Was Crazy Legs Conti's "Popcorn Sarcophagus" the inspiration for this Super Bowl Doritos commercial?


  1. anonymous said

    February 7, 2010 @ 9:21 pm

    I thought that Zen of CE in conjunction with his popcorn stunt would propel Crazy Legs to eternal fame. Both did nothing to enhance his career. Whatever profits came out of it went to the salvation army . I was shocked that crazy legs was not part of man vs food in miami because he will appear in a surprise commercial towards the end of the superbowl

  2. Jim said

    February 7, 2010 @ 11:36 pm

    Actually you are wrong

    Crazy Legs happens to be the power behind the Federation and one Day will take over .

    The future is huge for Legs .

    The corn made Legs reborn FOOL!!!!

  3. anonymous said

    February 8, 2010 @ 12:01 am

    When you say take over does that include inheriting the Sheas fortune or just allow him to run the business ? Get ready for Conticommunications with Crazy Legs as the new George Shea Eater X taking over for Rich

  4. Anonymous said

    February 8, 2010 @ 9:34 am

    Will Conti have to wear long pants if he takes over the organization?

  5. Jim said

    February 9, 2010 @ 12:31 am

    When you takover you can wear any kind of pants you choose.

    Conti has the Zen .It’s just a matter of when.

    It’s all good for all

  6. Ann said

    February 9, 2010 @ 7:56 pm

    Long live Legs.Yay

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