WGN has an article and video segment about Taco in a Bag.
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anonymous said
April 27, 2015 @ 9:09 am
who cares i hope those two burnt out losers go out of business
anonymous said
April 27, 2015 @ 10:55 am
909 is jealous of anyone successful, must suck to be a bitter postal sorter
Jam.Josh said (Registered April 11, 2013)
April 27, 2015 @ 11:58 am
Troll kid like to troll
anonymous said
April 27, 2015 @ 1:16 pm
must suck to be a hearing aid fitter
anonymous said
April 27, 2015 @ 1:17 pm
Look who calling the kettle black mention someone have more money or a better job and 1055 the hearing fitter would get extreme jealous
anonymous said
April 27, 2015 @ 5:01 pm
The bitter postal sorter also doubles as an assistant conveyer belt operator and junior financial counselor.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
April 27, 2015 @ 10:49 pm
Will you two quit flirting and fuck already, no one want to read you guys hijacking treads that have nothing to do with you.
anonymous said
April 28, 2015 @ 1:58 am
The red flags should have been waved after he was caught mumbling to himself and then ran into the arms of mommy because he was upset with his lame hot dog practice at Cookie Jarvis house back in 2005
Anonymous said
April 28, 2015 @ 11:39 am
Give it a rest Sicken, nobody cares.
Gravy said
April 28, 2015 @ 12:38 pm
Thanks for all the encouraging comments guys!!!! Love you!!!!
anonymous said
April 28, 2015 @ 1:31 pm
Who will the bitter postal sorter run to on June 14, 2015 when he makes a fool of himself yet again when he eats 11 hotdogs and blames it on the weather?
In BB I Trust said
April 28, 2015 @ 5:00 pm
Why the negativity? I believe Brian when he says this will be his break out year. The beautiful one will wow us with 17.5 this year. It’s a step forward. In 10 more years he should hit 19.
Anonymous said
April 28, 2015 @ 6:00 pm
When I finally make it to Chicago I will make sure to visit!
Molly S said
April 28, 2015 @ 10:34 pm
Congrats guys! Super proud of you both!!! â¤ï¸
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 12:27 am
allen shitstein will be sitting by his calendar think that seiken will show up at citifield june 14 when thats probably the farthest thing from seiken mind. If seiken were to compete regardless of how many he ate, 1lb phoney bologna champ would still say he ate 11. Actually 11 is better than 9.5 haha ha ha ha
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
April 29, 2015 @ 3:37 am
Omg you guys are like seriously challenged.
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 10:10 am
Not you guys, Dax. The sick one believes every comment directed at him can only come from a select few individuals. Everyone that cones on this site knows the quirks that get him going so they comment knowing he will react. It’s all good because he has nothing better to do and nobody reads his venting on his BB.com site.
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 11:16 am
No the sick one is Allen Goldstein. He has many negative issues in his life that go back to his childhood. We all know his buttons are pushed when his involvement in Nathans contest is mentioned because in his mind that all he could ever accomplish . If you cant beat quality opposition to get into the event you never belonged there in the first place
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 11:19 am
Seiken is laughing hiis ass off at you while you think he foaming at the mouth. No vent from this site mentioned on BB.com last i saw Thats what you probably want but your not getting it
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 2:51 pm
You really have a hard on for Goldstein which is obvious by your love of speaking about him on a daily basis. Shocked you talk little of the other Goldstein as of late. Don’t you have any hobbies Brian? Yeah yeah, you’re going to tell us more about others possible unproven downfalls and it is never you. Oh heavenly father, please help this poor sole.
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 3:30 pm
A person should not be judged by how many hotdogs he can eat in 10 min…..Even if that number is 11
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 3:33 pm
How many times did Goldstein make the Nathan’s finals? Was it 2, 3, or 5? Maybe Seiken knows for sure. HMMMM HMMMM.
