1999 / 2000 TV Champion eating contest videos
sahimoto51177115 has some videos from an eating contest on a TV Champion episode from 1999 or 2000. The contest might have served as the Japanese qualifier for the 2000 Nathan’s finals. The three Japanese to compete in Coney Island in 2000 appear in this program: Kaz Arai (32 on bib), Misao Fujita (46 on bib) and Takako Akasaka (44 on bib), the holder of the pre-Sonya Thomas Nathan’s record. Clip 1 | Clip 2
Anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 11:18 am
Didn’t they come in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd? Akasaka wore a kimono to the weigh-in. The next year it was Arai who hoped he would eat 30 and that unknown who had qualified in Japan with Arai.
Anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 1:28 pm
That’s a great way to refer to eras. Pre and post Koby and Sonya. It’s as if they’re famous or something.
anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 5:46 pm
Both are famous for nothing . IFOCE.com and eatfeats.com portray them as such . Nobody else does.
Anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 7:45 pm
Right they are just ordinary eaters.
anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 8:07 pm
Nobody said anything about “ordinary ” eaters. They are ordinary people being praised for somethng as trivial as eating. Read next time
Anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 8:24 pm
This is a competitive eating web site. What are you three talking about?
anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 8:35 pm
The word era should be used with historic events which changed the world. Presidents, world wars , jazz , rock and roll, as examples. Not Sonya Thomas and Takero Kobayashi. Does not matter if this is a competitive eating website or not . They have been made to look like larger than life heroes when the achievements are glorified by two or maybe three websites. .
Mega Munch said
July 31, 2010 @ 8:48 pm
In a conversation about competitive eating history, it makes perfect sense to refer to a great eater and his or her role in defining an era.
Anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 9:05 pm
There are some very weird anonymi posting on this website. Google Sonya Thomas. Google Takeru Kobayashi. Google Joey. History yes, in competitive eating. This is not an interesting thread, discussion, because most of you are writing nonsense. Go and eat. Perhaps you have low blood sugar and are light headed which is making you well…….kind of stooopid. Fans of competitive eating come here to read about competitive eating. If you are eaters posting nonsense, that makes it even worse. Like in every group, it only takes one or two to make everything negative.
anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 9:15 pm
Why must you always contradict. Do you ever agree with anything?
Anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 9:17 pm
That’s right Mega Munch, and Anonymous you need to learn how to spell. It is Takeru and not Takero. You sound like Seiken!
anonymous said
July 31, 2010 @ 9:26 pm
anony 905 shutup and get a life. Lovely day outside depending on where you live. Meet a man . Meet a woman. Enjoy lyfe and step worryyeung abut what peeple think about sonyah or Jerry chestnut
Anonymous said
August 1, 2010 @ 3:08 am
One thing about eatfeats is that you can visit here to see who your friends are not. Sonya you better forger Seiken, and you too Juliet, but especially Sonya. He is a backstabber for all of competitive eating. He only cares about himself and no one else. If people disagree it is because he has them fooled. Also, Rhonda Evans you better stop trying to appease BB as you call him because you will get screwed. Seiken neither has nor does he deserve one friend in competitive eating. If he really cared about Sonya and Juliet he would stop trying to promote them and take down their pictures and other information because he is too negative and being associated with him screws up people’s reputations.
Anonymous said
August 1, 2010 @ 9:10 am
That is an excellent summary. No amount of fixing the layout can make up for the content.
beautifulbrian said
August 1, 2010 @ 10:55 am
Anonymous said
August 1, 2010 @ 3:08 am
One thing about eatfeats is that you can visit here to see who your friends are not. Sonya you better forger Seiken, and you too Juliet, but especially Sonya. He is a backstabber for all of competitive eating. He only cares about himself and no one else. If people disagree it is because he has them fooled. Also, Rhonda Evans you better stop trying to appease BB as you call him because you will get screwed. Seiken neither has nor does he deserve one friend in competitive eating. If he really cared about Sonya and Juliet he would stop trying to promote them and take down their pictures and other information because he is too negative and being associated with him screws up people’s reputations.
