Olympic perfect game pitcher is CE fan

Monica Abbott did not allow a baserunner when she pitched the USA’s softball team to an 8-0 victory over the Netherlands on Sunday, which is believed to be the first perfect game in Olympics history (The game was truncated to five innings due to the runs ahead rule)

Abbott lists herself as a competitive eating fan on her yardbarker page. She has three classes left to complete her degree at the University of Tennessee according to her NBC profile, so maybe she could compete in the Knoxville Krystal qualifier. (At 6’3″ and 193 lbs, Monica is approximately the same size as Michael Phelps.)

update Monica Abbott pitched a three hitter this morning to stave off a Japanese upset in extra innings and advance the United States team to the gold medal game. Image added from Yahoo Sports.

Comments (2)


  1. Anonymous said

    August 19, 2008 @ 6:02 pm

    If she does she might be the only female but at least shes an athlete and under 60.


  2. Slick Willie said

    August 19, 2008 @ 10:37 pm

    i’d like to see this

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