The requested updates have been made to the end of year polls and voting will start tonight tomorrow morning. update The polls have been added to the sidebar.
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WLOCE... word loser said
January 7, 2011 @ 11:54 pm
So funny. WLOCE, WORLD LOSER. 1 vote for World Loser Dale Boone. Boone, you are PATHETIC. You are your only follower. And you are NOT a World Champion. You got beaten too many times. If ANYONE deserved the term “World Champion”, it would be Joey, Pete, Koby, but DEFINITELY NOT YOU, Boone. You are such a loser. But, yes, WLOCE is like that. WLOCE states that Dale Boone is the World Champion, no matter how many times he loses.
Grow up, Boone, and stop posting anonymously about how “great” you are. You are NOTHING, not even a “has been”, because you never were great.
SUnlight said
January 8, 2011 @ 11:20 am
Madagaskaarrr..Winners dont fool anyone ..loosers have guilt ,to judge on others in false ways, pro eater always has envious ppl arnd and who evr you are or ur son is ,3 yrs old matured ? i can imagine how matured you are then…Barking dogs seldom bite…ssshhh silence is golden!!! ppl who have class dont speak like you ,they wait for te fruits tats wisdom. U R UNIVERSAL LOOSER !!!!:D HE HAWW Sucha Donkey you are …:D
Sunlight... said
January 9, 2011 @ 6:36 pm
You are the only moron here. Can’t even spell. It’s so obvious that the posts here stating “World Champion Dale Boone” are posted by you, Boone. You are such a loser. (“looser”? You can’t even spell) I can’t imagine how mature you are. What a loser you are, Boone, that you HAVE to keep stating “World Champion Dale Boone”, while you lose so often. The entire top 10 on IFOCE would beat you so easily. And then people outside it would beat you so easily. Boone: You are the LOSER (not “looser”, learn how to spell), the MORON, and the IDIOT.
anonymous said
January 9, 2011 @ 7:14 pm
Boone is getting the biggest laugh out of this. He knows how to spell. He is doing this just to fuck with you. Ive seen him text in email and other sites. His spelling is flawless
SUnlight said said
January 10, 2011 @ 2:35 am
SUnlight said said
January 10, 2011 @ 3:20 am
loose /lus/ Show Spelled
[loos] Show IPA
adjective, loos·er, loos·est, adverb, verb loosed, loos·ing.
1. free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.
2. free from anything that binds or restrains; unfettered: loose cats prowling around in alleyways at night.
3. uncombined, as a chemical element.
4. not bound together: to wear one’s hair loose.
5. not put up in a package or other container: loose mushrooms.
6. available for disposal; unused; unappropriated: loose funds.
7. lacking in reticence or power of restraint: a loose tongue.
8. lax, as the bowels.
9. lacking moral restraint or integrity; notorious for his loose character.
10. sexually promiscuous or immoral; unchaste.
11. not firm, taut, or rigid: a loose tooth; a loose rein.
12. relaxed or limber in nature: He runs with a loose, open stride.
13. not fitting closely or tightly: a loose sweater.
14. not close or compact in structure or arrangement; having spaces between the parts; open: a loose weave.
15. having few restraining factors between associated constituents and allowing ample freedom for independent action: a loose federation of city-states.
16. not cohering: loose sand.
17. not strict, exact, or precise: a loose interpretation of the law.
18. Sports .
a. having the players on a team positioned at fairly wide intervals, as in a football formation.
b. (of a ball, hockey puck, etc.) not in the possession of either team; out of player control.
19. in a loose manner; loosely (usually used in combination): loose-flowing.
–verb (used with object)
20. to let loose; free from bonds or restraint.
21. to release, as from constraint, obligation, or penalty.
22. Chiefly Nautical . to set free from fastening or attachment: to loose a boat from its moorings.
23. to unfasten, undo, or untie, as a bond, fetter, or knot.
24. to shoot; discharge; let fly: to loose missiles at the invaders.
25. to make less tight; slacken or relax.
26. to render less firmly fixed; lessen an attachment; loosen.
–verb (used without object)
27. to let go a hold.
28. to hoist anchor; get under way.
29. to shoot or let fly an arrow, bullet, etc. (often fol. by off ): to loose off at a flock of ducks.
