Takeru Kobayashi appears in a recent College Humor video (language may not be safe for work.)
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Yuck said
May 23, 2012 @ 12:34 pm
I literally was just joking about Kobi doing porn in a year, but it’s sadder than I thought. Another dude actually feeding Kobi hotdogs for some rinky dink “College Humor” video. Forget being a joke and hitting rock bottom in a year, Kobi’s already there.
Anonymous said
May 23, 2012 @ 2:06 pm
Why are you hating Yuck? I thought this was pretty funny.
Yuck said
May 23, 2012 @ 2:21 pm
I wasn’t hating, it’s just so ironic that several minutes ago on another string I was saying how sad it is that is that one time world champion Kobi is doing such crappy eating contests (Crif Dogs in Brookly on the Fourth of July and Italian Beefs against bloggers) that he’d probably be doing porn within the year. The next thing you know within minutes there’s a video about how Kobi follows this guy to his work and Kobi forces the dude to feed him hotdogs. Men feeding men hotdogs, isn’t that illegal in some states down South? But, hey I’m as open minded as the next guy and if that’s the direction Kobi wants to take with his career more power to him.
HATER!!!! said
May 23, 2012 @ 7:34 pm
anonymous said
May 23, 2012 @ 11:21 pm
Does badlands booker still talk to kobayashi now that he’s independent?