Weekly Today: Kobayashi undecided on Nathan’s finals
R Suzuki has a blog entry about an article in the Japanese newsmagazine Weekly Today about Kobayashi which quotes his manager: (automatically translated)
According to Kumi tail Seki of the manager, The mother the dying/fleeing paragraph, Kobayashi presently is activity inactive “in March. You heard that either training has not done. There is no communication yet from this person concerning the conference participation of next month, it is undecidedâ€
The article also says that Kobayashi spends 150,000 Yen ($1,233) on bodybuilding supplements each month.
Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)
June 8, 2007 @ 1:30 pm
Stay Home.
He’s doing this to avoid a beating from Joey (Or preemtively giving an excuse incase he loses).
Anonymous said
June 8, 2007 @ 1:42 pm
Bubba, did you read the entire paragraph? Give the guy a break. It’s talking about his mom. I think he cares about his mom more than he does about hot dogs. People grieve on their own schedule, not on yours.
Anonymous said
June 8, 2007 @ 1:45 pm
WTF? Nathan’s Famous 4th of July w/o Kobayashi? Wow, and that’s a lot of $$$ spent on bodybuilding supplements – he’d be better of using steroids.
Mega Munch said
June 8, 2007 @ 1:45 pm
He’ll be there. He’s a warrior. A competitor. Sure he hates to lose, but he’s not going to surrender his title without a fight.
? said
June 8, 2007 @ 1:48 pm
he’s doing it for $$$$
if the $hea$ haven’t put the money on the table, why would he show up… for him it’s not about “pride”
and who can blame him?
WyattEarp said
June 8, 2007 @ 1:53 pm
There is line in the sand. It’s been drawn by Joey Chestnut, and Kobayashi ain’t crossing it!
Rhonda Evans said
June 8, 2007 @ 1:56 pm
I don’t think we can totally rely on an interpretation, and of heresay at that.
But, for sake of argument, if he doesn’t show, that tells me that he doesn’t like his chances of retaining the title. And if he does not defend the belt, he should be stripped of it. That’s only fair.
But I do expect to see him on July 4th, and not because I’m going to Japan.
Anonymous said
June 8, 2007 @ 2:06 pm
We’ll find out 4th of July.
Dog man said
June 8, 2007 @ 2:16 pm
this could be the first overtime nathan’s
KevinRoss said
June 8, 2007 @ 2:35 pm
I hope for Joey’s sake he’s not pushed himself this far only to not be able to battle Kobayashi on the 4th – I’m sure that’s an empty victory he doesn’t want. But who knows what that blog is really saying or how accurate it is.
carey poehlmann said
June 8, 2007 @ 2:58 pm
Geez, couldn’t they at least get a better translation? What the hell is this gibberish?
Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)
June 8, 2007 @ 9:47 pm
What are you talking about? He’s bodybuilding but not training for for his job. You don’t hear Joey making any excuses what so ever. What pisses me off is let’s say Joey wins everyone will say it was only because Koby was not 100%. To me that is unsportsman like conduct. I totally respect Koby’s skills but Joey deserves respect too. Joey has only been in the game for much less time and is already a great..
Anonymous said
June 8, 2007 @ 10:31 pm
Bubba is a fool!!!!
The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)
June 8, 2007 @ 10:43 pm
Sounds to me like a power play for the money.
Show Me The Money…Show Me The Money
Remember that famous movie line?
Koby and Joey showdown has the marketing potential to make tons of money. Sounds like some are seeking a bigger cut of the pie?
My personal feeling is Koby will be at Coney Island and their will be a nice payday for Joey, Koby and of course the Sheas.
Next watch for a bigger payday power play for Krystal’s
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
June 8, 2007 @ 10:48 pm
Joey & Koby are class acts and will come to a head on July 4th.
Everything else is them protecting their own interests. Playa’s gotta make a buck too.
Gentleman Joe said
June 8, 2007 @ 10:52 pm
I would think it was aplay for $$$ if he hadn’t already not competed in the Spike tv thing, after already being here to back for his mother. Now, I don’t know. Is it possible that Joey could beat Kobe? Absolutely! I don’t think that time is now. The 59.5 was impressive whether @ 120 degrees or in perfect 72 degrees, but its different in the heat & humidity & since Joey has ben there before, he knows it as well. If it happens it’ll be a hell of a match up.
anonymous said
June 10, 2007 @ 8:13 pm
Kobe wont show so Chestnut will have to live with beating Bertoletti & Janus who are the only eaters that can do 40 or more. They will still be 15 to 18 short of victory .Should be one bore of an event if that’s the case. Everyone else should stay home. The only other enticement is to see if Juliet Lee can eat more hotdogs than Sonya . Aside from that , set the tivo or vcr. You are better off watching the contest at a later date or when you are in the middle of taking a huge dump. By the way i just farted.
Rhonda Evans said
June 11, 2007 @ 3:46 pm
I don’t know if Koby will be here or not. I know that if he doesn’t I’ll be really saddened.
I have missed my early guess already, in a way, because I didn’t give Joey enough credit. He is clearly in Koby’s league right now. If he sticks with the sport another couple of years he will likely be as great as Koby.
But Joey will never be able to do what Koby did in 2001 when he ate 50 HDBs, because he doubled the previous world record of 25 1/8. Joey would have to eat 100 to do that–an impossible situation. That’s no slam against Joey at all.
If Koby doesn’t show it won’t be the same. I don’t even have the mental faculties to envision a Nathan’s contest on the Fourth without Koby. I know that sounds ironic, since Koby’s a foreignor, but that’s the truth.
Mega Munch said
June 11, 2007 @ 5:12 pm
I know exactly what you’re saying Rhonda. I think the American culture as a whole won’t know what to do without Koby on Coney Island.
On a side note, you said you don’t know if Koby will be “here” or not. Are you from NYC?
Rhonda Evans said
June 12, 2007 @ 9:27 am
MM no, I was speaking globally when I said “here,” and was not insinuating that I was from NYC. I’m in DC.