has an article about Bob Shoudt's training session for Wing Bowl 24 tomorrow at Phamous Phil's BBQ in Collegeville Lower Providence, PA. update Jan 29 has an article and video about the session.
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anonymous said
January 27, 2016 @ 6:00 pm
Hi OJ, can you get rid of the duplicate thread below this one?
Also, FTR, “Collegeville” is the local postal address city handling the mail (“Borough of Collegeville”), whereas “Lower Providence” is the name of the township (political divison), which is separate from the Boroughof Collegeville. In PA, those don’t always coincide, and one post office can serve multipe townships and boroughs. I would just get rid of the “Lower Providence” portion of the title.
Also, Bob is awesome. I guarantee he wins the local contest. He lives and trains in a really nice area. He has the best capacity of all eaters and is an excellent chugger.
anonymous said
January 27, 2016 @ 6:58 pm
LOL. This is what the article states, verbatim:
Shoudt’s “training” will take place on January 28 at 11 a.m. at Phamous Phil’s.
To the naysayers, uh, yes, eating is actually training.