Recent off-topic comments in the Wild Turkey 81 posts have been moved to this thread.


  1. Anonymous said

    November 21, 2011 @ 7:49 pm

    Time to print out and send to MLE another letter. Seiken is off the charts and off the walls. He should be dropped immediately, he gives a really bad name to competitive eating.

  2. Anonymous said

    November 21, 2011 @ 7:53 pm

    Then Seiken stop commenting here and you should be happy.

  3. beautifulbrian said

    November 21, 2011 @ 9:02 pm

    Sorry im just getting warmed up

  4. you mean like this ? said

    November 21, 2011 @ 9:09 pm

    Please forward said
    November 2, 2011 @ 3:34 pm

    To: ; ;

    To whom this may be of concern,
    I’m writing you as a concerned fan of competitive eating in regards to Brian Seiken. I know he is ranked by your organization as one of your professional eaters and he has in the past competed in your organizations events.

    It is my opinion and I don’t believe my opinion to be unique, that this person is unstable and a represents himself and therefore MLE and IFOCE in a extreme negative manner. I understand many of your ranked eaters are colorful characters which does make your organization fun to be part of and watch. There is nothing fun, entertaining or family orientated about Mr. Seiken. He is a the epitome of a “loose cannon”.

    I feel he really may be dangerous to himself or others. His toxic writings on his own web site and on sites such as are quite disturbing to say the least. Please consider this when allowing him to have a connection to MLE or participation in future events hosted by the Major League of Eating. My recommendation would be to remove him from your rankings for the sake of the fans, competitors and especially your organizations good name.
    Thank you,

  5. beautifulbrian said

    November 21, 2011 @ 9:21 pm

    That last comment “you mean like this” was from me. 749 you more than likely sent that comment. You are low life piece of garbage that deserves to rot in hell without an asbestos suit. Only lowlife pathetic fools with loads of time on their hands would fwd that letter to the IFOCE. Well guess what it backfired right up your sorry ass cause i fwd the letter to all three some time ago so i could beat you to the punch . You know what kind of response i got? “Dont worry we got your back. We dont address negative but accentuate the positive . And that describes you to a science you low life SOB. So help me if i was face to face with you right now you wouldnt have the balls to look me in the eye . The only thing i would be subjected to is your wrinkled face and bad breath. Oh and by the way now that my site is defunct ill have loads of spare time to spend on here so i can make each and every one of you miserable and i stress the word ONE because its ONE with 20 alias . Plenty of off topic threads will be the focus in days to follow . Go ahead and copy paste all you want to IFOCE and Shea;’s Matter fact tell em Brian Seiken sent you They are laughing in your f– face as we speak . Have a nice Turkey

  6. Oh god said

    November 21, 2011 @ 9:35 pm

    Time to print out and send Time to print out and send. Get a life or get some ass which you prob have to pay for but at least its better than base your entire life on Brian Seiken

  7. anonymous said

    November 21, 2011 @ 10:24 pm

    Eatfeces eatfeces oi nk opink oink OJ rikfin and eatfeces is repsonsioble for seiken closing his site

  8. Anonymous said

    November 21, 2011 @ 10:45 pm

    I am 7:49 and did not send that comment to MLE. What you will never seem to understand is that no one person, no single person thinks you are out of control. There is a huge chorus which knows it. You really need help and you will not get it here. MLE does not have your back.

  9. anonymous said

    November 21, 2011 @ 10:55 pm

    Ha ha this is great stuff Brian you make the world go round. OJ should throw you some bucks for bringing fans to his site

  10. anonymous said

    November 21, 2011 @ 10:57 pm

    Nov 2 letter is the funniest shit i have ever seen in my entire life. Sign em up Broadway is calling LOL

  11. beautifulbrian said

    November 21, 2011 @ 11:16 pm

    So right 749 that is exactly what you want everyone to believe. Tell us another one . Its you you and only you. The chorus is in your head. Your life is Brian Seiken. Dont know whether i should be flattered or frightened

  12. Its For The Best said

    November 22, 2011 @ 9:42 am

    I personally wrote and forwarded the letter in question in regards to Brian Seiken to MLE as well as potential sponsors of MLE events. The response I received from the letters recipients is quite the opposite from what Mr. Seiken claims in his post @ November 21, 2011 @ 9:21 pm.
    Ones actions often have consequences and Seiken is now reaping the benefits of his misguided efforts… unfortunately for him these may be not to his liking.

  13. beautifulbrian said

    November 22, 2011 @ 11:36 am

    I could care less what you write you pathetic anonymous loser. You are not hurting me one bit. Go send out a few more or your bogus emails. I can eat anywhere or promote myself the way i please and dumping my site was a big load off my back. . Get a life im laughing my ass off as im typing. Whats next? Its for the best that you wouldnt have the balls to post your real name. That bogus response is not only doctored but a joke

  14. take this you fu-- no life fool said

    November 22, 2011 @ 12:24 pm

    Subject: Re: turkey contest
    Date: 11/21/2011 6:05:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
    Reply To:
    Sent on:

    Brian i had nothing to do with the list and you have never pissed me off and i think you are very funny and provocative and while i know you arent always getting everything you need/want i value your membership and think you are an asset.

  15. beautifulbrian said

    November 22, 2011 @ 12:30 pm

    So there you have it . You need a life real bad if you have that much time on your sorry ass hands to badmouth me to sponsors. I will find out who you are trust me on that. . I am always in good standing with the organization regardless of your attempts to get me tossed. Matter fact my attorney can easily supeona OJ Rifkin in turning over your IP and location for defamation of character . Fwd letters to sponsors or the power that be in an attempt to blackball me from comp eating falls under that category. You can also be libel for preventing me from earning a living Think about it . Also OJ think about the hundreds upon hundreds of negative responses that have been posted about me going as far back as 2006?

