TMZ has an interview with Joey Chestnut, who says he is training for the 2020 Nathan's finals even though he thinks they are in doubt. He would be willing to do a solo exhibition if the event is cancelled.


  1. Solo act said

    April 5, 2020 @ 9:53 am

    He’s not inviting The queen? He expecting her to be obsolete by then?

  2. Anonymous said

    April 5, 2020 @ 11:08 am

    This is like Kobayashi did and who would care to watch? Very very few. I am sure that ESPN would not carry this so what is the point? Money?

  3. Trickledown said

    April 5, 2020 @ 11:42 am

    All the eaters are getting fat and lazy. They are getting to be grotesque.

  4. Anonymous said

    April 5, 2020 @ 12:12 pm

    Fat and lazy……Hahahaha. The eaters now are for the most part in better shape than the field ever has been

  5. anonymous said

    April 5, 2020 @ 12:16 pm

    Does this fool realize if he has to go to the hospital he might have a hard time getting admitted let alone catch the virus.? Now is not the time to train for hotdogs jackass

  6. anonymous said

    April 5, 2020 @ 12:48 pm

    Trump continually tries to pat himself on the back for closing down Chinese travel into the US several months ago but he failed to take action of the real picture which in the end will cost hundreds of thousands of lives,. True narcissists will never take the blame for their actions but instead put the blame on others. Social distance should have started in late Jan instead of mid march. Because of his ignorance lives will be lost, No Nathans No pro sports millions of unemployed americans and i bet you same ignorant americans will vote him in for another 4yrs .

  7. anonymous said

    April 5, 2020 @ 12:50 pm

    I watched the movie Ten Commandments last night. Some parts of the movie mirror what is going on right now

  8. No way said

    April 5, 2020 @ 7:53 pm

    There’s no July 4th…you’ll all be dead by then

  9. anonymous said

    April 5, 2020 @ 8:25 pm

    The part where Dathan played by Edward G Robinsion forces Aaron to build a golden calf idol which led to an orgy by the Hebrew slaves, reminds me of the selfish spring break students at the Fla beaches who ignored the social distancing guidelines . Sinners will pay hefty price just like in the movie

  10. Zellers said

    April 11, 2020 @ 3:30 am

    Chestnut is the greatest of all time and
    Still the best ! Everyone else is just another
    Competitive Eater .

  11. anonymous said

    April 11, 2020 @ 8:43 am

    i thought after the wedding was called off with his bride to be Nestle , that he went years without a girflfriend?. I watched his latest video his new gf is talking in the background. Saw her pic on instagram with him along with that dopey looking smile of his on instagram

  12. Anonymous said

    April 11, 2020 @ 9:27 am

    Chestnut, with his wins at Nathan’s, has surpassed Kobayashi in being the greatest eater of all time. But he has lost to some other eaters, so you cannot dismiss them or any other eaters. To do so it would make sense to do what Kobayashi does, eating either against a team of others or doing demonstrations. And Chestnut, due to the virus, may have to follow suit. I would be shocked if there were a Nathan’s this year. If there were, anyone participating would be foolish.

  13. Not so Fast said

    April 11, 2020 @ 12:49 pm

    Having the most victories at Nathan’s doesn’t equate to being the greatest competitive eater of all time, though it certainly bolsters that argument, I’ll admit.

    Joey Chestnut is beyond amazing. He really is. But saying he’s the greatest of all time is analogous to someone saying Hank Aaron is the greatest home run hitter there ever was, because he hit more home runs over a much longer time span, and 300+ more plate appearance and at bats than Babe Ruth, when the real king of swat was several decades prior.

    No one has yet to do what Kobayashi did, when, in 2001, he doubled the previous year’s winning total of 25 HDBs, a new record in 2000, eating 50! That was quite a performance for the first Nathan’s of the new millennium, and it put CE on the map! Joey would have had to have eaten 100 his first year to equal that performance.

    Joey finally did in his third try, in 2007, with 66. And 12 years later, we’re still 26 away from 100.

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