2008 Chinook Winds ribs contest July 13

(from “Crawfish” comment) The ribs eating contest held at the Chinook Winds casino on the Oregon coast has been added to the IFOCE calendar for July 13.

Comments (15)


  1. nic "the incredible bulk" fry said

    June 10, 2008 @ 4:29 pm

    mmm ribs

  2. Cameron McKirdy said

    June 10, 2008 @ 7:12 pm

    I can’t wait! Bring on the pork!


  3. the vacuum said

    June 10, 2008 @ 10:31 pm

    this was my first event last year, and then I went over 19,000 miles !!!!!! Great food, great weekend !!

  4. Rhonda Evans said

    June 11, 2008 @ 9:06 am

    Didn’t the purse go down from last year? Also, what happened to the lucrative Shoo-Fly Pie contest from last year? Unless you’re Joey or Pat, I think that given the decreased number of contests and purse amounts, most people would do better financially as independents.

    Look at Joe. He has more earnings than anyone in the IFOCE except for Bertoletti. Granted, the most lucrative IFOCE-sponsored contests, the Nathan’s and Krystal Finals, have not yet occurred. But they favor primarily Joey and Pat (and Koby if he participates). I guess there is the IFOCE glamour by association.

    MLE: The Game … I don’t think that will add much more than cab-spending fare to the pockets of the eaters featured in it.

    Oh yeah … and the Spike TV contract … where’s that at anymore?

    Will Nathan’s even be televised this year? The focus will only be on the two Yardbarkers, and possibly Kobayashi, should he show. I actually don’t understand why many of the other eaters bother showing up. They’re just supporting the two or three at the center of the table.

    But, looking at the less-than-cordial exchanges here on this blog, of which I believe many are initiated by eaters themselves, I don’t see too much love and respect among the IFOCE eaters like I did in previous years, and I don’t foresee drastic improvement anytime soon. Additionally, there’s lots to be said for what’s NOT said.

  5. A. Nonymous said

    June 11, 2008 @ 10:48 am

    Wow – registration hasn’t even opened yet and the field is 33% filled.

  6. Locust said

    June 11, 2008 @ 1:28 pm

    Rhonda, I can’t speak for the others who show up for the Nathan’s final on July 4 even though they have little or no chance to win, but I think it is for many of the same reasons that I show up (now for the seventh consecutive year). Most of us have the same mentality when it comes to competing and if you have that competitive desire burning inside you it needs to be fulfilled. It certainly is not for the money or fame that we compete because there is hardly any of either. Each and every one of us is trying to improve and can obtain personal satisfaction by doing so even if we are getting beat by phenoms like Joey and Pat.

    I have lasted as long as I have on the circuit for one simple reason: I am still having fun! I have not made the sacrifices many others have made because I, like Sonya, want eating to be an enjoyable experience and don’t have the desire to train or practice. I’m sure it would have been a lot different if I were much younger, but at my age you have to use some common sense and try to find a proper balance in your life. With so much great young talent on the circuit now, I realize that it will be harder to keep up, but I’ll continue to compete as long as my health is not compromised (or I become an embarrassment to myself and others).

    On another subject, I don’t feel that all of these anonymous comments (most of which are negative) are coming from the core of eaters in the IFOCE or the AICE but from a small group of malcontents who get off on getting reactions from other people. If the victims of these attacks would just ignore these idiots, maybe they would go away as the attackers derive most of their pleasure from seeing how big a reaction they can get. Their negative comments (with no logic to back them up) aren’t worth responding to.

  7. Rhonda Evans said

    June 11, 2008 @ 2:58 pm

    Thanks Rich. You certainly make a lot of sense. It’s great to hear a top eater voice them, for if he or she doesn’t, then I can’t best judge if my comments are off-base (as they often are, I suspect), or on track. I am happy to see that I’m at least a bit off my rocker here. Eating should be fun, and competitors should be there for one another.

    I shouldn’t (but I sometimes do) allow myself to get drawn into the negativity that, unfortunately, pervades in this blog. You may well be right. The bulk of the inflammatory comments could be by a select few imbiciles who are not eaters, but make it look as if they are. That’s sad.

    Again, thanks for chiming in. And, by the way, you write very well and it’s pleasureful reading your comments!

  8. KevinRoss said

    June 11, 2008 @ 3:06 pm

    Nice post Rich. I don’t know why it is so hard for some people to understand people’s motivations. Most of us, from table enders like me to top eaters like yourself, are doing this for the fun of it and the thrill of competition and improving on our personal bests. Why does it have to be more complicated than that? Anyone that is trying to do this for fame and fortune is about as deluded as someone who hits the gym solely to score with chicks, not to get stronger or feel better about themselves. I’ve learned to bite my tongue when people talk smack about me, even though it is hard sometimes. The vast majority of people in the eating community are awesome. No reason to let a few negative people get to me. Anyway, talk to you later Rich and hope to somehow see you at Coney. I don’t care how much the camera is mainly focused on the top few people, I would love to have the experience of competing at the Nathan’s finals. I could check that off my life’s to do list.

  9. Sean Gordon said (Registered June 5, 2008)

    June 11, 2008 @ 8:15 pm

    Well put Rich. If you’re in this to make lots of money, you’re in the wrong place. I played a few sports growing up and was never very good at any of them. With CE, I’ve found something I’m better than the average person at and I enjoy being able to compete and continue to push to do better. Trying to balance work, family and life in general gets harder every day but as long as I manage to enjoy myself I’m pretty happy to be on stage, period. Everyone needs a hobby.

  10. Anonymous said

    June 11, 2008 @ 8:48 pm

    Uh … excuse please. I just broke Chinook wind thinking about the whole thing.

  11. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    June 11, 2008 @ 9:58 pm

    You are a class act. That post was awesome. Good luck at Coney Island.

  12. SuperPaul BoneBreaker BigMouth Barlow said

    June 12, 2008 @ 7:16 am

    Only one thing I disagree with, Rich. I will continue to compete even though I keep embarrassing myself! This is the greatest group of maniacs I’ve ever run into, and that’s what keeps me going. Eaters rule!!

  13. Locust said

    June 13, 2008 @ 2:35 pm

    Paul, you don’t embarrass yourself in any way and it’s a pleasure to know great guys like yourself. Thanks for the positive comments, Mike, Sean and Kevin. It’s nice to know that I am not alone in my thoughts and that you all have the spirit and zest for life that I do. Rhonda, your thoughts are intelligent and thought provoking and I usually think you are spot on with your comments.

  14. Rhonda Evans said

    June 13, 2008 @ 3:23 pm

    Thanks Rich. I can only imagine what kinds of thoughts they provoke. … 🙂

    Have a nice WE!

  15. Cameron McKirdy said

    June 14, 2008 @ 11:35 pm

    Hey Rich,

    Good luck at Coney. Also, thanks for taking a moment out of your day to snap a few pictures for my brother and I in Vegas! See you at ribs.


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