30. Obsolete . to become loose; loosen.
31. break loose, to free oneself; escape: The convicts broke loose.
32. cast loose,
a. to loosen or unfasten, as a ship from a mooring.
b. to send forth; set adrift or free: He was cast loose at an early age to make his own way in the world.
33. cut loose,
a. to release from domination or control.
b. to become free, independent, etc.
c. to revel without restraint: After the rodeo they headed into town to cut loose.
34. hang / stayloose, Slang . to remain relaxed and unperturbed.
35. let loose,
a. to free or become free.
b. to yield; give way: The guardrail let loose and we very nearly plunged over the edge.
36. on the loose,
a. free; unconfined, as, esp., an escaped convict or circus animal.
b. behaving in an unrestrained or dissolute way: a bachelor on the loose.
37. turn loose, to release or free, as from confinement: The teacher turned the children loose after the class.
a nut said
January 10, 2011 @ 8:24 am
wow what nut this guy is . he actually copied and pasted 37 definintions of the word loser from various dictionaries on the internet?
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 11:10 am
Hey OJ you should do competitive eating rankings……..for ALL eaters no matter what org they’re in or non-pros. Whats everyone think of that??????
NReda said
January 10, 2011 @ 12:26 pm
That’s an interesting idea.. but people will naturally complain about whatever results OJ comes up with. I say go for it. It will be about as conclusive a CE-ranking list as you could get.
Maybe there could be separate rankings/categories for different classes of eaters. It would be a complicated project.
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 12:51 pm
If OJ wishes to do it, that is the first question to ask. However, rankings and polls are still opinions. They cannot replace the rankings which eating organizations themselves select. View the polls for this thread and the votes and comments. It seems like more of a popularity contest or an example of who might be rallying their friends to vote for them. I like the discussions beforehand about why this one or that one deserves such and such and the suggestions of people to add. That is all good information to share. Some posts, as seen in this thread, are just full of boring nonsense. (Stallion Italian)
stephanie_wu said (Registered August 17, 2010)
January 10, 2011 @ 1:25 pm
Indeed it would. How do you classify eaters who were formerly pro, but now compete independently? And who gets to decide on the rankings? Polls among all the readers here easily become popularity contests. How do you rank eaters from the three different pro organizations, since they rarely compete head-to-head?
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 1:50 pm
I think you just rank eater period. No matter what organization they’re in. No matter if they’re female or male, or just someone like moomsi that does challeges. OJ go for it I say. Maybe your opinion will give some enlightenment. I mean lets be honest OJ does follow the sport as much as anyone else out there. Im very curious how this would come out…….I say do a Top 100 but that may be too complicated… 50 would be excellent. I also would be intrigued to see how many MLE eaters dpont make this list……I know of many little guys out there would love to see their name on that list.
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 1:51 pm
OJ should be the one decided……..OJ’s site OJ’s rankings…..that simple.
NReda said
January 10, 2011 @ 2:10 pm
OJ would need to make himself/herself the authority over this site’s rankings and whatever metric used to determine results. There’s not much point in democratizing the system because we WOULD end up with popularity rankings.. and there’s not much value in that.
Since eaters sometimes don’t compete head-to-head (different organizations or independently) it’s tough to develop a universal ranking system that satisfies all parties. Throw in restaurant challenges and you have the makings of a huge mess – that’s why I suggest different categories. We could have speed eaters vs challenge eaters maybe.
There could be some form of point system for participation. You get awarded more points for your final placement, or success/failure. Obviously this is controversial. How do you determine which events get more points?
And where do you draw the line regarding what qualifies as a “CE event”? Will certain eaters want their YouTube stunts included? Should documented buffet visits also be up for consideration? What about spicy challenges?
Trying to rank the entire CE universe is an incredibly ambitious and controversial project. I’m sure of just one thing though: no one will be happy with the results, except for the name at the top of the list.
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 2:58 pm
well I think that it should just come down to oj’s opinion….and if you havebnt noticed NREDA there is 6 degrees of seperation in CE as in life. You can find a IFOCE member going against an AICE member or independent. In many contest and go from there. Sure challenger eaters may be hard to judge against heaad to head eaters. Yhere may need to be two categories……head to head competition and challenge. No more…..I’d like to see a list comprised of all eaters IFOCE AICE WLOCE IND……but only by OJ. So its not a popularity contest. I do not think it would be bias. Hey OJ wat do you think????????
