Sonya Thomas in has a series about champions. Sonya Thomas is featured in the section about champions of more obscure disciplines:

“I can eat a lot, but I know when I’m getting full in competition,” Thomas says, “and that’s when it becomes a mental challenge. It’s about focus. When the food is stuck in your chest, you can’t eat a lot and you might be sick. You need the will to win and the mental strength to concentrate on your esophagus, swallowing and pushing the food into the bottom of your stomach.”

Standing in the wings as history unfolds, eating boss Richard Shea has a unique vantage point.

“People have lost faith in superstar athletes,” Shea says. “They’re celebrities now. When people cheer Sonya Thomas, they do so because she is not Tom Brady. She is not A-Rod. She isn’t even Stephon Marbury. She is a regular gal like themselves–a gal who can eat 46 dozen oysters–and that resonates.”


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