Offer to link to AICE response

If the AICE leadership believes that they have been censored in the comments of this blog, I will post a link to whatever content on they desire. (This will eliminate the possbility of impostors that is present with blog comments)

Comments (14)


  1. The Boy King said

    June 8, 2006 @ 12:44 pm

    The AICE is bigger than just Chowhound and Coondog.
    And every person who bashes the IFOCE isn’t always them…. please remember that.
    And thanks to OJ for being objective and mentioning that it isn’t always who you thought it was.

    It’s hard for a newcomer to get accepted into an IFOCE event. It’s the big show, even if I don’t agree with their policy of not allowing eaters in events not IFOCE sanctioned.
    I mean, a lot of eaters could have eaten more ice cream than some of the participants (I’m not here to name names), but they’re established and we’re not. So, they got a seat at the table. I’m sure it’s true for a lot of eaters.

    So, I’ll do local things, and AICE events. Because they are fun and the people in the organization are good people. And they allow people to do what they want. If you’re a money eater, like Menchetti, and he won’t deny it, then you can do that. If you want to travel and eat for fun, then you can do that. If you love competition, then AICE has events you can enter, no strings attached.

    If people really wanted to be men about it, they would settle it by competing against each other. Not threats of bodily harm, name calling, etc.

    Just enter and AICE contest and you can prove who is better. And I don’t want any excuses.

  2. The Boy King said

    June 8, 2006 @ 12:49 pm

    Kick ass tonight at Quik Chek, Invader!
    Wish I could be there.

  3. Mike R Geller said

    June 8, 2006 @ 2:04 pm

    Boy King you make some valid points but it means nothing until you give your real name . Until then you fall into the same category of the phonies!

  4. The Boy King said

    June 8, 2006 @ 4:28 pm

    Wouldn’t ya know…….Shoo-Fly Pie!

  5. the boy king said

    June 9, 2006 @ 1:34 am

    Mr. Geller, what category is that? and is that your real name?
    how will anyone ever know? I could put anything in the Name line of my email and it wouldn’t matter.
    Must you pigeon hole everyone?

    I thank you kindly sir/madam for recognizing my good points. And I kindly ask that everyone remember the media in which we continue to communicate.

    I have eaten on my own.
    I have eaten at an AICE event.
    I have been invited to an IFOCE event. — shoo-fly.

    Research my friend.

    Congrats, my friend, on your victory at quik chek today.
    And thank you for the objective advice.

  6. INVADER said

    June 9, 2006 @ 12:30 pm

    The Boy King said it clear: no strings attached, no contract and the opportunity to do whatever competitive eating thing you want. BUT let’s not forget to mention AICE sponsorship. AICE makes a valid effort to sponsor eaters by paying some, if not all, costs when possible. Even if you have a bad day in a competition, the worst thing is you get a free lunch. Your travel expenses aren’t there to linger over you as much if you didn’t get in the money. I understand IFOCE is considered the big time with more name recognition and prize packages. The organization has been around longer and has some really great talent. I also understand that I’m having a blast stuffing my face, traveling, and making a little money to boot. No stress or strings attached.
    I hate to say I can’t blame OJ for not posting AICE stuff. It does seem anytime an attempt is made, the overall response is unwelcome. Some of that response is invited and sometimes it is not. It’s OJ’s page and I’m sure he doesn’t want all the insults, threats and BS cheapening his site. It’s competitive eating for Christ’s sake- ENJOY IT!

  7. Rhonda said

    June 9, 2006 @ 1:43 pm

    Congrats on your win Ian. You are by far the most talented gurgitator in AICE-sponsored events. I believe that you could have a fighting chance to break the top 10 in the IFOCE. But as you say, its competitive eating, and regardless of which organization one eats in. It should be about having fun. It just appears, however, that many of the pro-AICE remarks are by eaters who are not happy. You’re a pleasant, welcomed exception I think.


    June 9, 2006 @ 1:56 pm

    ian hickman the eater x of the aice has spoken

  9. Mr Wright said

    June 9, 2006 @ 2:43 pm

    The INVADER has a point. IFOCE doesnt pay any of the eaters (excep of select few) for travel expenses , hotel etc. To my knowledge none of the eaters in the IFOCE have ever been paid for some of the competitive eating documentaries they appeared in as well as television and newspaper interviews. I guess the old saying time is money is not in their vocabulary

  10. The Newspaper Guild said

    June 9, 2006 @ 7:00 pm

    REAL news bureaus don’t pay people for interviews. It’s a pretty universal policy.

  11. Kevin Carr said (Registered April 21, 2006)

    June 10, 2006 @ 4:59 am

    Amen, TNG. Trust me. As a member of the press who has interviewed dozens of people – from Andy Williams to Alice Cooper – I can assure you that interviewees are never paid. The press coverage and PR benefits amount to free advertising for a celebrity.

  12. Savage said

    June 10, 2006 @ 11:00 am

    Well put Ian, keep representing, let the bull shit be just that. For the Love of the Game. Looking forward to seeing you on the 17th.

  13. Mr Wright said

    June 10, 2006 @ 6:11 pm

    Mr Carr who i know is your real name & Newspaper guild who for some reason has to hide behind a ficticious name,both of you could not be more wrong. Mr Carr it is all find and dandy for a celebrity who is making tons of money to agree to some free publicity or advertising, but what about competitive eaters that are suckered into falling for the line “Hey dont complain its free PR coming your way” So fu– what? If it led to something bigger and better ok but it leads to nothing . Just ask some of the not so well known eaters in the IFOCE. Maybe a Sonya Thomas or another big name in the IFOCE would not mind every now and then granting a freebie interview considering they are making thousands of dollars winning contests while the other poor shnooks dont get a fuckin dime! The sad part is it still boils down to the free food that lures some of these devoted people to participate in these events without being compensated for time , gas , transportation and whatever. This does not mean for one second that i hold grudge against the big names in the organization. Anytime a performer opens his mouth and i dont mean eating, He or she should be compensated for his time and effort and that includes Joey Chestnut, Sonya , Don Lerman, Brian Seiken, Booker, Jarvis , Boone & anyone else in the IFOCE that has had some past or present communication with the media world. Enough of this free publicity bullshit .Most of the time its day old news forgotten and done with. If free publicity gets you a major role in a tv sitcom or a paid guest spot on a talk show then i will shut my mouth. I am sure the Shea’s want to be compensated for their time . Shouldn’t the same apply to the people that make the wheels turn in the IFOCE?


    June 13, 2006 @ 8:16 am

    aice reports that Ian Hickman finished two 3lb monster burritos in 29 min. his record was beaten in the past by 5 IFOCE members.
    1. Ed Jarvis 9:56
    2.Allen Goldstein 16:00
    3. Don Lerman 19:01
    4. Brian Seiken 25:00
    5. Kevin Lipsitz 25:00 Arnie Chapman & Chris Schelsinger attempted and failed Chapman not only failed but threw up.

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