The competitive eating training blog has a list of the top 5 reasons you fail at competitive eating.

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  1. "Tiny" said (Registered March 5, 2008)

    May 11, 2009 @ 4:14 pm

    These are are valid points. But too scientific for me.
    This blog must be for rookie renegade eaters who emberass themselves at their first contest.
    Training is something “I” like to try to avoid, but maybe thats why I’m only ranked where I am.
    I personally think that you have good days and you have not so good days.
    You need to bring a certain mental toughness to the table.
    Its mind over matter, but the matter is what matters. If that makes any sense.
    Once you have done this CE thing enough times you learn what your own body can handle.
    Some guys can go a long distance (Kuhns) and not feel a thing, where some guys are speed eaters (Lyle).
    I hate to use the word “ZONE”, but I’ve been in it. I’ve done several contests where I cannot recall eating the food for a certain period of time. These happened to be contests that I have done very good. I guess if you can get into the zone- this is where you do your best.

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