UK attempt at baked bean eating record fails has an article about an English performance artist’s attempt to break Sonya Thomas’ record of 8.4 pounds of baked beans in 2 minutes and 47 seconds. He failed to break the record but did manage to eat over 10 pounds of baked beans in 30 minutes. (Don “Moses” Lerman probably assumes that the record should have an asterisk since he did not compete in the Centerville, IN contest in 2004 in which it was set.)
donmoseslerman said
April 21, 2006 @ 11:31 pm
This is DON LERMANlet it be known to all that ate 6lbs of baked beabs in 1min46.sec
donmoseslerman said
April 22, 2006 @ 5:19 am
that should be beans( SPELLING INCORECT ON LAST POST)