  16. beautifulbrian said

    November 22, 2011 @ 1:09 pm

    Ill be on here 24/7 just to make it miserable for the anonymous scumbags and my goal is to hijack every thread i can get my hands on. Deal with it fools !

  17. Request said

    November 22, 2011 @ 1:48 pm

    OJ, if a person intentionally says that he going to try to ruin discussion, please move all those posts to his own string so he can continue his verbal masterbation with himself. He’s the only one that cares about he has to say. Just call it the Monkey House so that he’s the only person who has to deal with the stench and crap throwing.

  18. Anonymous said

    November 22, 2011 @ 2:24 pm

    12:30 pm. Your a mess!
    Ok I got it,,, Your a comedian and the insane CE BB is part of your sctick, right? God I hope so. You have already identified so many Anon posters (and I bet you know who OJ is also but your to modest to admit it) already. lolsssssssss your like a internet Perry Mason.
    millions and millions of $ annon posters have cost you by describing you,,, well accurately,,, if you are blackballed all the betterr for CE you earned it buddy boy. Could you try and be a just little likeable or is that to much to ask? And for your information OJ apparently has a heart,,,, as he does not let the really mean and ugly post about you appear, I know you won’t beleive it but I absolutely know for a fact this is true.

  19. Thank you! said

    November 22, 2011 @ 2:28 pm

    There’s just no reason for this nonsense.

  20. beautifulbrian said

    November 22, 2011 @ 2:43 pm

    Its for the best 942 just to let you know i fwd email to the proper party.I was reassured my status is A ok with MLE. I was told “Its all hate just ignore it” You doctored the response and you never attached a name to the response the same way you never attached a name to your pathetic moniker. . Really man how do you live with yourself . Im sure you have applied the same hate to others in your life as you have applied to me. Seek some help. Dont make me youre only priority in life

  21. anonymous said

    November 22, 2011 @ 2:44 pm

    Deal with it . Cause its coming in buckets!

  22. Dude, you got problems said

    November 22, 2011 @ 4:13 pm

    Have you ever noticed that the only time this freak Beautifulbrian guy starts in with his crap is when the thread predominently deals with Sonya Thomas? Go check it out. I went back a few weeks trying to figure what this guy’s deal is. Everytime Sonya Thomas’ name is brought up as one of the lead thread topics he focuses on it with his crazy, rude, self-centered, look at me postings. It’s almost like he has some sort of abnormal infatuation with her. Man, if I were Thomas I’d be a bit concerned it’s creepy. Seriously, go back and look at previous threads and posts it’s very odd.

  23. Anonymous said

    November 22, 2011 @ 5:13 pm

    See, this is what I mean about no loyalty. Look at the post above where he copied and pasted George Shea’s comment. If Mr. Shea wanted other people to read it he would have sent it to others. But he sent it to Brian Seiken only. However, he’s a smart man and chose his words carefully, knowing full well that others would read it, and tempering the words, so Seiken would not be offended.

    I too have noticed Seiken’s rudeness toward Sonya, and often it’s with the little things that I will not get into here. Sometimes what you don’t say means as much as what you do say. If he dislikes her so much, why doesn’t he do her a favor and avoid mentioning her at all and refrain from using her pics.

    The reason why is because she is just about the only person left who tolerates him, besides Juliet and Larell, and she is very popular. Yet, since Seiken is closer to Juliet he readily acknowledges that she is the better of the two eaters. If ever he has differences with Juliet then Larell will become the best of the women in his opinion.

    Everything Seiken says and does regarding others is based on favoritism and bias. He is the least objective person in all of competitive eating. It’s all about BS, literally and figuratively.

    Now that I’ve said that, I’ve, for the time being, suddenly become a low life POS. Watch and see. That’s Seiken.

  24. beautifulbrian said

    November 22, 2011 @ 5:49 pm

    On the contrary you are not a POS. I value you’re opinion and I love you even though its somewhat warped. What amazes me is how much attention I get on this site. I appreciate it even though I’m not worthy of it. If you used you’re head you would just ignore but you continue to go toe to toe . Knock yourself out cause I ain’t goin anywhere haters . Oh yes by the way George handled it well

  25. Anonymous said

    November 22, 2011 @ 7:08 pm

    Maybe you are waking up Seiken.

  26. Anonymous said

    November 22, 2011 @ 7:30 pm

    Glad you didn’t disagree with the perception of you. Acknowledging you have a problem is a very big step.

  27. beautifulbrian said

    November 22, 2011 @ 8:46 pm

    I never agreed with any perception you conjured up in your anonymous mind. I was being sarcastic. Your the one with the problem cause you cant get me out of your system. As far as im concerned this blog is my new bits and pieces so deal with it

  28. Anonymous said

    November 22, 2011 @ 9:22 pm

    Seiken, that’s supposing you continue to have Carte Blanche to this site. What if you get cut off?

  29. Anonymous said

    November 22, 2011 @ 10:18 pm

    I jusr realized something. Seiken has had and currently has personal issues with each of the six MLE participants at the WT81 turkey eating contest today, no exceptions. I think that puts things in proper perspective.

  30. anonymous said

    November 23, 2011 @ 12:36 am

    eatfeces eatfeces oink oink oink didnt seriken report it first?

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