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 3:45 pm
The other Goldstein doesnt have the same sick obsession like you or he doesn’t post negative shit on here as much as you
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 4:54 pm
no one named Goldstein visits this site anymore
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 8:16 pm
tell us another one
anonymous said
April 29, 2015 @ 8:18 pm
Goldstein people care how many times you made the Nathans finals about the same way they care about Seiken 2002 pickle title in other words NOBODY CARES
anonymous said
April 30, 2015 @ 10:55 am
Speaking of Goldstein it appears that he was nowhere to be found at the WPT spring open final table at Borgata unless he competed in one of those cheap $200 buy in early on and busted out after 30 min
anonymous said
April 30, 2015 @ 12:43 pm
10:55 am no one cares, poker is for losers
anonymous said
April 30, 2015 @ 12:50 pm
anonymous said
April 30, 2015 @ 12:51 pm
Word has it he is playing an open event right now. Unlke you dickhead, he has a family to support and a mortgage. Poker is a hobby when time allows. Are you really that concerned?
Anonymous said
April 30, 2015 @ 2:21 pm
Why don’t you stand by the rail and route for your pal you fat slob.
anonymous said
April 30, 2015 @ 2:29 pm
open event right now? Hmm i will check the borgata site later on . I bet his name is not even registered in the lineup
Anonymous said
April 30, 2015 @ 4:03 pm
Have not seen Sickens name posted in the money. Hmm hmmm
anonymous said
April 30, 2015 @ 7:27 pm
He was registered but failed to make it to the dinner break. Oh well! Mark that in your diary Seiken.
anonymous said
April 30, 2015 @ 9:23 pm
The best of the best win tournaments once every 5 yrs . Not putting anything in his diary . Thats the way cards roll.. Either lucky or your not
anonymous said
May 1, 2015 @ 1:48 am
Phil Ivey finished 454th in WSOP nain event last year Skill my ass
anonymous said
May 1, 2015 @ 10:37 am
anonymous said
May 1, 2015 @ 1:29 pm
Not really You can certainly make a hell of alot more money in it than CE if cards fall your way and you wont have to eat yourself to death or do damage to your internal organs like some of you have done already
Anonymous said
May 1, 2015 @ 2:42 pm
Ladykin stinks at everything I rest my case
anonymous said
May 1, 2015 @ 2:45 pm
no one knows who Phil Ivey is
anonymous said
May 1, 2015 @ 6:22 pm
Phil ivey is one of the richest players in world. You probably dont have a pot to piss in
anonymous said
May 1, 2015 @ 8:26 pm
A certain overweight and bitter postal worker will never have to worry about internal organ damage since he has a 1lb capacity.
Anonymous said
May 1, 2015 @ 10:06 pm
Give me the fucking pot! I’ll fill it
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 9:09 am
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 11:01 am
Seiken would have nothing to prove playing poker with the marathon man. He would use the excuse that Seiken got lucky with cards if busted before Seiken. Contrary to popular belief skill or knowledge of the game is not a factor the majority of the time.
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 11:42 am
another hijacked post by two elderly morons with grade school mentality
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 11:44 am
I read somewhere in this site that Sabrette hot dogs are better than Nathans. I cannot find Sabrette hot dogs in supermarket at a reasonable price / They sell family package but not natural casing
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 1:57 pm
I read some where that living in an apt full of roaches and mold is more damaging to internal organs than eating a bunch of nasty Nathan’s hotdogs.
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 2:11 pm
Thats funny thats exactly where Allen Goldstein lives or lived right across the street from Shop and Stop in Sheepsead bay brooklyn
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 2:12 pm
I read somewhere that that same Goldstein midget prefers Sabrette hot dogs because he could only eat 9.5 Nathans in 2003 Ha ha ha ha h
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 2:23 pm
A certain Plainview resident damaged his internal organs beyond repair with constant holllowed out hot dog practices with his lone friend mommy
Anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 2:55 pm
Maybe the 2 poker players can meet up at the fall open with a who last longer bet. Settle it like men.