Never left those comeents you fu=== troublemaker. The only reason i use foul language is because it not only fits you but suits your sad personality. As long as you contiune to destroy my reputation OJ, i will continue to bury you and break down your site every chance i get whether it be right here , on facebook or on my website. By remaning calm does little to alleviate the hate that you breed towards me. I never said anything bad about Sonya or Juliet. They are great eaters and great people. Believe what you want. Your only purpose in life is to hate Seiken. Thats right continue on with your one man or shall i say one “woman” crusade in attempting to convince the CE world that i am nothing more than a selfish backstabber. And what is your purpose on this planet besides bitterly typing with your legs crossed while being a little hateful bitch? Do you realize that adding negative upon negative brings more negative. Sonya Juliet believe what you may. I left my real name this ass did not.
beautifulbrian said
August 1, 2010 @ 11:04 am
One more thing you POS you know what that stands for. Don’t speak for Juliet or Sonya . Let them come to me personally and decide whether or not they want me to stop promoting them. Not you you POS anonymous spokesman with no life. You are nothing more than an instigating troublmaking bitch with no direction to your sorry ass life unless the name “seiken” pops up. The funny thing about is the more you comment the more hits and IP ;ocations show up on my stat page. You are such a loser with a plan that is backfiring right up your tuchis!
Anonymous said
August 1, 2010 @ 11:06 am
Fixing what layout?
OJ is a joke said
August 1, 2010 @ 2:12 pm
Note how OJ Bitchkin leaves those last two comments posted for 5hrs or more without adding another so this way it sinks into the competitive eating world that Seiken is no damn good. Brilliant idea OJ. Consider yourself just as childish and immature . Shame that your 3or 4 fans in total dont feel the same way for they are brainwashed into thinking you and shitfeats are gods gift to the eating world
Anonymous said
August 1, 2010 @ 2:53 pm
Brian speaks for himself on his site from July Bits and Pieces. I made it more readable. Otherwise, it is word for word. Maybe ojrifkin takes time off on Sundays. Seiken should too. After this, so will I. It is just too much with Seiken trying to be a what? You fill in the blanks.
“Seems to be some issues on eatfeces regarding a comment I made about Sonya Thomas and Rhonda Evans. Of course OJ’s bitch haters find it so convenient to gang up on me especially when the name Sonya Thomas is involved. You know what, I could care less.
Some passes were promised to me for the Nathan’s finals by a very close source of the Black Widow. Maybe next time certain people should keep their mouth shut if they cant come through with the goods. In other words if you make promises you cant keep then dont make them to begin with.
An email was sent a few weeks before the contest which fell on deaf ears.
So right now i could care less about my popularity level with Sonya or the anonymous pussies that post on that site. They should rename it anonymous eatfeces.com because 85% of the posters are fake to begin with including that clown Rhonda Evans. Gimme a break!”
Seiken fan said
August 1, 2010 @ 3:02 pm
Hey anony 3:08am why not post your real identity? You claim that you wont because you fear you might hurt Seiken feelings. Maybe the real reason is fear of getting your ass kicked right??? Punk
A-Bomb said (Registered May 7, 2009)
August 1, 2010 @ 3:19 pm
Brian the only person destroying you is….. you.
Believe it i just cant said
August 1, 2010 @ 3:50 pm
wow anony 2:53 pm aka CLC mom, aka Rhonda aka OJ . Three assinine asses prob one and the same with college degrees from presitgious universities wasted away on BB’s bits and pieces. How sad Very sad that someone with such brilliance has little if anything else in their sad but sorry life but to quote passages from Brian Seikens bits and pieces. You really need a life . It is practically comical or may i use the word bizzare. Sonya Thomas is not only blushing in disbelief but at the same time frightened with your obsession.
get a life said
August 1, 2010 @ 3:58 pm
Quite unusual that when ever a comment is perceived to be negative about Sonya , Rona or Rhonda (one doesnt post on weekends) cant wait to chime in and defend her while blaming Brian for making reference to something similar on bits and pieces. Wont put the blame on anyone else but Brian. That is pretty darn obsessive. More obsessive than Jill Stolers stalker.
Anonymous said
August 1, 2010 @ 4:47 pm
I had to literally laugh out loud when I read “Seiken Fan’s” comments about one of the anonyous posters being called a punk and being worried about Seiken kicking his a**. I cannot imagine even one competitive eater, male or female, who has so little going on in their lives that they would worry about that “nightmare.”
Anonymous said
August 1, 2010 @ 5:38 pm
Wrong Rhonda is either Janus, Rick Shea, or perhaps Seiken himself. I think the aimless ramblings on his site, as if he’s a junior high dropout are just part of his schtick. Seiken is probably much more intelligent than he leads on to be.
seiken fan said
August 1, 2010 @ 5:48 pm
Really? then what could possibly be the reason why you wont post under your real name? Its fear and nothing more
anonymous said
August 2, 2010 @ 12:44 pm
Sonya Thomas should get suspended for failure to answer Seiken email and failure to send him passes for Nathans finals in Coney island
Anonymous said
August 2, 2010 @ 2:02 pm
She probably afraid to. He might now want to kick her ass.
Anonymous said
August 2, 2010 @ 2:23 pm
A more appropriate action would be suspending her for putting up with him at all.