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the great gavonne said
November 7, 2011 @ 11:47 am
Competitive Eating has permanently damaged my brain.Somebody has to pay for this,why not the government?
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 7, 2011 @ 1:05 pm
Gavonne I didn’t know that eating so little could do so much damage.
the great gavonne said
November 7, 2011 @ 1:15 pm
Well,I had a head start,but MLE(George Shea in particular)is responsible for obliterating what little brain cells I had left.Now that you’ve addressed me I’m curious to know who you are,since I’m convinced you are not a female & in fact do not even exist.You are either OJ Rifkin,B.O.B.,Booker,Seiken,Stoler,or the devil himself.If you are a real person send a picture to me via my facebook(Jo Gavonne).I’m convinced you are not real-prove me otherwise.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 7, 2011 @ 1:48 pm
Gavonne, go with your gut.
the great gavonne said
November 7, 2011 @ 1:58 pm
That tells me nothing,an elusive answer that just proves my point.I knew you couldn’t be a real person because no female would defend Seiken.Rhonda,you are a phony,plain & simple.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 7, 2011 @ 2:57 pm
(Not so great) Gavonne, ma boy, you’re headin’ down the wrong path, as elusive as THAT TOO may seem.
No need to mention BB. What he does or doesn’t do has no impact on you, me, or anyone else. Be responsible for yourself.
You do more damage to yourself than any three people … yet, there’s still hope for you.
beautifulbrian said
November 7, 2011 @ 3:13 pm
Rhonda thought you might want to see this. I contacted the cops just now
beautifulbrian said
November 7, 2011 @ 3:51 pm
He says he knows where i work I have no problem with that He’s going to have the problem if he comes within 200 ft of the building i work at for the inspectors will either arrest him or shoot him at the entrance dependent on how menacing he comes off as He must think i work in a candy store where he can just walk right in. LOL. . As far as coming to my home . Ehhh i dont think he wants to do that . As far as the hit he claims to put out on my life.? Well right there he just fucked himself bigtime cause its in writing regardless of whether or not he was on meds or alcohol . Have a nice life Gavonne
The Thyme said
November 7, 2011 @ 3:52 pm
Gavonne has 2 much time on his hands.
Anonymous said
November 7, 2011 @ 5:26 pm
There are eaters whose kids read eatfeats. There are grown-ups who post here. Posting should be a privilege and if standards of decency are not followed those people should not be allowed to post. All future references including the words Gavonne, Joe Gavonne, BB, Seiken, beautiful brian should not be allowed nor should either person be allowed to post on here from now going forward. Go fight things out yourselves and stay away from family friendly websites. I do not care who started what or any details and call upon OJRifkin to respond if he cares about who reads this site. Time also to report Seiken’s site which should have a warning on the link itself.
beautifulbrian said
November 7, 2011 @ 7:39 pm
You’re avoiding the issue Seiken hater. Let’s cut the crap and talk facts. I could care less who frequent this site. Parents with any real morals or decency including their kids are going to visit anything but Like the movie to kill a mockingbird you’re no better than the white supremacist jurors that convicted that poor black man. It’s not about spilling a feud with some psyco . It’s about making people aware of what kind of animal oj rifkin is condoning by allowing him to even post here. I’m all for banning my name from this site as long aa that Nazi is included. Obvious you’re not of the Jewish faith or those comments might have hit home . I guess in you’re warped mind because my name is Brian seiken and I’ve said some really mean things that destroyed marriages ,I have no rights now do I?
Chrisssake said
November 7, 2011 @ 10:01 pm
now it’s really gone over the top. He’s “that Nazi,” I’m “of the Jewish faith”, OJ is an “animal.” This is really pathetic. Two supposed adults on a damn CE website wetting themselves over bullsh*t. Go kick his ass if you’re so upset. This really is the lowest of the toilet. Nobody cares what either of you think. You both have shown what idiots you are. Did you think for a minute that you two infants could just “get a room?” No wonder nobody wants to “defend” either one of you. Do you understand what “embarrassment” means? Morons like you two really take CE and the other non-jackass eaters a couple of steps down just by being remotely associated with it. Thanks a bunch, retards.
anonymous said
November 7, 2011 @ 11:49 pm
Since when was this ever a family friendly website? The author made that clear years ago by allowing some of the worst filth to appear in the comment sidebar. Even with the comment moderation , lives of certain eaters will never be the same and some of the hurtful remarks which didnt include foul language were just as hurtful. You talk about standards of decency but the author seems to enjoy just the opposite by allowing such actions to continue. So maybe you should put the blame on Santa instead of his elves. Of course you dont care who started what because those comments didnt pertain to you. If they did, ill bet they would. Aa far as reporting Seiken site who are you going to report it to? Better Business Bureau? Consumers for family friendly blogs? Dont hold your breath . Maybe Seiken site should have a warning attached to it but last check he never threatened anyone or condoned bigotry racism on his website. You were on a roll until after the 3rd paragraph Gavonne BB Seiken beautiful brian should not be allowed to post. You should have stopped there because i happen to agree with you but no you had to blow it for yourself by continue on with :” i do not care who started this or that” and the rest of the bulllshit you added to it which has nothing to do with the matter at hand.