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 5:39 pm
Why wait till fall? Now that overpriced spring open that only a select few can win, both of them should buy in tomorrow the cheap $70 tournaments
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 6:24 pm
All Brooklyn roaches were once at some time room mates, friends and property of Mr. Seiken
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 7:30 pm
Roaches are common place in rent stabilized apts in Brooklyn especially with buildings that have incinerators Has nothing to do with whether your apt is clean or filthy. A little roach must have bit you on the ass when you were a child thats why you have this obsession with them. Squeel a little more and drop another air conditioner on someone foot next time you see one ya little bitch
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 7:37 pm
Wayne Norbitz should conduct an investigation on past Nathans finalists that competed against little girls or neat eating like competition and then send a Nathans rep to Mr Goldshit house and confiscate each and every one of those 5 bogus trophies and give them to the real eaters that lost tough decisions against legit competition from 2004-2012
Occasional Parlay said
May 2, 2015 @ 8:52 pm
I feel really awkward getting off topic at first, but after seeing all these other off topic inputs I decided that it doesn’t matter. Anyway, Good luck with poker. I seldom gamble but having an interest in horse racing I took a chance betting pairing American Pharoah and Dortmund in a few exotics and won $930 after all was said and done. That’s it. No more betting until the Breeders Cup in October.
Ghost of Hal Roach said
May 2, 2015 @ 10:13 pm
We got lots of them on the Little Rascals set. Hated those damn things.
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 10:31 pm
Roaches are common in apts where the dweller is a filthy unclean slob that never picked up a bar of soap in his life. Don’t blame it on the borough. Cut the rent stabilized incinerator bullshit.
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 10:33 pm
I’ll bet his apt in Matawan NJ is also a cesspool of roaches, filth and mold.
gaming is always available online said
May 2, 2015 @ 10:34 pm
Live poker especially cash games is a rich mans game . You can lose tons more in a $1 $2 cash game than you can if play blackjack at $25 a hand . Online poker is a whole nother animal a $5 or $10 investment in a online poker tourn can net you hundreds of thousands if you are lucky enough. Online poker was banned 3 or 4 yrs ago in the United States but there are some offshore sites that you can play on depending on your location like Bovada and American card room which also feature sports betting Poker stars and full tilt used to be available world wide but now you need to live outside of the US to play on those sites . I envy Furious Pete for he has access to those sites . You can play American Card room in NY but thats the only site NY permits . NJ has more of a variety WSOP Party Poker 888 and American card room and Borgata . Rumor has it that Poker Stars will be returning to NJ in the fall . I know the comment which will follow this :Who cares?
anonymous said
May 2, 2015 @ 10:37 pm
Parlay that is super news Not a horse player but congrats Nothing like the thrill of a bet just ask US Male
anonymous said
May 3, 2015 @ 9:06 am
You should know being a wrinkled old midget with a bad hairpiece bad breath bad body odor . The saddest part is that MLE and the ranked eaters couldnt see through that fake persona of yours and realize that your nothing more than a short bitter jealous old man full of hate and misery Take a bath and stop spitting when you talk to people
anonymous said
May 3, 2015 @ 9:16 am
Hey 1031 AKA old midget shitstein spend one full day residing in apt at 1815 east 17th st brooklyn ny and see how many roaches crawl up your ass or better yet knock on each and every door and ask each tenant if there are roaches in their apartment.? And cut the bullshit about Seiken being solely responsible for the roach epedemic in Brooklyn or anywhere else in NYC. Walk down 30th st and 8thave after 8pm and feast on plethora of rats playing around in the garbage cans in basement apts in tenement houses Your chilhood fear of roaches seems to have gotten the best of you because thats all you talk about What would happen if you came face to face with a nice big rat ? Squeel Squeel Squeel like a little bitch the next time you see 1/4 inch cockroach Ha ha ha ha ha ha Pathetic fairy