Regulation proposed for competitive eating
(From So Good Blog)Manuel Lora makes the following proposals in his blog:
Eating contests must be closely watched by a regulatory agency. I propose the following pieces of legislation:
A) Participants must be licensed. If we license automobile drivers, why can’t we license competitive eaters? Some of them often receive monetary and in-kind prices and as such they are employees subject to regulation.
B) Participants must be insured. Because the eaters might have a higher than average incidence of heart burn and other complications, it makes perfect sense of them to have primary and secondary insurance otherwise hospitals will have to bear the cost of the eating fetishists.
C) Competitive eating organizers shall be required to provide to audiences brochures and other instructional material about healthy eating. Children who witness these monstrous spectacles could very well be disturbed, their lives forever changed. Society must do whatever possible to prevent damaging the children.
D) Whether it is pies or hot dogs, organizers must provide nutritional information to eaters and the public. This way everyone can see the insane number of calories that they are consuming. Perhaps a “shock and awe” campaign is what we need to eliminate obesity once and for all.
brad sciullo said
October 4, 2007 @ 1:17 am
for fuck sakes.this is stupid,ill fight this until the end.that kind of stuff would take the fun out of it,they dont do that at football or wrestling and people die.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
October 4, 2007 @ 6:58 am
This made me laugh:
“Because the eaters might have a higher than average incidence of heart burn”
This made me mad:
“A civilized society is one in which the repercussions of action are totally accounted for”….OK how bout that war we got going on?
mike landrich said
October 4, 2007 @ 7:31 am
I agree with Brad, this is bullshit. But Steakbellie, so is comparing some jerkoff’s opinion on CE to the war in Iraq. Odds are this idiot Manuel Lora is anti-war and believes that “If we just leave them alone, they’ll leave us alone”. Morons like this annoy me. They need to make villians out of everyone who doesn’t do exactly as they feel we should. It’s a way to make themselves feel superior and better than the rest of us.
Phill Guy said
October 4, 2007 @ 7:37 am
This is stupid. If a kid is watching a contest and decides he wants to do it, he/she will probably realize hey those skinny guys do a lot better than those bigger guys. The kid might actually start watching what he eats and lead a healthy life style. In effect CE is actually a good influence.
Mega Munch said
October 4, 2007 @ 8:25 am
“Studio executives and movie directors and that “key grip” guy should visit movie theaters where violent movies are showing and hand out brochures to all patrons about the repercussions of violence in socienty with a chapter at the end (possibly a magnet that people can people can put on their refrigerator) about how to do acts of kinds kindness.”
John said
October 4, 2007 @ 9:12 am
I enjoy watching CE, and the records amaze me, but Manuel Lora’s proposals are very sensible. Only extremely immature people, who lack discipline and want “license” (rather than genuine freedom, which implies responsibility), would voice objections.
Carey said
October 4, 2007 @ 9:13 am
“These kinds of activities are detrimental to civil order for they glorify eating.” I don’t think we need to put any more stock into what this guy is saying.
Rhonda Evans said
October 4, 2007 @ 9:30 am
I wonder if Robbie Knievel passes out such brochures during his jumps? I wonder if the UFC follows suit?
Surely, every bar must have a flyer on “The Hazards of Alcohol,” Otherwise, everyone will believe that all drinking leads to happiness. (Maybe it does, anyway.) Since when do we need to dictate common sense?
Anonymous said
October 4, 2007 @ 1:43 pm
This guy needs a hobby.
Carey said
October 4, 2007 @ 2:57 pm
What next? Pamphlets being displayed in casinos about gambling addiction?
KevinRoss said
October 4, 2007 @ 4:35 pm
I just wanted to make sure you’re being sarcastic Carey. You do realize that gambling places – both brick and mortar and online establishments – do give out information about gambling addiction (numbers to call if you need help and things like that). I’m not sure if there is any actual law that requires them to like with cigarettes, but almost every establishment I’ve gambled in does warn about the dangers of gambling addiction.
badlands Booker said
October 4, 2007 @ 5:53 pm
This guy can’t be serious
USMALE said (Registered September 4, 2007)
October 4, 2007 @ 10:15 pm
This is complete bullshit! On the TV show “Survivor”, the contestents practically starve for weeks. How about state fairs and the circus where people do odd or dangerous stunts for the entertainment of the people. I would think that swallowing a sword or fire is more risky then eating hot dogs or wings! This guys argument can be branched into many other catagories and events and will go nowhere. Get a fucking life dude. If you don’t like CE, don’t tune in.
Carey said
October 5, 2007 @ 9:57 am
Kevin, it is a state regulation in Jersey and Connecticut. I am not sure about other states though.
Carey said
October 5, 2007 @ 12:29 pm
has anyone wondered how far these guys are willing to go? I mean, if any of them are not right in the head, they could target the eaters themselves. I am specifically worried about how well the food at the contests are guarded.
brad sciullo said
October 5, 2007 @ 12:44 pm
facts are facts I got my inspiration from seeing people compete in this sport.Thats what i want him to remember with all this,Its not just a fun day at a festival or somthing,Its a sport.Where was this guy after the crazy stuff thats happend in other sports? I think we arent getting the whole story with him.Mabey he lost at a contest or somthing.that be kinda funny.
Carey said
October 5, 2007 @ 2:45 pm
Maybe it is actually Boone looking to get revenge on the CE world as a whole. ( I hope that comment doesn’t get him attacking me now)
October 5, 2007 @ 6:41 pm
that article gave me heartburn
commercial electrician said (Comment pending approval)
February 15, 2024 @ 8:50 pm
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