter if he was thrown out of the ifoce, not that they care what a mediocre eater like him does. He’s never won any of there events & never will. He has admitted that this site has taken over, so he has nothing to lose even when he loses.

  26. Philly Guy said

    March 24, 2008 @ 12:12 am

    I along with most eaters are in a league above Brian. Just stop feeding the troll and he’ll vanish. If he takes any offense show up at the Philly Nathan’s qualifier and I’ll shut him up.

  27. "Where's Rhonda on this one?" said

    March 24, 2008 @ 7:54 am

    I think Brian should give Rhonda Evans the pickle. That would be a truly competitive eating “bundle of joy.”

  28. Rhonda Evans said

    March 24, 2008 @ 8:04 am

    Brian when you won the Pickle title in 2002 you showed you were the best in that contest on that day. Arnie, you did the same in 2004. Both of you have already proven yourselves in my mind as two of the best pickle champs ever.

    Don’t make something negative out of an inherently good thing. It’s just not kosher.

    Let the good stuff of the past remain good stuff to tell your grandkids about–or that new young thing young enough to be your granddaughter that obediently sits on your lap 20 years from now.

  29. Anonymous said

    March 24, 2008 @ 10:07 am

    Philly Guy should be trying to make friends. Instead he insults an IFOCE eater who already has friends in the league. Weird choice.

  30. Rhonda Evans said

    March 24, 2008 @ 10:27 am

    Hey “Where’s …,”

    Put that 10 X magnifier, tweezers, and blow-up doll of Ugly Betty back under your bed and stop jerkin’ on your gherkin. Then again, I’m sure you’re not a “hands free” kinda guy.

  31. beautifulbrian said

    March 24, 2008 @ 12:57 pm

    Yeah you’ll shut me up. Philly guy go crawl in a hole somewhere because not only are you lucky to be ranked but you have to go down as one of the worst eaters i have ever seen . And if i do ever come across your pathetic face at an event i will take great pleasure in cursing you out .

  32. "Where's Rhonda on this one?" said

    March 24, 2008 @ 4:09 pm

    I bet if Brian gave you the pickle, your progeny would look like George or Rich Shea.
    Maybe OJ could godfather.

  33. Philly Guy said

    March 25, 2008 @ 12:49 am

    Prepare to be mildly offended!!!!!!

  34. Rhonda Evans said

    March 25, 2008 @ 8:03 am

    Why try to pit eating organizations against one another? It’s the eaters themselves that comprise them. Sure, there might be a sour apple or two in either one or both orgs, but overall the people are very decent professionals and human beings.

  35. Arnie said

    March 25, 2008 @ 8:25 am

    I see Rhonda Shea has been enjoying this thread

  36. Arnie said

    March 25, 2008 @ 8:56 am


    Pickle contest ruined?

    The 2006 event got more publicity than any of the previous ones. In addition, the top three performances for Pickles were also logged.

  37. "Where's Rhonda on this one?" said

    March 25, 2008 @ 9:05 am

    Rhonda Evans said,
    March 25, 2008 @ 8:03 am

    “Why try to pit eating organizations against one another? It’s the eaters themselves that comprise them. Sure, there might be a sour apple or two in either one or both orgs, but overall the people are very decent professionals and human beings.”

    You gotta be kidding? You and Rich and Nerz and all the other people in your Chelsea office that take the time to post as “Rhonda Evans” while running this site are the rottenest of apples.
    Mocking Brian and the rest of the dopes that come to this site makes you the rottenest of apples.
    Pretending to be a woman just shows you what kind of men you are….

  38. Rhonda Evans said

    March 25, 2008 @ 9:06 am

    That’s Rhonda Evans.

  39. Arnie said

    March 25, 2008 @ 9:13 am


    How did the Media make a a hero in 2002. Please site articles, TV and Radio to support your case.

    Who pays to watch you perform…?

    Brian, I already sent you and this site my eating accomplishments. Before you call the guys I defeated (Jarvis, Booker, Lehrman, Menchetti, O’Karma, Maurizzio) bums explain why they are bums. I’m not the one with one eating title and a bunch of 8th place finishes.

    My Eating Accomplishments are listed at Please list yours

    Brian: Brian, you have one victory against me in Matzoh balls when I just started competing on a regular basis in 2003. Of course you dont mention how I beat you decisely three times in Matzo Balls the following year.

    As far s HD’s I have done 12 picnic style in five minutes. You have done 13 in 12 minutes.

    Why do yo mention the contests in 2003 but make no references to the subsequent ass kickings I gave you.

    The only reason you ever competed in the Finals of the Matzoh Ball contest in 2004 is because your boyfriend George Shea had Myself and Menchetti disallowed. The only reason you got invited back to Wing Bowl for the Eat off in 2004 is because I declined the invitation.

    How come your strategy is to lie when the truth is revealed?

    Again, lets compete in Pickles for 500.

  40. Rhonda Evans said

    March 25, 2008 @ 9:30 am

    Where’s Rhonda … everytime you type a comment you show how far off base you are. But keep it coming. It’s a rather light day today, and I enjoy the entertainment. 🙂

    This is brain candy.

  41. "Where's Rhonda on this one?" said

    March 25, 2008 @ 9:30 am

    you sure know a lot about comp eating. it’s funny how “noone” has ever met you at an event. Oh wait— this is shea com. “Noone’ is BB.

  42. Arnie-reposted minus spell err said

    March 25, 2008 @ 9:45 am

    How did the Media make you a hero in 2002? Please site articles, TV and Radio to support your case.
    Who pays to watch you perform…?
    Brian, I already sent you and this site my eating accomplishments. Before you call the guys I defeated (Jarvis, Booker, Lehrman, Menchetti, O’Karma, Maurizzio) bums explain why they are bums. I’m not the one with one eating title and a bunch of 8th place finishes.
    My Eating Accomplishments are listed at Please list yours
    Brian: Brian, you have one victory against me in Matzo balls when I just started competing on a regular basis in 2003. Of course you don’t mention how I beat you decisively three times in Matzo Balls the following year.
    As far s HD’s I have done 12-picnic style in five minutes. You have done 13 in 12 minutes. I suck in HD’s and you are worse
    Why do you mention the contests in 2003 but make no references to the subsequent ass kicking’s I gave you.
    The only reason you ever competed in the Finals of the Matzo Ball contest in 2004 is because your boyfriend George Shea had myself and Menchetti disallowed. The only reason you got invited back to Wing Bowl for the Eat off in 2004 is because I declined the invitation.
    How come your strategy is to lie when the truth is revealed?
    Again, lets compete in Pickles for $500.

  43. Bobby said

    March 25, 2008 @ 10:03 am

    I want to see you again. You know how to find me….

  44. Rhonda Evans said

    March 25, 2008 @ 10:27 am

    Thanks Where Rhonda … I’m very flattered. Coming from you I consider that a $5.00 bill tucked under my bra strap.

  45. Rhonda Evans said

    March 25, 2008 @ 12:09 pm

    I’ve noticed a pattern here. It’s only the lesser eaters who are going after Brian on this site, and this isn’t organization-specific. I see not one above average eater taking shots at him. I think there are a few lessons here. Wisdom is truly beyond price.

  46. "Where's Rhonda on this one?" said

    March 25, 2008 @ 3:09 pm

    I notice a pattern here, too. Rhonda. It’s called chickensh-t on your part.
    Why don’t you come out of the closet?

  47. "Where's Rhonda on this one?" said

    March 25, 2008 @ 3:10 pm

    Who are you to comment on people’s ability? You’ve never done it. You and your organization just make a lot of many off the eaters.

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