Mission Loc@l has a video of the sausage eating contest held at Rosamunde in San Francisco won by a team of Ryan McKillop and Dax "The Ginger" Swanson.
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juanmorebite82 said (Registered July 12, 2011)
February 20, 2012 @ 12:21 pm
Well done gentlemen
anonymous said
February 20, 2012 @ 12:33 pm
Dax Ginger does unsanctioned events and wants to get in Stockton Asparagus contest? MLE will hear about this yes they will
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
February 20, 2012 @ 12:36 pm
Thanks for the link Oj
Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)
February 20, 2012 @ 12:41 pm
Anon 1233 – it doesn’t matter what contests/challenges are done prior to MLE contests.
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
February 20, 2012 @ 2:51 pm
Furious Pete would probably not agree with your statement, Larell.
tiger wings said (Registered March 15, 2010)
February 20, 2012 @ 3:36 pm
AICE spells OUT !
Anonymous said
February 20, 2012 @ 4:19 pm
Tom Gilbert could also be lumped in with Pete. I don’t think Dax would fall into the same category as them though.
Matt "Mega Toad" Stonie said (Registered June 22, 2010)
February 20, 2012 @ 4:26 pm
IMO it’s completely a case-by-case senerio. I think its because the leauge doesn’t want non-MLE to be coming in and competing if there is a high risk of them beating MLE talent and/or reaping rewards from the contests (Non-AM). I look at it kind of like how the US might put higher taxes and limitation of forigen products (like cars and oil) because they want to promote the American production/ US Economy.
One can say tho that our government doesnt have the best policies hahaa
Either way I hope Dax can find a way in because I’ve yet to compete with him and would love to! I had the similar problem last year while i was still iffy about joining the leauge, but once i got it all worked out i was allowed to compete =]
Brain on Crack said
February 20, 2012 @ 5:09 pm
They have to prevent an outsider with the talent of say a Brian Seiken who could come in and beat their top eaters and then bolt. That would not be fair to their own MLE ers.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
February 20, 2012 @ 5:39 pm
I want a contract if it works for me, I want a shot to hang with the best, bottom line, and how is the MLE even going to tell if I’m any good if in not doing events, and if I’m doing local stuff leading up to an MLE event I’m bring a lot of new fans.
Anonymous said
February 20, 2012 @ 7:38 pm
They’ll know you’re good if you do MLE contests and do well. Duh!
anonymous said
February 20, 2012 @ 8:38 pm
Gilbert wants to go to Coney Island.He says he’ll sing a contract to enter but will not abide by its rules.What an idiot”
tiger wings said (Registered March 15, 2010)
February 20, 2012 @ 8:50 pm
Matt if you were correct , you would not be in the IFOCE right now . Yoe were a threat to there best eaters from the beginning and yet they wanted you on board . If you do an All Pro Eating event ,you have no shot of joining the league . Simple as that ! Sorry Dax , But that is how it works .
Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)
February 20, 2012 @ 11:00 pm
Good point OJ. Was thinkn more along the lines of Stonie, Torres, etc.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
February 20, 2012 @ 11:27 pm
@tiger wings, so your saying because of the Dickies BBQ contest I have
no chance of ever signing a MLE contract?
Yeah why would the MLE want someone like me? I have nothing to offer them? I hope to get a shot to sign a contract. Can anyone just say hey MLE I want to sign a contract? That makes no sense to me.
Matt "Mega Toad" Stonie said (Registered June 22, 2010)
February 20, 2012 @ 11:35 pm
Tiger, i had to sign before they allowed me attend any of their events. I can’t speak for the leauge, but the feeling i get is that they’ll let anyone sign in/ compete if they are willing to sign the IFOCE contract and feel that that person doesn’t run a high risk of breaking it.
U may be right though, I’m just saying what i feel from my personal experience
tiger wings said (Registered March 15, 2010)
February 20, 2012 @ 11:54 pm
Gotcha! But yea, it’s a personal vendetta that stems from Arnie and Coondawg .
anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 12:07 am
MLE knows Gilbert . He cant pull any fast ones with them like he did in the past
anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 1:59 am
He tried last year but was caught..What a morone..
Anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 9:22 am
The bottom line for most of you guys (yes you, Dax) is that the MLE doesn’t need you. They have plenty of bodies and plenty of stars. Do you have anything to offer them? Honestly, no — nothing somebody else isn’t already offering. No offense.
anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 11:10 am
With Dale Boone mentality what else do you expect from him?
juanmorebite82 said (Registered July 12, 2011)
February 21, 2012 @ 11:36 am
Soo what I’m gettin out this is people like Dax n myself might as well just stick to AICE/indy events & never ever ever bother with MLE. Na, I’ll keep tryin to play with the big boys
Anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 11:55 am
Last time I checked, AICE has some “big boys” that would love a good challenger! In fact, I think there is one that is unbeaten!
L.a. Beast said
February 21, 2012 @ 12:49 pm
I have done two mle events and just recently got into a few upcoming ones and the only thing I have signed is the waiver form. Never signed an official contract of sorts. Why then can’t Dax compete? What kind of shanannigans is mle up to? Lol
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
February 21, 2012 @ 1:27 pm
Nothing to offer? Ok, I look like no one in the league, rocking a bitchin beard and all tatters up, with swagger for days, we will see.
Anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 1:39 pm
Yes, your getting into the Thanksgiving invitational as a non-contracted eater and a noob was kind of a slap in the face to the contracted eaters that live in the area, L.A. Beast. And you did so well.
Anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 1:45 pm
LA Beast is legit.
anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 2:12 pm
I agree with 1:39. but how did he get in and who invited him in the first place when he was a virtual unknown?
Anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 2:48 pm
BTW, the “And you did so well” @ 1.39 was sarcasm.
L.a. Beast said
February 21, 2012 @ 2:49 pm
True. I apologize especially to Brian Seiken. He should have been in the thanksgiving contest instead of me who had no prior competition experience. The world needs more guys like Seiken
Anonymous said
February 21, 2012 @ 2:50 pm
It was actually a double slap in the face, because he only surfaced because of his challenge videos, something that contracted eaters are not supposed to do.
Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
February 21, 2012 @ 3:09 pm
I think Dax that you are confusing things here. One person said that MLE doesn’t need you because they have plenty of others who have the same things you have, with some small differences. If you really want to play with the big boys and say that you want to sign a contract, why not contact MLE BEFORE the contest and ask them whether or not you can do that. No Shenanigans, I think in general MLE does not do full record keeping at times. So yes, ask the questions and get the answers from the source which is not here, at least not a definitive answer. Common sense if you are serious about this.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
February 21, 2012 @ 3:18 pm
Hmm..not confused at all, I have no doubt that I will be signing a contract with MLE in the near future. I of all people now not to listen to the Trolls and haters out there, I’m just hoping that I have really not been blackballed.
L.a. Beast said
February 21, 2012 @ 3:47 pm
I now retire from posting on eatfeats. Thank you for all the kind words. I’m gonna go eat a sandwich now
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
February 22, 2012 @ 9:04 am
Off topic comments have been moved to
beautifulbrian said
February 22, 2012 @ 9:34 am
You can make this off topic on topic or whatever as long as people are made aware that a potential time bomb waiting to explode is right there in front of your eyes is all that matters. Several comp eaters including myself have been the victim of threats and anti semetic slurs by this individual and it should not be tolerated. Some of you that post under fake names come back with “Well Seiken why dont you take this up with the authorities instead of bringing the filth into this arena” Thats beside the point . I am sure he has attempted to post those very same threats and anti semetic remarks right here on this very site but at least Rifkin had the sense to delete them. I have every single comment from that crazy fuck on my hard drive.
Pat Bertoletti has told me in confidence that the only reason he plays along with his crap is because he is scared Gavonne might stab him. Joel P the same . US Male? I spoke to him and would rather keep his thoughts private . Now he’s trying to get in with LA Beast. I warned Beast about this guy also. Almost everyone has been made aware of this animal but i cant change the way people think i can only make suggestions. As time goes by you will find out what this prick is all about .
Sure some of you find him amusing only because you have not been the victim of personal attacks. It took Bob Shoudt some time to figute that out until some recent youtube comments surfaced. If i have to repeat myself 100 x i will do just that STAY AWAY FROM HIM.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
February 22, 2012 @ 11:56 am
Let’s get back to talking about me.
Ry said
February 22, 2012 @ 2:05 pm
Happy Birthday Dax