Brian's 24 in San Diego will hold a Pancake Monster eating contest on Thursday morning.  


  1. mizzoufit said (Registered November 3, 2011)

    February 4, 2014 @ 8:33 pm


    This event is happening at 630pm for the eating challenge. The festivities and 5th year celebration activities will take place from 6-noon. All day you can order a full or short stack of pancake and have $1 go toward the charity function. $5 of every person who enters the evening contest goes to the charity and $50 for every person who finishes the challenge in one hour goes to the charity as well. Been MUCH confusion on what time the challenge happens vs the early days activities. No need to get your ass out of bed a 630am when its actually at 630pm!

  2. anonymous said

    February 4, 2014 @ 9:31 pm

    Oh wow what a mind blowing event . I can’t wait What charity? The problem with charities is that we don’t know where the hell this money is going to. Honestly dude has contributing to charities ever cured any disease? NO . Most of that charity money is going into someone pocket for all we know

  3. mizzoufit said (Registered November 3, 2011)

    February 5, 2014 @ 12:33 am

    Its listed all over the promo materials on the site and in the fliers they have going around town both digital and hard print. San Diego Humane Society. They will have reps present all day to take questions and thanks people for their contributions while celebrating the 5th year in business for Brian’s 24 Diner. Its a fundraiser more so then a charity if you ask me.

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