The Gormandizer: Competitive eating superhero from 1974
When Falls the Coliseum has a post about the Gormandizer, a competitive eating superhero appearing in three 1974 issues published by the Hues Corporation, who used its comic book business as a means to launder illegal drug money. The Gormandizer’s power and its origins are described:
The Gormandizer was Frankie Franklin, a competitive eating champion whose specialty was hot dogs. In the first issue, Frankie accidentally ingests hot dogs that have been irradiated by nuclear waste. Rather than dying of radiation poison, Frankie gets super powers, with the ability to eat anything at all, from nuclear waste to oil, to Twinkies.
The Gormandizer’s main rivals were an insane dentist called the Toothmaster and the Lunchlady, who had the following secret agenda:
The Lunchlady is the wife of a powerful political figure who has taken it upon herself to “reform school lunches,” by replacing the foods that kids like to eat with foods that have been treated with a chemical that turns them into mindless zombies. Her plan is to introduce this tainted food into our general food supply, so that, as is the case with most supervillains, she can take over the world.
Picasa gallery of the Gormandizer
Erik the Red said (Registered January 9, 2006)
April 1, 2010 @ 2:32 pm
This comic book is hilarious, it pretty much rocks. The Gormandizer’s body is just ridiculous.
CE Comics said
April 1, 2010 @ 4:08 pm
With the appeal of CE to kids, MLE needs to get to find an artist and start a comic book.
“Jaws” — Can crush anything in his titanium jaws he got from a freak construction accident.
“The Tsunami” — In a moment’s notice can create gale force winds faster than a tsunami.
“Notorius” — No one can deny his wishes when he uses his “Humblizer” power.
“Deep Dish” — His weapon, a pizza pan discovered in Roman ruins he uses as a shield.
“The Black Widow” — Hypnotic powers from the Orient lures men to do her bidding.
“Erik the Red” — A Viking time transported from the dark ages.
“Beautiful Brian” — While repulsive to look at, he can transform himself into any character.
“Badlands” — His “Street Smart Power” can get him out of any predicament.
More comics said
April 1, 2010 @ 10:24 pm
“Peter the Sailor Boy” – ingests massive amounts of spinach through his pipe and then uses his super
animal-like gaseous ass blaster to fend off criminals.
“Wild Bill” – Drives his car over the bad, the ugly, the guilty; all while eating sacks of Krystals
“Bad, Bad, Gravy Brown” – the smell alone will keep the streets safe
“The Black Hole Keeler” – groovy tye-dye hippie uses acid lazers to tranquilize
“Rick the Manager” – not sure yet, but somehow he always finds a way into the picture
“007 Kevin Ross” – enough said – this gentleman eater rocks
CE Comics said
April 2, 2010 @ 11:05 am
Eater X and Crazy Legs of course are a natural for a dynamic duo. All these eating warriors would have to be guided a justice league group of wise sages such as Cookie, The Locust, Moses, Hungry Charles to name a few. With MLE Chief George Shea, his trusty Sargeant Richard Shea, and Officers Mike and Ryan to add some comic relief. Any suggestions regarding villians? Dr. Dale Boone — raised in Southern swamplands by alligators, he’d be fine a candidate as he spreads his evil intentions to take over the world.
“The Witch” — casting her evil spells from a ancient mountain-top Samurai castle in Japan.
Then there’s a dark, shadowy cabal known as the “Do Gooders” who want to discredit, and eliminate eating warriors because “they know what’s best for society.”
anonymous said
April 2, 2010 @ 12:57 pm
CE comics you failed to mention Brian Seiken. Oh wait a minute check that maybe you should hold off for Good Samaritan or the other alias this weirdo has concocted over the years might just step in and inform OJ audience for the 100th time what a loser Seiken is ya know like the homeless mental patients that ramble on in the nyc city subway system . GS know a great deal about NYC subway system since he never owned an automobile or a cell phone
anonymous said
April 2, 2010 @ 11:18 pm
Hey Erik! Congrats on your wedding… Will their be some sort of informal eating competition at the reception with all your eating buddies attending?
anonymous said
April 4, 2010 @ 12:09 pm
I would like to take some time out to reflect on the brilliance of Tim Janus. Many of you seem to seek out the negative aspects of the man when in truth there are not many. This man appeared on a high profile game show this past nov 16th and nearly pulled off the big million dollar question bartlet familiar quotations which of course everyone knew the answer was winston churchill. I am jesting. A rocket scientist would have problems with that one .He never boasted about his appearance nor did he want it out in the open. Unlike other idiots that bitch about unjust 4th place finishes in Nathans finals from 9yrs ago , Tim rarely puts himself on a pedestal . For a million bucks i was surprised they allow multiple choice questions instead of asking him to answer the question straight up. Aside from his digs on Meredith which were hilarious i believe that he would have recieved a roar of laughter from the crowd if he answered “swani river” . You might find that humorous if you are a fan of the honeymooners.
Anonymous said
April 4, 2010 @ 4:54 pm
Homina-homina-homna ……….. Ed Nawton!?
Don Lerman said
April 4, 2010 @ 8:00 pm
Anon 1209 I take exception to your calling me as an idiot”Unlike other idiots that bitch about unjust 4th place finishes in Nathans finals from 9yrs ago” It was uncalled for for you to dreg that up .at this junction in time
anonymous said
April 4, 2010 @ 8:27 pm
Erik it would be in your best interests to invite at least the top 15 ranked eaters in MLE to your wedding . If you fail to invite a legend such as Don Lerman it might cause some friction. I think an invite to Ben would be a nice gesture even though you dont really know him.
anonymous said
April 4, 2010 @ 9:25 pm
anon 827 i disagree on that. If jarvis or kevin did not invite him to theyre weddings then i believe that don would be truly insulted . I dont think he expects to be invited to Erik wedding. Ray meduna should be invited because they work for the same airline. Remember that some invites might show up without bringing a gift.
million dollar question said
April 6, 2010 @ 9:52 am
Meredith Viera should unleash the million dollar question to a random picked competitive eater. This one might be as difficult as the one proposed to Tim ” Who is the alias behind the name Good Samaritan on
1. Micha Collins
2. TIm Janus
3. Crazy Legs Conti
4. Arnie Chapman You can always guess the right answer but no money involved
anonymous said
April 6, 2010 @ 10:40 am
Million dollar question i think the more difficult task is trying to issue an apology to the three names that are not the correct answer