Second podcast available
Brian Seiken has uploaded his second podcast. He also has commentary about Krazy Kevin Lipsitz’s omission from the new IFOCE rankings.
- competitive eating
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Brian Seiken has uploaded his second podcast. He also has commentary about Krazy Kevin Lipsitz’s omission from the new IFOCE rankings.
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Anonymous said
July 13, 2007 @ 4:37 pm
Why no intrest in this? I thought it was very good.
Philly Guy said
July 14, 2007 @ 12:32 am
Hey Bitter Brian,
I signed up for the pizza contest and you should too. Lets see how I fail miserably against you. Being you’re so much better than me. I bet you’ll probably give Pat a challenge too being you’re so great. Next time watch who you talk smack against.
beautiifulbrian said
July 14, 2007 @ 1:35 am
Miernicki you are lucky to be ranked period!. Consider it a gift. I was and still am a good eater .Problem is people forget that i used to eat for this organization thinking i was always a CE talk show host. I dont have to watch who i talk smack about because i paid my dues . Have you? I never said anything about beating Pat . Rarely do i ever talk smack about beating anyone. Thats a fact and if you dont believe it ask around. If i came across as arrogant so be it. Some of the eaters ranked above me dont deserve to be there because they never faced me nor did they ever beat me. Show me some respect . Im not a little asswipe that just started in the IFOCE. I was there before you even knew it existed. I went out of my way to defend you on my site and thats the thanks i get. Nice talk . Who else would even mention you ? BTW maybe the IFOCE should proof you to find out how old you really are. Im not embarrased to be an old fart the same way you shouldnt be embarrased in being an under age disrespectuful little snotnose.
Philly Guy said
July 14, 2007 @ 10:33 am
I’m not being arrogant. Our numbers are rather comparable and if we went head to head it could go either way depending on the day it seems. According to the eatfeats database (which might be off) I have a better personal best in hot dogs, shoofly pie, pizza, and wings. You seem to be fairly steady in your numbers so it could be safe to assume you’re not going to have a huge jump in your results. You’re the arrogant one saying I’d fail miserably compared to you. Now you have a time and a place to prove if your gripe is legitimate. With numbers so close, I guess your ranking is a gift too. In your podcast you talk about how we should all be treated equally and get along. Now just because you’ve been with the IFOCE from the start I have to take a pop shot from you. Seems a little hypocritical to me. I appreciate your kind words in the past and your support, but don’t flame me over ranking I didn’t create. You should look at it this way. The rankings near the end have abilities that are very close. If I work harder at it I can jump up in the rankings and obtain a higher position. Instead you try to ruin a very good experience for me.
Anonymous said
July 14, 2007 @ 10:37 am
Congratulations Pete on your upward move in the rankings and dont sweat Brian because thats just his shtick and I want you to have good luck in Pizza. I dont think Brian will be there because pizza probably isnt one of his best foods and now that Im giving more thought to it I dont know of a food that is his best and even Mr. Chapman upset his pickle record so maybe Brian should try a cucumber instead. Anway brian still has his site to hang on to but even there hes his own biggest fan.
beautifulbrian said
July 14, 2007 @ 12:53 pm
Ok Pete relax ill get you a box of Kleenex tissues the next time we meet. Dont cry on me for christ sake. If i was hard on you i apologize. You are prob one of the select few i will ever apoligize to. I registered for pizza as soon as it was posted so may the best man win. If i dont get in its quite obvious i am one hated SOB. As far as my podcast, its an attempt at warped half serious humor . After all these years you guys still have not gotten the message yet? In other words once again like the tv show says . YOU GOT PUNKED! Getting back to eating. Is this what my CE career has boiled down to in my golden years? . Bickering with the Philly Guy over bragging rights as to who is a better eater? If this isnt the most embarrasing moment of my career i give up. Just kidding with you Pete. Good luck in Maryland and good luck in your current ranking.
beautifulbrian said
July 14, 2007 @ 12:54 pm
BTW i like that “bitter brian” With your permission i would like to use that line every now and then
Pat From Moonachie said (Registered December 10, 2005)
July 14, 2007 @ 4:10 pm
I want to reserve “Bitter Pat” for if I ever win a Clove eating contest! 😉