Wedges & Wings teleblog

A liveblog of the “Wedges & Wings” program follows after the jump

11:00 The program opens with a skull on top of a knife and fork saying that only trained professionals should try this

11:01 Joey Chestnut & Kobayashi are interviewed. Kobayashi flexes his biceps which are still sizeable despite his weight loss

11:02 Richard Shea & Crazy Legs Conti are at the announcing table. The field is displayed

11:03 George Shea takes the stage and introduces the “wedgette” girls and Charles Hardy.

11:04 A segment on El Toro starts, who claims he will beat Kobayashi. Allen Goldstein calls El Toro full of bull and says that his only friends are hair gel manufacturers.

11:05 a glossary of some terms scroll across the bottom of the screen.

11:07 The wedge competitors are introduced, Tim Brown, Juris Shibayama (showing off his muscles), El Toro, Chris Abatsas (wearing a black cowboy hat), Allen Goldstein, Steakbellie (called a rookie), Wing Kong (with a shaved head), Arturo Rios, Jr, then a break for commercial.

11:11 Back from commercials with some brief interviews. The contest starts and will be eight minutes. The top three will advance to the upper level in the next contest. A leader board is shown without any totals. Arturo Rios has an injured middle finger. A screen on the alternative beverage movement is displayed. At four minutes, Tim Brown appears to be the first person to finish a plate.

11:17 Juris Shibayama appears to be having problems. Brown, Goldstein & Rios are the top 3. With two minutes left, Goldstein & Brown are looking best. Goldstein held his drink with one hand and compressed the wedges with the other. The results will be announced after a commercial break.

11:25 Wedges results are announced starting with the winner who is Tim Brown 3.74 lb. A tie for 2nd at 3.09 lb – Arturo Rios & Allen Goldstein. No other results are mentioned.

11:28 A segment on Kobayashi’s jaw injury begins. Kobayashi says that he still has difficulty opening his mouth. Tim Brown says he thinks that Kobayashi was faking it. Rich Lefevre’s lost tooth in a rib contest is also mentioned.

11:29 Crazy Legs Conti oversees a contest between two spectators with wings having the hottest Buffalo Wild Wing sauce. Another commercial.

11:33 Neither spectator could finish the hot wings

11:34 A segment on the Kobayshi Chestnut rivalry. Kobayshi speaks some English. Kobayshi says this rematch is the true match.

11:36 Virtual Kobayashi, a line drawing, is displayed.

11:37 Wing introductions – Erik Denmark, Juliet Lee, Rich LeFevre (showing off his stomach), Hall Hunt (making the Gator chomp with his hands), Tim Janus, Pat Bertoletti (with the “You Talking to Meat” sign), Takeru Kobayashi (weight is listed at 170 lb), Joey Chestnut

11:42 The wing contest starts – The leaders are Joey, Pat, Kobayashi & Tim. Juliet appears to struggle. Kobayashi is having difficulty with his technique. After 3 minutes, Kobayashi has dropped to 4th. Conti calls LeFevre “Mr. MaGoo on Ritalin”. The midpoint is reached.

11:47 Rich has climbed to 4th, Kobayshi is 3rd now. Juliet Lee is last. Joey & Pat are still going strong. A page on the weighing process is displayed. One minute left. Tim is 3rd, Kobayshi 4th. Results after the commercial.

11:55 Results – 3) Kobayashi 3.12 lb. 2) Joey Chestnut 4.05 lb. 1) Pat Bertoletti 4.1 lb. Pat & Joey are interviewed. Eaters dropping down – 2.19 lb Hall Hunt 2.4 lb Erik Denmark 2.5 lb Juliet Lee. Juliet says this is the first time she has ever eaten wings in her life.

Comments (19)


  1. Mega Munch said

    October 19, 2007 @ 8:10 am

    F**k! I missed it. I was sitting there at 8pm last night and thinking “Gotta watch SPIKE tonight”. And I still missed it. Does anyone know of any re-air dates? OJ, didn’t you mention multiple dates before or is this a multi-part series?

    If it’s not re-airing, did anyone tape it?

  2. Gentleman Joe said

    October 19, 2007 @ 9:15 am

    I thought it was the best mle production yet.

    Having a two-tiered system like european soccer was a great move to involve those outside the top 5.

    Crazylegs as always was great as a broadcaster & should replace Paul Page if ESPN does Coney Island again.

    Its a shame Spike aired this thing at 11pm. Is this why there are few comments about the program?? No one was up to watch it? Or were they watching Rutgers vs S. Fla or the sox/indians game instead, as was I. (I watched the chowdown on DVR)

  3. Rhonda Evans said

    October 19, 2007 @ 10:49 am

    Joe I like your positive comments about the telecast and I agree with all of them, even though I didn’t watch the “thing.” I’m not used to your lack of cynicism. Is there something cynical (within reason) I can say to make up for it?

  4. Hall "Hoover" Hunt said (Registered July 13, 2006)

    October 19, 2007 @ 11:34 am

    Thank you OJ for the play by play. I taped the show and am looking forward to seeing how it came out as soon as I get off work. If Joe thought it was good, it must have been pretty incredible. I remember how tough a critic he was with the Alka-Seltzer tournament. Good editing and producing for a show can really make or break it. Anyhow, thanks again OJ.

  5. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    October 19, 2007 @ 11:35 am

    I’m pretty sure that it reairs on Saturday at 7pm. The Thursday night showing was to get the get the stragglers from TNA Impact!(Spike’s Wrestling Program). I caught a surprise appearance from CrazyLegs actually at the Impact show to promote the ChowDown.

