Joey Chestnut wins Buffalo Buffet Bowl

update Sept 2 The Buffalo News has an article about the amateur contest.

update The Wingfest facebook has a gallery

Made in Buffalo reports Joey Chestnut won the Buffet Bowl contest. The Wingfest twitter has the rest of the top 3
1) Joey Chestnut
2) Sonya Thomas
3) Juliet Lee

Brian Subich lists Joey Chestnut, Badlands Booker and himself as expected competitors. Larell Marie Mele will also compete. Bob Shoudt will not be present.

The Buffalo News has an article about the induction of Sonya Thomas, Badlands Booker and George Shea into the Buffalo Wing Hall of Fame yesterday.

Matt Bonano won the amateur contest with a total of 2.1 pounds in 10 minutes.

Comments (45)


  1. Anonymous said

    September 1, 2012 @ 7:23 pm

    Dang. I was really rooting for Sonya. Joey wins again. He is hard to beat but not impossible to beat. Sonya will be the first to congratulate him. She is terrific in that way along with her eating talents.

  2. beautifulbrian said

    September 1, 2012 @ 7:53 pm

    For what its worth i woke up late and headed out to Buffalo at 10:30 am not realizing that it is a 7hr trip from my house. For some strange stupid reason i thought it was a 4 1l2 to 5hr hike out there . When i read my GPS estimated arrival at 5:26 without taking into consideration traffic i knew i was screwed. 2hrs into the trip i got hit with tons of traffic headed to PA. EST arrival pushed up to 6:40. I made a U and headed home. I know it sounds stupid but some of what i did made sense. I saved money on hotel. I would not have competed cause i would have been late. Last and more importantly , i would not have gotten any contest footage. I am totally pissed want to kick myself in the ass as well. I will attempt to get out to Buffalo tommorow leaving at 6am which will give me plenty of leeway. Big difference being a few minutes late local but a trying to cut to the quick on a 7hr trip is tension and aggravation i dont need. Sorry guys i am just as pissed as you are . Make it up to you tommorow. Hope everyone put up good numbers today.

  3. DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)

    September 1, 2012 @ 8:58 pm

    You get a interview with Joey and ask him what he thinks about hoffmanns hotdogs?

  4. Jeremy said

    September 1, 2012 @ 8:58 pm

    the live stream was pretty cool!

  5. Anonymous said

    September 1, 2012 @ 9:37 pm

    Sounds like a heck of a nice time in Buffalo. Sorry about your mixup Brian. It could happen to anybody. Be safe traveling tomorrow, and have a great time!

  6. Anonymous said

    September 1, 2012 @ 10:40 pm

    Sonya’s a credit to herself and others. I think that’s because she learned to face the realization that a lot of eaters are much better than she is. Therefore, she is now quick to give credit to the masses who finish ahead of her, consistently.

  7. key components said

    September 2, 2012 @ 12:07 am

    Without Maria Edible or the LA Beast competing, there is no reason to pay admission. Those two are the class clowns of the organization and bring in the fans

  8. Anonymous said

    September 2, 2012 @ 10:04 am

    The masses finish ahead of Sonya? A lot of eaters are better than she? Well she certainly has more competition but really 10:40 pm, you have veered way off target.

  9. Big Sexy said (Registered May 8, 2009)

    September 2, 2012 @ 1:02 pm

    Since the rest of the results weren’t posted, I’ll just assume they didn’t bother to weigh them… A big ‘thanks for spending your own money and better luck next year is in order.” I’m interested to see if they can manage to accurately weigh chicken wings correctly without any problems.

  10. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    September 2, 2012 @ 2:53 pm

    Bryan, we all took our trays up to get weighed. Am assuming once WildBill gets back home he’ll get results in. I got 8th with 3.06lbs when Juliet finished. My original tray was 5lbs, 4oz

  11. beautifulbrian said

    September 2, 2012 @ 3:24 pm

    Bryan all the trays should be weighed. We spent our hard earned money to come out to Buffalo

  12. anonymous said

    September 2, 2012 @ 5:22 pm

    Just jump ship already Big Sexy. Enough of the games.

  13. Big Sexy said (Registered May 8, 2009)

    September 2, 2012 @ 7:16 pm

    BB I agree… I’ve been over it since Hooters in OKC. No need to even mention Wingstop. I’ve always tried to give the benefit of the doubt but it’s hard… Eating isn’t fun anymore.

  14. Anonymous said

    September 2, 2012 @ 7:29 pm

    BigSexy you seem to have personal issues.

