Swallow Your Pride Premier pictures
competitiveeaters.com has some pictures of the premier of Swallow Your Pride, but no commentary about the film besides the fact that it was well received.
Humble Bob has removed his review of that motion picture after just one day.
Arnie Chapman said
August 27, 2005 @ 1:21 pm
Swallow your Pride is the best movie about Competitive Eating ever made. Unlike the boring Zen of Competitive Eating which lacks rhythm and punch (much like it’s main character Jason “The Fake Rasta” Conti). Swallow your Pride captures the dreams, inspirations and disappointments of several well known Eaters. Despite rumors to the contrary, this is a movie that includes ALL Eaters. El Wingador and Humble Bob (IFOCE) Eaters are prominently featured. If there are negative statements about the IFOCE (Suing Eaters, Preventing Eaters who qualified from competing, monopolizing the sport and acting like Madison Ave Scoundrels) it’s because it’s true. Humble Bob’s removal of his well written commentary is truly disappointing and proof that IFOCE Eaters are completely controlled (Stomachs & Minds) by the IFOCE.
Q. How come IFOCE Eaters who have web sites do not talk about the big lie called the US Open of Competitive Eating and how the IFOCE has lied to America.
A. IFOCE Eaters (for the most part) have big stomach but little brains. They hunger so much for media carrots that they have thrown their values and beliefs (assuming they had any) in the garbage pale.