Powerlifters on competitive eating
In this forum thread, powerlifters describe their personal eating records and offer their thoughts on competitive eating. One powerlifter was impressed with the physiques of the eaters on the MTV True Life documentary about competitive eating.
beautifulbrian said
March 25, 2006 @ 12:30 pm
I could care less about their rankings and 4 star bs.I just have one thing to say. If Chapman is allowed in the Carnegie Pickle contest May 24th . I will walk away from the table and head home.I believe the current Carnegie Pickle champ Ed Jarvis voices same sentiments but i speak for myself in this matter. And if he attempts to bait me or start some sh— there will be violence. trust me on that end. You can take that to the bank . For all intensive purposes we better not cross paths.
Dave Shoffner said
March 25, 2006 @ 4:58 pm
I wonder if someone with a muscular belly (aka “6 pack”) would suffer from the same restrictions imposed by the “fat belt” theory (the idea that expansion of the stomach is impeded by excess fat around the midsection). Look at The Black Widow, Carlene LeFevre, and Kate “The Burger Babe” Stelnick…all lean mean eating machines. Now if only you could find a way to explain Badlands Booker’s success!
Elliot Jackson said
March 25, 2006 @ 6:59 pm
There is something called digestion steroids. Its illegal its on the black market. Wouldn’t surprise me if some of these guys in ifoce are doing it .Somne of these dudes going from 2 to 3lbs of food to 10 lbs just like that? Nah Nah some Bull shit is going on and it aint water. I was not born yesterday.