The Wall Street Journal has a blog entry about the Hong Kong "Eatcredibles" competitive eating team with a video of a 1.5 kg sandwich challenge attempt. The group's founder, Taylor Mak, offers several training tips.
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Nice said
February 8, 2011 @ 3:56 pm
These guys seems like a fun crew and it’s good to see ce moving into other countries in terms of acceptance and excitement. I also think it’s funny that “Third World Champion” Boone goes around hyping himself as the only world recognized eater. Yet, I’m sure this Mak guy doesn’t even know who Boone and is and the only eaters he recognizes, in facts honors, are Kobi and Sonya. Nice piece, and I’m glad to see that the Journal is giving ce some credibility which good for everyone, pros, indies, fans, and everyone who frequent this site.