Paul Barlow’s best dressed eater list out

“Super” Paul “Bonebreaker” Barlow, Jr. has compiled his list of the top 20 top best dressed IFOCE competitiors at the midpoint of 2007. The top 5 in that ranking follows:

1. Crazy Legs Conti – the man does it all…creativity, style, hair, entrances (Coney Island was my favorite), and is nuts to begin with, which may give him an unfair advantage!!
2. Tim Eater X Janus – We are getting so used to his facepaint, it almost cost him here. But, the man’s color-co-ordination on his mug, the Helen Haggerty incident, and his Hartford hollerings keep him in the fashion frontlines!!
3. Super Paul BBBMB- my pictures provide my evidence, and I think I’ve been a good influence on Crazy Legs, Hall Hunt, my daughter (a well-dressed neat eater) and some others who now know how important grooming has become!!
4. Steakbellie- a kilt!! That alone almost put him higher on this list – the tattoos are just gravy.
5. Russ Keeler – It’s not only the tie-dye, but to get your family in on the act, that’s just groovy!!

Comments (7)


  1. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    July 13, 2007 @ 1:49 pm

    Finally Something I can Argue about!!!
    Super Paul, Clearly you have forgotten my Entourage of 12 Kilted Friends, 6 Scantly Clad Wingettes, 1 Cupid,1 Bagpiper, and a 14ft Can of Beer that I brought to Wingbowl. I will fwd photos of the Wingettes to you once I stop drooling on the keyboard.

    (Thanks for including me!)

  2. SuperPaul said

    July 13, 2007 @ 2:01 pm

    MMMMMMMM….wingettes. Maybe I need to have, or eatfeats could ask about, a best entourage question!!

  3. Mega Munch said

    July 13, 2007 @ 2:08 pm

    Steak definitely earned a spot on the list. You need to rock the arm tattoos more often. They were noticeably absent at shoofly. Other’s worth mentioning not on this list: Dale Boone and Tim Brown for rockin’ the suit at Nathan’s.

    Is there a “Worst Dressed” list to follow? Seriously, I don’t “dress up” for contests, but I think the baggy gym shorts and flip flops look is horrible (Chip Simpson and Takeru Kobayashi, I’m looking in your direction).

  4. donmoseslerman said

    July 13, 2007 @ 2:22 pm

    thanks for letting me add my input to this list , I’m posting here as I couldnt post on your site ..don lerman

  5. The Natural said (Registered October 5, 2006)

    July 13, 2007 @ 7:11 pm

    Nice!!! I made It! N my babies daddy got

  6. SuperPaul said

    July 13, 2007 @ 7:18 pm

    MegaMunch, click the link!! Boone and Tim Brown are on the list!!

  7. Kevin Carr said

    July 14, 2007 @ 2:24 pm

    SuperPaul, I was thrilled to be on the list. I called my wife and said, “Here’s something you never would have thought you’d hear me say – I’m on a best dressed list!”

    she didn’t believe me. 😉

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