  15. Big Sexy said (Registered May 8, 2009)

    September 2, 2012 @ 7:54 pm

    My personal life is my personal life. I’m talking eating right now.

  16. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    September 2, 2012 @ 10:02 pm

    Bryan ALWAYS ignore the haters….they’re NEVER worth it xoxo

  17. beautifulbrian said

    September 3, 2012 @ 3:28 am

    I rarely ever complain about the weighing process from a personal standpoint but i was well into my 3rd tray and got credited for 1.95. Nah i dont think so. Now im starting to realize why many of the top eaters have taken a pass on Buffalo. This is no way a knock on Drew Cerza or George. They make the show happen but those scales are suspect

  18. Anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 8:41 am

    It sounds to me like the whole event has so many parts to it and the part that they do not pay attention to is already a problem, the weighing of wings. This is true for ribs also and anything else which goes by weight or pieces. It is always a judgment call but really, for people to travel so far and spend so much time and then have competitive eating not be fun anymore (Big Sexy), well something should be done.

    I think in most cases the events and the publicity and the money all goes mostly to the sponsors, only top winners, the eaters are kind of almost the last in line. There is not a lot that can be done about this because every contest is different and has its problems. Even if eaters join together in some way, there is no union, almost no one makes any money etc. So in the end I think each person has to decide what they get from competitive eating and do what makes the most sense and is most enjoyable for them. You are not going to make money unless you are a Joey and a few others.

  19. Anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 9:58 am

    It’s all a crap shoot. Who is to say that Bryan, Brian, or Brian Subich did not make up the top three and that the three they say did didn’t finish much farther down? I think most people can eat just as much as Chestnut, Thomas and Lee. I hope they get it right and next year. When I see someone other than Chestnut or Thomas win, then and only then will I know that they got the weighing right. Same goes for the July 4th thing. Seiken, Beard, LML, and several others could probably win some of these contests if the weighing was more legitimate. Come on people.

  20. Wild Bill said (Registered September 19, 2006)

    September 3, 2012 @ 12:13 pm

    The trays were weighed accurately in Buffalo. Several eaters besides myself witnessed the weighing process. The results were entered in the database yesterday.

    The only addition I have are the approximate times when the first three finished. Joey finshed in approximately 5 minutes, 35 seconds. Sonya finished at around 6 minutes, 44 seconds. Juliet finished (and ended the contest ) at around 8 minutes, 40 seconds.

    2012 Sep 1 1st 5 ? Joey “Jaws” Chestnut Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 2nd 5 ? Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 3rd 5 ? “The Lovely” Juliet Lee Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 4th 3.98 ? Eric “Badlands” Booker Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 5th 3.96 ? Benjamin “The Wolf” Taylor Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 6th 3.44 ? “Big” Brian Subich Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 7th 3.11 ? “Buffalo” Jim Reeves Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 8th 3.06 ? Larell Marie “The Real Deal” Mele Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 9th 2.94 ? Yasir Salem Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 10th 2.17 ? William “Wild Bill” Myers Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY
    2012 Sep 1 11th 2.07 ? Mike Landrich Buffalo Buffet Bowl Buffalo, NY

  21. Anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 12:30 pm

    The Master of keeping statistics writes and for me, that is the final word. He makes no claims he cannot back up, is meticulous about everything, and he should be fully appreciated. No, I do not think that lots of people could beat Joey if the weighing were “more accurate” and absolutely no, anyone who thinks Nathans is not counted properly (with a few missteps) is really misinformed or dreaming. WILD BILL ROCKS.

  22. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    September 3, 2012 @ 12:31 pm

    Thx Bill – appreciate u doing that 🙂

  23. Wild Bill said (Registered September 19, 2006)

    September 3, 2012 @ 12:45 pm

    Larell – the reason your tray (and everyone else’s) was 5 pounds, 4 ounces was because the aluminum hotel pan weighs 4 ounces, and we weighed the whole thing on my scale before we started eating. The event scale used to weigh the trays at the start and the end had a tare function, and the hotel pan weight was taken off when they were filled and when they were weighed at the end.

  24. Anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 12:51 pm

    Well I guess thats it then Wild Bill has spoken. Its a conspiracy and he is in on it!

  25. source said

    September 3, 2012 @ 1:27 pm

    check out BB com video of the remains of the trays. You get a general idea of who really cleaned their wings. Tapes dont lie

  26. Anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 1:42 pm

    I trust WILD BILL completely. Tapes do not lie?, conspiracies?, please give us all a break. Sometimes people on here just like to make wild speculations and be………well……I guess it is a democracy. Exercise your right to free speech and to be less than smart or whine or whatever. Look at the time Wild Bill has taken to explain things to LarellM. MLE is really lucky to have a Wild Bill and so are all of the eaters in MLE.

