A press release has more information about Takeru Kobayashi's July 4 event where he will attempt to break his personal record of 69 hot dogs and unveil his line of "Kobi Dogs". None of the seven "accalaimed competitive eaters" that will also participate are listed by name. Kobi Dogs will be available for mail order on www.KobiDog.com starting July 4 (that website currently shows a generic Go Daddy page).


  1. Anonymous said

    June 27, 2013 @ 11:59 am

    The Shredder was not interested in competing, but he may be there to cheer his cuz on, unless Kim needs him for a gig.

  2. anonymous said

    June 27, 2013 @ 12:18 pm

    Is Shredder having sex with kim?

  3. anonymous said

    June 27, 2013 @ 12:54 pm

    Kim doesnt even know who the hell shredder is. Go make up some more pipe dreams about your nursing home band of old farts

  4. Anonymous said

    June 27, 2013 @ 1:40 pm

    Sounds like some one got tired of playing with his new blender.

  5. Anonymous said

    June 27, 2013 @ 2:25 pm

    Have to wade through the trash comments to get to the bottom which should be the main event. So Kobi is going to the dogs. This should be very interesting. Personally all of this is just more of the same July 4th things he has planned before with a difference though. If this is his new line of hotdogs, and we can assume it is from the company which was recently in lawsuit proceedings to oust its CEO which was done, then what happens going forward affects no one in the competitive eating community, but it does affect Kobayashi. He must know by now that he will never ever ever have a chance to regain the Nathans trophy. Will he be able to earn income from this endorsement? Will he be able to extend his visa? It should be up by now, maybe this summer. If he has a business deal, no matter that the business is just getting started, he could renew for up to two years.

  6. anonymous said

    June 27, 2013 @ 3:41 pm

    must be a day off for BB or he has smart phone while sorting mail today

  7. Be a better CE said

    June 27, 2013 @ 8:39 pm

    The Nathans or any Hot Dog trophy should be called the “Kobi” very much like the Lombardi trophy for that other sport .

  8. anonymous said

    June 27, 2013 @ 9:08 pm

    225 there will be zero media coverage for this event except for maybe Dave Goldstein outdated smart phone or video camera taping the contest I doubt anyone but Kobi is making any money on this

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