Sonya Thomas profile in did an article about Sonya Thomas to preview the Shoo Fly Pie contest.

Though Thomas prefers salads and sushi, most days she has to eat on the job. She often avoids her favorite Korean restaurants, where too many fans recognize her.

“When I go eat, I don’t like the people bothering me,” she says. “When I eat, I want to enjoy my food.”

Thomas starts her day with coffee. After the lunch rush, she grabs a crispy chicken sandwich — hold the mayo — chicken tenders and king-sized french fries, washing it down with three or four king-sized Diet Cokes.

“Every day (it’s) the same food,” she says of the approximately 1,900-calorie midday meal. “It never changes.”

Comments (3)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    June 25, 2007 @ 2:19 pm

    Sonya deserves to be able to eat in peace. She must have to change up restaurants quite often to be able to enjoy a meal. I sort of feel sorry for her in that regard.

  2. Anonymous said

    June 25, 2007 @ 9:50 pm

    She’s so cute; especially in the Science of Speed Eating clip where she waves her hands in the air and has a suprised look on her face (I think she won).

  3. anonymous said

    June 26, 2007 @ 9:14 am

    What she means is , she prefers eating along because someone while talking with her, might accidently spit on or near her food. I can understand that. When i am eating i want people far away from me . If they want to talk let them talk to me at least 4 feet from where im sitting.

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