Upcoming November independent contests

Tonight, Cambridge, MA, BGood’s Garlicky Greens eating contest, need to fill out application to receive a slot, prize is free burgers for a year
Nov 10, Scranton, PA EATORF hot wing eating contest
Nov 11, East Los Angeles tamale eating contest, first prize is $100 gift certificate
Nov 16, Kittanning, PA gingerbread house eating contest, $250 first prize, See also pittsburghlive.com
Sometime in November, Baltimore, MD, Pete’s Grill pancake eating contest, $500 prizes offered to both male & female winners, Last year’s female winner ate 10.5 pancakes in a hour Pete’s Grill contact info

Comments (6)


  1. Mega Munch said

    November 8, 2007 @ 11:16 am

    I’ve been trying to nail down more info about that Baltimore pancake contest for a while.

  2. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    November 8, 2007 @ 11:37 am

    The website for Garlicky Greens allows you to read the Applications of the other potential competitors. Here’s an interesting one. I hope he’s available for next years Fantasy Draft.

    Name: The Seven Dump Wonder

    why I am a contender:
    Forget the Patriots: I take the Browns to the Superbowl seven times per day, and twice before 9am. During exam period, I get nervous and that number escalates to ten. You see, I could always eat. In high school I would come home and down an entire quiche, followed by some belgian truffles and potato chips. Then on the way to band practice, I would convince my mom to stop for pizza. Buffalo with blue cheese. In my prime I was 220…but I definitely carried it well. I would row on a crew team during the fall and spring, and sing in the musical during the winter. Unfortunately, auditions for the musical were always at the end of crew season, so I would be measured for my costume when I weighed 190, and by the time I needed to squeeze into it I was 220. I was probably the first Harold Hill (The Music Man) to split my pants during a dance number. Ah, the good old days. But the fun stopped Senior year. The tables turned. I began to care about my health, exercising and eating healthily. Not just healthily though, flawlessly. The Harvard School of Public Health website is my bible. I’ve dropped refined carbs, excess saturated fat, and PCB’s and Dioxins like bad habits. I have written up healthy eating guidebooks for friends, and am routinely seen eating canned sardines and wild alaskan salmon in the dining hall, aside mountains of vegetables overflowing over the side of the bowl. My roommate (who unfortunately is traveling or he would apply to compete, too) and I waged a war against Harvard Dining Services to get healthier food in the dining hall. We were written up in the Food Section of the Washington Post. We now have baby spinach, avocado, brown rice, and sauteed vegetables at every meal. My roommate is the only living human being with worse flatulence than me. OK, maybe that last line wasn’t truly necessary. The bottom line is, I’m a contender because I love to eat, I’ve loved to eat my whole life, and now I love to eat healthy food, especially that tastes good. That’s why I’m a huge fan of B.good, and that’s why I’ll wipe the floor with anyone who thinks they can eat greens. Plus I represented Harvard College at the Qdoba bean pot burrito eating contest last year. Just test me.

  3. Philly Guy said

    November 8, 2007 @ 12:02 pm

    The ginger bread house contest sounds way too fun.

  4. KevinRoss said

    November 8, 2007 @ 12:12 pm

    I agree Steakbellie, I like the cut of that guy’s jib. What the heck is a jib? I’m not sure, but I bet that guy has one and it’s awesome.

  5. Gentleman Joe said

    November 8, 2007 @ 1:28 pm

    I’m not normaly fond of “no hands” contests, & i’d need to win to net out about $100., but it does appear to be a blast.

  6. F Jack said

    November 8, 2007 @ 1:43 pm

    are the pancakes normal size????????????? why is 10.5 a winning number???????????

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