Tissue or Issue? said
November 8, 2011 @ 4:42 am
Seiken you are missing the point. This is not a personal attack blog. Do that on your own where your 1 or 2 fans can see it.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
November 8, 2011 @ 5:06 am
This site and threads are falling apart faster than a Kim Kardashian marriage, you two are so bananas for each other, I hope you both leave for good.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 8, 2011 @ 7:31 am
Dax I could not agree more with the first part of your sentence. My enthusiasm for continuing to post here continues to wane. Of course, I think that’s the intent, and that’s okay. I don’t like wasting my time.
zzzzzzzzzzzzz said
November 8, 2011 @ 7:37 am
Why blame Seiken. OJ loves it. All he has to do is delete the comments and the problem is solved
anonymous said
November 8, 2011 @ 7:43 am
Because this site is so anti Seiken it gives gavonne more power than ever . You need more people like Rhonda Evans and eventually he will go away.Seiken is another story
beautifulbrian said
November 8, 2011 @ 7:58 am
Chrissake listen up. Dont even associate or put me in the same category as this nut. I dont even know who the hell he is nor do i care. Hes been stalking me for 3yrs. When i had a feedback page on my site i kept getting crazy messages from some dude claiming how great my site is long live Seiken blah blah ,. Then he shows up at the corned beef contest in NYC and i hear someone screaming out my name from the crowd. .I thought it was ok at the beginning but after time went by he started becoming a pain in the ass. When i ignored more of his emails , he started getting nasty. I think i might have given him some play on my website which was a huge huge mistake cause i had no idea who i was dealing with. In this situation i take 75% of the blame for giving this guy life. If i just ignored him we wouldnt have this situation. It was the relentless filth i had to delete from my feedback page last year that sent me over the edge and i made the mistake of responding back because the attacks got real personal. Real sad that i am hated by so many on this site and the only individual that sees through this is Rhonda Evans. If its any consolation in maintaining the integrity of this site , then ban me but please ban that asshole as well because he wont rest unless my name is mentioned by him in some aspect. Im done
Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
November 8, 2011 @ 8:00 am
It seems to be Seiken’s intent to shut down eatfeats. He will be happy to read that he is having some success in at least continuing to pollute it and get attention, negative but he doesn’t really care or he would just stop posting. In OJ’s favor is (perhaps) that he cut off comments to the previous thread moved to the off-topic. But here we go again. Seiken could also easily not publicly post Gavonne’s comments on his own blog and still contact the police and pursue this any way he wishes. But he clearly enjoys this fighting and trying to take down others publicly. If it isn’t Gavonne, it’s Will. There is always someone else. Gavonne, you do need help and should stop now. Stay away from Seiken, he just likes to taunt you, ignore it and take care of yourself. You and Seiken are a toxic combo. You like to taunt him too. Your actions and behavior together cast negative reflections on other competitive eaters. Neither of you is going to get anything good out of this public trashing. MLE isn’t going to reward Seiken and whatever you want, Gavonne, is not going to happen if you threaten people. If you have written anything anti-semitic, that is incredibly poor judgment. Stay away from Seiken and his site and your life will improve. You are both, in this country, still eligible for health care, physical and mental, even if you are competitive eaters.
weeeeird said
November 8, 2011 @ 8:10 am
Normally the police cant do much with blog hecklers but Seiken life was threatened and that man could go to jail . Internet threats are not to be taken lightly. Shows how crazy that fucker is. First he going to the police to report Seiken talking about his mother then he’s getting a hit man to kill Seiken Explain the logic in that one? Fuckin hilarious
Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
November 8, 2011 @ 8:53 am
My comment was written while Seiken was writing his. I was so discouraged by this continuing problem. I think his suggestion should be taken fully into consideration by doing what I suggested a while back. Let’s give eatfeats a rest with all comments by Seiken and Gavonne and references to them discontinued until further notice. We can get back to the real topics of competitive eating, Seiken can focus on his website without distractions here, Gavonne needs to be restrained from using this forum.
beautifulbrian said
November 8, 2011 @ 9:33 am
I totally agree with Hmmm for the sake of maintaining peace and integrity. If you insist on giving Gavonne a voice on this site i cant do anything about it but i dont want my name mentioned by him or any comment by him referring to my name casually or indirectly. I try to keep my end of the bargain but the problems persist because you dont keep yours. If you want to solve the problem thats the way to go
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 8, 2011 @ 12:46 pm
I really hope Gavonne gets straightened out. It’s a mistake to let him push anybody’s buttons.
The help he needs is not available on this site or BB’s. I hope he realizes that.
anonymous said
November 8, 2011 @ 1:06 pm
No joke Rhonda that is some serious stuff. Blame the NYC criminal justice system for allowing it .
anonymous said
November 10, 2011 @ 5:14 pm
Glad to see the hate is gone. Please keep it that way and don’t allow the troublemakers in the door
Anonymous said
November 10, 2011 @ 6:03 pm
I second comment 5:14, I have been holding my breath, as it were. If OJ is screening out the hate, I thank you very very much. If people are self-monitoring, even better. Either way this site has been filled with fresh air and fresh ideas, just as it should be.
Phil LaMignon said
November 10, 2011 @ 6:30 pm
Roger that!
Many thanks! said
November 10, 2011 @ 7:29 pm
It’s been a breath of fresh air. Amazing how good this site can be if the trash is taken out daily.
anonymous said
November 10, 2011 @ 8:06 pm
I love it .If you sense that the comment is negativity towards another competitive eater delete it before it hits the page. Everyone will sleep much better
Anonymous said
November 12, 2011 @ 7:33 am
This site is done for… boring.
Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
November 12, 2011 @ 10:48 am
Good that you think so 7:33……..go away, you and 8:06 pm are just trying to make trouble. That is why your post is placed in off-topic. Bored? Don’t read. Pretty simple. I sleep very well thank you. Moniker or monitor, Hmm says eatfeats rules.
the great gavonne said
November 12, 2011 @ 1:24 pm
It’s not fair that you let others write crap about me,much of which is untrue but you don’t let me respond with my side of it.Fuck you,OJ-you & your site sucks!