2005 Frank’s Red Hot beach volleyball wing contest results

I have recently come across the results for the four Frank’s Red Hot wing eating contests held in conjunction with beach volleyball contests held in the summer of 2005. Two of the winners were females, making them the only females I am aware of besides Sonya and Carlene to win a coed contest.

Amy Walter of Hillsborough, NJ won the Belmar, NJ contest. Her total of over 3 lbs is almost twice as much as any other winner, but the contest durations are not listed so it could have lasted longer. Kate Stelnick appears to have company among college age female Garden Staters who had one impressive debut in 2005 and have apparently done no eating competitions since that time.

Speedeat.com says Joe Menchetti appeared on ESPN2’s Cold Pizza to promote the Belmar contest, but it does not list the results or indicate if he competed in that contest on his web page.

The other female winner, Ann Steele, is from Arlington, VA, so Sonya is not the only Northern VA woman to have won a contest. Ms. Steele did an interview for a local newspaper after her victory.

Comments (10)


  1. 2FAT4U said

    July 21, 2006 @ 11:18 am

    This site is totally dead. I hate that. Can’t it be more active? Thank you by the way for keeping me updated in the eating world. Anyway, can’t you add more stuff that could make this site more exciting? I’m not whining, but giving you advice to liven up this site a bit more and bringing more visitors. It’s seriously, literally dead. All you have is news and polls, and some links. Woah. Like I couldn’t have done that myself. The layout is BOOORING. Add some color like Mega Munch has.
    I have been visiting this site since it was born, but never has it been this dead. This is ridiculously dreadful. I think I’m the only visitor here right now. It makes me depressed.T_T

  2. Mr. Wright said

    July 21, 2006 @ 12:34 pm

    2fat4u Listen up. You don’t own this site so stop complaining. Yes, you are whining so don’t go off telling me that you’re not. I happen to believe that this site is one of the best that I have ever seen. The layout is perfectly fine and this site is FUN not boring. You are just not mature enough to handle grown-up matters. How old are you? 9? I bet you still sleep in the same bad with your mother and she washes your butt for you. Shut up and leave us people alone. You have no dignity, no politeness, and no respect for others. All you think about is yourself. It’s easy to see just from a letter that you wrote. Go cry on your wannabe competitive eater whopper know, you idiotic deformed slut.

  3. Rhonda Evans said

    July 21, 2006 @ 3:12 pm

    I must totally disagree with you 2FAT4U. This outstanding site is 2Good4U so take your bitching and moaning elsewhere. OJ does a yeoman’s job with it. It is absolutely the most informative competitive eating Web site I have ever seen.

    Personally, 2FAT4U I think you are one of the immature, has been, IFOCE eaters who is NOT in the Top echelon anymore, doesn’t get enough attention anymore, and doesn’t know how to handle it. I really feel sorry for you, and I don’t even want to know who your real identity is, because I would be embarrased for you.

    Your trying to dis decent people or their works sure as hell will not elevate you. Misery might love company, but you’re in the wrong forum here. Please get some help or look in a mirror and wake up.

  4. 2FAT4U said

    July 21, 2006 @ 5:12 pm

    BLAH BLAH BLAH.You are weak. You know why? Because you have friends. You can’t stand up for yourself. 2 against 1? oh! Guess whos better. MOI! iiddiioott

  5. Kobayashi #1 said

    July 21, 2006 @ 5:19 pm

    I agree with you RHONDA EVANS.

  6. 2FAT4U said

    July 21, 2006 @ 5:45 pm


  7. Mr Wright said

    July 21, 2006 @ 6:04 pm

    Mr Wright how dare you steal my identity. The least you could have done is go under the name Mr Wright2 or son of Mr Wright. I am the orginal one and only Mr Wright. As far as a lecture for 2FAT4U i believe his breath stinks and his ass does smell when he gets up from the seat

  8. Mr. Wright said

    July 21, 2006 @ 6:37 pm

    Excuse me. I did not steal your identity. If you look closely there is a period after Mr. in my name, but there is none in your name whatsoever. Please don’t flatter yourself. I do not steal people’s identities. And those names you have suggested to me are oh so foul. I am the only Mr. Wright and the original one. Please do not steal my identity. I am being polite like a human being should be.

  9. Mr. Wright said

    July 22, 2006 @ 11:40 am


  10. POST OF THE WEEK said

    July 25, 2006 @ 1:27 am

    Mr. Wright said,
    July 21, 2006 @ 12:34 pm

    2fat4u Listen up. You don’t own this site so stop complaining. Yes, you are whining so don’t go off telling me that you’re not. I happen to believe that this site is one of the best that I have ever seen. The layout is perfectly fine and this site is FUN not boring. You are just not mature enough to handle grown-up matters. How old are you? 9? I bet you still sleep in the same bad with your mother and she washes your butt for you. Shut up and leave us people alone. You have no dignity, no politeness, and no respect for others. All you think about is yourself. It’s easy to see just from a letter that you wrote. Go cry on your wannabe competitive eater whopper know, you idiotic deformed slut.

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