Pat Bertoletti and Tim Brown will be competing in a brain eating contest before the July 2 Coney Island Cyclones game.


  1. anonymous said

    June 25, 2014 @ 10:54 am

    What a disgrace that both of these rent free freeloaders ESPECIIALLY Bertoletti have to show up the Sheas right before the biggest contest in the world . Stay the hell in Chicago You are not welcome hare

  2. anonymous said

    June 25, 2014 @ 11:01 am

    I heard that Bertoletti wants to come back to the IFOCE after Chestnut retires. Well guess what you cant come back when you please. The door will be closed right in your face how do you like them apples?

  3. Anonymous said

    June 25, 2014 @ 2:55 pm

    and thats why mle sucks because you can invest all your time in them and when you branch off to do your own thing you get haters like 1054 and 1101 (sorry they left to try to better themselves by opening up a restaurant) smh u guys who are hating are pathetic

  4. anonymous said

    June 25, 2014 @ 5:31 pm

    I think we all know who the hater is. Hint: ranked between infinity and 49. The Sheas should have him on their payroll.

  5. anonymous said

    June 25, 2014 @ 6:54 pm

    Wrong 531 get your head outta seiken ass and you might think clearer

  6. Anonymous said

    June 25, 2014 @ 9:24 pm

    Seiken is so jelly

  7. anonymous said

    June 25, 2014 @ 10:57 pm

    In some aspects 255;is right. When guys like pat and gravy part ways with the organization not once has george and rich wished them well in their ventures and thats cold. But aside from that pat and gravy made a few sneaky moves of their own without notifying the sheas

  8. Gravy said

    June 26, 2014 @ 6:57 pm

    Whoa guys back off the hate. Its just eating! Anyhoo,,,,correction. We are not participating. Just hosting.

  9. anonymous said

    June 26, 2014 @ 10:38 pm

    another unconfirmed thread from the great OJ who according to the jerks that flock to this site is gods gift to comp eating . We heard it from the horses mouth Thanks Gravy

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