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 3:06 pm
That’s a lot of meaningless work. I guess it’s okay for someone with oodles of time on their hands, so maybe it’s right up OJ’s alley, as meaningless as it is.
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
January 10, 2011 @ 3:08 pm
I will set up a unified poll soon on (and probably limit it to contest winners or people who have won $500 or more in 2010 to keep the size manageable). I could also set up a group of voters for an “official” eatfeats poll if people are interested in starting one.
13579 said
January 10, 2011 @ 3:15 pm
stephanie_wu said (Registered August 17, 2010)
January 10, 2011 @ 3:19 pm
I like how pro sports organizations often restrict votes to the head coaches and select writer, or sometimes on vote per team. Maybe OJ should allow only eaters to vote, and the eater has to have won a contest or challenge in 2010 or be in the top 50 for their pro organization.
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 3:28 pm
This will be totally bogus.Expect to see Sonya, Juliet, and the great Dale Boone not even in the top dozen.They are all hated so much and it is not fair.
Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)
January 10, 2011 @ 5:11 pm
This may seem trival, but since you are going to limit to those who made $500 in 2010 then you need to change what I made in sweet corn. 3rd place was $500 and you have it listed as $250. It never really mattered until now
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 5:47 pm
I think its a great idea….VERY VERY INTERESTING
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 5:51 pm
OG i went to that link that you just osted earlier today…I think that only reistered voters should be able to vote if thats what u do. Or else youll have the wrecking ball at 1st……and thats not accurate at all . No offense. I also think you should do you own rankings….would be very unbias.
Anonymous said
January 10, 2011 @ 6:14 pm
Wu Hoo!
? said
January 10, 2011 @ 6:18 pm
yes, OJ should have the final decision
beautifulbrian said
January 10, 2011 @ 7:46 pm
If you are going to do end of year polls please dont count the PB contest . That is not an indication of how good an eater i am or for that matter anyone else that competed in that event. You can ask each and every contestant that competed and im sure they will tell you the same thing. The real Elvis Presley would never accept untoasted bread. It was like eating raw meat or chicken placed between 2 pieces of two day old white bread. PB & Jelly is totally different. They made a mockery of his favorite dish basically to save time. If any of you remember the grilled cheese contests with golden palace , the bread couldnt have been toasted for more than 5 seconds.
Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)
January 10, 2011 @ 10:24 pm
Of all the arguments on this site the one over the online rankings poll is my favorite. First of all, it was a poll of competitive eating fans not a hall of fame ballot by people in the eating community. Secondly, Is Joey Chestnut a better eater than me? Of course, and if Joey wanted to win the online ballot he could have easily done it with just a single Facebook message or tweet. He made $200,000 last year compared to my $500, won his sixth consecutive yellow mustard belt to my 3rd place in sweet corn trophy and I could go on and on but i won’t. The point is Joey dosen’t care if he was the number one eater on eatfeats online poll or not. Thirdly, what does the “winner” or eater ranked number 1 get out of it? Nothing, other than a fun fact to bring up when out drinking with friends. Lastly, I went out of my way to bring people to this site to vote for the rankings instead of just hearing what the same 50 or so same opinions that we read everyday. I know who the people who are posting everyday think the best eaters are but don’t we want to expand CE beyond just the same people and reach out to a broader group of people? I thought by getting new people to the site I was helping grow CE and I didn’t want to upset so many of you by having people vote in a public online poll. So I apoligize, do another ranking system and lets hear what we already know (the opinions of the people who are posting everyday)/
Cutter said (Registered November 9, 2010)
January 11, 2011 @ 3:06 am
Brian, don’t worry. PB and B is a not my idea of a good contest food either. No matter what the condition of the bread and innerds.
However food conditions should be the same for all contestants. Your observations about the food might explain the rather wide distribution among many top eaters in this contest. Not to mention the day to day variance of any particular eaters ability to consume.
Larell Marie Mele said
January 11, 2011 @ 4:38 am
Thank you Wrecking Ball 🙂