  27. Anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 1:43 pm

    Weight is weight, cleaning does not matter if things are weighed. BB tapes show whatever he wants them to show, it is selective.

  28. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    September 3, 2012 @ 1:47 pm

    Thx Bill, makes sense 🙂

  29. anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 2:15 pm

    958 AM as whacky his comment might come across as, makes a whole lot of sense. The names mentioned can win contests if the Sheas want them to win. They promote Sonya Thomas Chestnut Shoudt and a few others . The Sheas can create a champion eater in you even if you are not championship material.Plates are accounted for when they shouldnt be accounted for and that goes for special people. Like Houdini they can credit with with totals you should not be credited for. Sonya is the only exception. If you check out her remains in wings or any contest for that matter, she clearly beats everyone.

  30. 2+ 2 Still is 4! said

    September 3, 2012 @ 2:19 pm

    Hey source, weight is weight! Did you flunk math?

  31. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 3, 2012 @ 7:45 pm

    Here’s the deal you folks seem to miss. There was no debris. Everything in the tray had to be eaten. No bones, nothing. George made eaters pick up debris near their tray and eat it. Then he checked the floor near them. How do you get credited with anything extra when your tray is empty or its not?

  32. beaurifulbrian said

    September 3, 2012 @ 9:10 pm

    Mike I am not discrediting anything you say. You’re a straight up guy that doesn’t look for loopholes to beat the system. All I’m.sayin is that when eaters put up what they consider satisfactory numbers on their part , they are the first to defend the scale. If the shoe is on the other foot they are the first ones to either claim foul or go into hiding

  33. Anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 9:53 pm

    Mike Landrich, in the past there have been several kinds of problems with debris food contest: debris, math mistakes, electronic scales that measured in increments of 1/5 of a pound, improperly weighed trays before the contest began, and impatient judges who wouldn’t wait for the scale to settle into the proper weight.

  34. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 3, 2012 @ 10:20 pm

    Considering both those answers, that was the issue this time. These were the fairest, best judged contests you could ask for.

  35. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 3, 2012 @ 10:21 pm

    I need to learn to type. That was NOT the issue this time

  36. anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 10:31 pm

    Same shit, same contest. We hear this crap every year at the wing festival. After all the bs you eaters put up with year after year, you would figure that someone would step up and bring this to the Sheas and try to figure out a foolproof system that would keep everyone happy. Maybe Wild Bill should run the show since he is trustworthy and has knowledge of what needs to be done.

  37. Anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 10:43 pm

    Mike, just keep writing because some people complain no matter what. Shoe on the other foot? If the poo fits, wear it.

  38. anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 11:29 pm

    Where was Big Sexy? Wing Kong? Erik Red? Janus ? A train? Legs? Shoudt? Gravy> Davekos? No shows and why? Because those eaters and others got screwed in the weigh process at some point competing over the years

  39. anonymous said

    September 4, 2012 @ 12:12 am

    I wonder if Badlands was flown out to Buffalo for his hall of fame induction. We all know Sonya gets flown out every year

  40. I know i know said

    September 4, 2012 @ 12:29 am

    If the shrudder and his cuz US mule were competing Joey and Sonya would not stand a chance

  41. anonymous said

    September 4, 2012 @ 12:31 am

    Why wasnt Coondog Moses Lermanand Joe Larue inducted in the hall of fame?

  42. Anonymous said

    September 4, 2012 @ 4:43 am

    Why weren’t all participants inducted into the Hall of Fame. It’s favoritism to only induct a select few.

  43. anonymous said

    September 4, 2012 @ 8:55 am

    Sonya & Joey show every year. Like competing in Kobi one sided contests. Who makes the dough? Sonya & Joey. Stay home and make your own wings

  44. Badlands Booker said (Registered October 9, 2008)

    September 4, 2012 @ 11:45 pm

    Anon 12:12 I actually Drove from NYC and Back this year and flew and drove on my own dime every other year. I love Buffalo and its worth every penny to get there for wingfest!

  45. anonymous said

    September 4, 2012 @ 11:51 pm

    That makes Booker & Seiken the only two that drove to Buffalo from NYC only Seiken was dumb enough to drive 7hrs to Buffalo and then drive right back home after the contest. Booker has more brains than Seiken to stay over a night or two and hes not as cheap as Seiken either

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