Peter King of SI criticizes Nathan’s again
Sports Illustrated NFL reporter Peter King trashed the Nathan’s finals in 2006 and has made a similar comment this year:
We ought to be ashamed in this country when events like hot-dog eating contests gain popularity — the Coney Island fiasco was actually covered on New York sports-talk radio on my vacation — instead of inviting revulsion. Stomach-gorging is not a sport, and it is abominable to try to make it one in a country where too many people go to bed hungry every night.
The Big Lead sports blog has a comment about King’s critique:
I think Point “i†is the funniest thing I’ve seen today. A fatass like King lamenting on the disgusting nature of a gorging contest in the Nathan’s Hot Dog Challenge at Coney Island. It’s one thing to mock a competition that is loosley defined as sport when it involves pounding hotdogs, but doesnt peter king weigh nearly 300 pounds himself, and shouldnt he be the last authority on what counts as disgusting eating habbits? Kobyashi can probably bench peter king himself.
Anonymous said
July 16, 2007 @ 10:48 pm
Peter is angry that Nathan’s go right to his hips.
Erik the Red said (Registered January 9, 2006)
July 16, 2007 @ 11:44 pm
I really start to hate Peter King’s writing the more I have to read. He is such a narrow-minded hypocrit. He really comes off as a lazy NY journalist who’s only niche knowledge is in football. Get off your lazy ass and write a real journalistic story based on first hand experience and interviews; what are you a movie and TV critic Peter?