    I was impressed with the level of Polish on the production, and I think MLE has found the best and most appropriate partner in SPIKE. Early response from my Non-CE friends has been excellent. They were surprised with the entertainment level.

    There was also a nice balance between the Broadcast Booth analysis of Rich and CL and the theatrics of George.

    The show moved well and by splitting the contest, covered a far wider range of eaters.

  6. KoolDonMoDee said

    October 19, 2007 @ 12:11 pm

    While KrazyLegs did a right fair job announcing, the I.F.O.C.E. would have done one better by putting that super duo of DONMOSESLERMAN and BEAUTIFUL BRIAN SEIKEN in the broadcast booth. They have been around the block for a long long time and know people, audiences and what they want. The I.F.O.C.E., sadly, missed out on that one time opportunity.

  7. nathanbiller said (Registered January 29, 2007)

    October 19, 2007 @ 12:16 pm

    Crazy Legs has qualified for Nathan’s already, so he won’t be announcing.

  8. Rhonda Evans said

    October 19, 2007 @ 12:24 pm

    It would be better if he (Crazy Legs) were announcing. At least the cameras would be on him once in awhile. As it is, unless you see him introduced with the other eaters, no one will even know he’s alive.

  9. Locust said

    October 19, 2007 @ 12:41 pm

    I thought SPIKE did an excellent job of editing the first show; much better than ESPN did with the U.S. Open two years ago (in which the editing was terrible). The overall product was far superior to any previously televised eating event and I hope the last two are as good. George and Rich did their usual good work and Crazy Legs was absolutely terrific in his color commentary. He has become a great eater himself and has the intelligence to convey his knowledge to fans so they can better understand what is going on. Comparing Paul Page to Crazy Legs is like comparing John Daly to Tiger Woods.

  10. Kevin Ross said

    October 19, 2007 @ 12:50 pm

    I agree with above. I thought the production values were slick; it was well put together and entertaining.

  11. Erik the Red said (Registered January 9, 2006)

    October 19, 2007 @ 1:31 pm

    I think this was a very professional broadcast. The format and the focus on character building is finally a suitable and highly entertaining presentation. The ESPN broadcasts have never come close to the bredth of coverage that Spike produced. ESPN does (so far) do a little better job of build-up advertising and since the broadcasts are live, it is harder to build polished story lines based on unknown information, they rely heavily on established viewer interest.

  12. Rhonda Evans said

    October 19, 2007 @ 1:59 pm

    That’s very well said Erik. Apparently, this Spike BC was a light year better than the St. Patty’s Day one. I’d also put all my money in Crazy Legs stock when it comes to commentary. He’s as good as anyone else in the business who color comments on his or her particular sport.

  13. Brian and Don fan said

    October 19, 2007 @ 2:27 pm

    Krazy Legs commentary is scripted the way the sheas wanted it done. Like having a company man beside them Seiken and Lerman would have added some sorely needed humor. Its a wonder George Shea didnt include that played out idiotic line Elvis has left the building. It’s as stale as that straw hat he wears all the time.

  14. donmoseslerman said

    October 19, 2007 @ 2:52 pm

    Thank you Brian & Don fan . I guess that I proberly wont be askd to do any more commetaries as of now I would think that I’m persona non grata with he sheas …don lerman

  15. ? said

    October 19, 2007 @ 3:55 pm

    Don… that person was joking.

  16. beautifulbrian said

    October 19, 2007 @ 4:49 pm

    Thanks for the kind words whoever you are but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out why Crazy Legs was chosen over either of us. This had nothing to do with vanity. You dont need a pretty boy in the broadcasting booth. As long as you can speak eloquently thats all that matters. They didnt think either of us have that ability. They dont know shit! . This was done out of spitefullness due to my critical points of view regarding the IFOCE on my website . Either that or they didnt think either of us could handle the pressure in an event of this nature. They are so fuckin wrong in that aspect. Dont get me wrong Crazy Legs is a brilliant commentator but once again this bullshit was rubbed in our face to show us that “Hey we got Crazy Legs. This is a pro and you guys suck” . That’s how i look at it. In eats of strength they took a chance with us because they figured INHD is not a big risk . Who watches the damn network to begin with? Why wasnt Crazy Legs commentating on eats of strength? Number one he was part of the action and number two he was probobly had plans on mothers day. I have summed up the undeniable truth. I am sure most will agree.

  17. Slim Pickins said

    October 19, 2007 @ 10:29 pm

    . A show for morons. No Philbin, No Seiken, No Boone No Barlow spells one word. BORING

  18. Anonymous said

    October 20, 2007 @ 12:35 am

    If they can pay Joey . 20,000 to show up

    They can pay for the actors as well.

  19. Cheap Shrink said

    October 20, 2007 @ 4:28 am

    Let us all calm down. It is quite obvious that some are displeased and hurt that they were not chosen for this television show. They have every right to be upset but from another point of view they also have no right to spoil it for the ones that were picked. It is quite obvious that we are dealing with two very slick PR people and when i say PR it does not mean puerto rican. What they have attempted in accomplishing is clear as day. They realize they have created animosity amongst the chosen and the non chosen and will use this clever ploy to hype the next big rivalry. It is apparant that the IFOCE did not even bother to send apologies via email to the unpicked eaters. That tells you one thing. This was planned out in deliberate fashion. . By venting animosity and frustration on this site will accomplish very little.As we speak these middle of the road car salesmen are laughing all the way to the bank cashing in on their first installment of loot . . The people that run this organization will only take notice when the disgruntled members opt for another table to bread bread with. Until then the founders of this organization will take sheer delight in reading about the bickering amongst the members. Do you want my advice as a third party observer? What goes around comes around and one of these days they will feel the wrath of a black monday like everyone else did in 87

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